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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 24 January 2018

            Suspect in killing of ex-Olympic chiropractor was patient

            EAST    PROVIDENCE,     R.I.  Lake City Olympic Games,
            (AP)  —  A  chiropractor  according to online biogra-
            who  worked  at  two  Olym-  phies  and  an  interview  he
            pic  games  was  brutally  did  with  WJAR-TV  in  2016,
            stabbed  to  death  by  a  shortly before the Rio Olym-
            former  all-state  athlete,  pics.  He  also  worked  for
            whose  complaint  about  teams including the United
            the  chiropractor's  profes-  States  surfing,  windsurfing
            sional conduct caused him  and  biathalon  teams,  as
            to  voluntarily  surrender  his  well  as  for  the  X-Games,
            license  to  practice  a  few  according  to  the  Chiro-
            months ago, police said on  practic  Society  of  Rhode
            Tuesday.                     Island  .  He  practiced  for
            Owen Morris, 21, of Warren,  over  30  years,  and  owned
            appeared  in  district  court  the Barrington Chiropractic
            Tuesday  on  a  first-degree  and Sports Medicine Clinic
            murder  charge  in  the  kill-  in Barrington.
            ing  of  Clive  Bridgham,  67.  A  few  months  before  the
            East Providence Police dis-  Rio  games,  in  the  spring
            covered  Bridgham's  body  of  2016,  Bridgham  began
            on the floor of his home on  treating a 19-year-old man,
            Jan.  11,  after  they  said  his  according  to  an  agree-
            long-term  girlfriend  called  ment  Bridgham  entered    Owen Morris appears in district court in Providence, R.I., on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018, to face a first-
            from out of state asking for  into with the Department of   degree murder charge. He is charged in the slaying of Clive Bridgham, who was found dead in his
            them to check on him.        Health when he voluntarily   East Providence home, the police announced in a statement Monday night.
            Morris did not enter a plea  surrendered his license. The                                                (Steve Szydlowski/Providence Journal /AP)
            and was ordered held with-   surrender  was  approved
            out  bail.  His  lawyer,  Jason  Nov.  1,  2017.  According   Department of Health said  contact with a patient. He  Providence prep school the
            Knight,  did  not  comment  to  the  license  surrender   such records are confiden-   was ordered to take reme-    Wheeler  School,  where  he
            on  the  charges  after  the  agreement,  Bridgham  al-   tial, but the police chief on  dial courses on maintaining  played  lacrosse  and  com-
            hearing and did not return  legedly  "violated  the  pro-  Tuesday  confirmed  that  professional  boundaries.  A  peted on the cross-country
            messages  seeking  com-      fessional   boundaries   of   Morris was the patient who  Health Department spokes-    team. He went on to study
            ment. Police said they had  the chiropractic physician-   made the complaint. In ad-   man said he was taken off  at  the  University  of  Rhode
            determined  a  motive  but  patient  relationship."  The   dition,  in  2003,  Bridgham's  probation after he met the  Island  and  founded  the
            would not publicly discuss it  document does not speci-   license  was  put  on  pro-  stipulations  of  the  2003  or-  company  Lacrosse  Shoot,
            during a news conference  fy what boundaries he vio-      bation  for  three  years  af-  der. Morris grew up in War-  which makes lacrosse sticks
            Tuesday  afternoon.  Chief  lated. A spokesman for the    ter  he  engaged  in  sexual  ren and attended the tony  out of bamboo.q
            Christopher  Parella  said
            they  had  determined  the   CEO: company working to stop 'Tide pod challenge'
            crime  was  premeditated
            due  to  "the  totality  of  the   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Procter  arrest and even death.  than clicks, views and likes,"  month telling viewers not to
            circumstances,"  although    &  Gamble  says  it's  work-  CEO  David  Taylor  called  Taylor said.                 ingest the pods.
            he  would  not  detail  why   ing  to  stop  the  "Tide  Pod  the trend "dangerous" and  In  the  first  15  days  of  the  "What the heck is going on
            they believed that.          challenge,"  a  social  me-  "extremely  concerning"  in  year,  poison  control  cen-  people?" he said in the vid-
            The  killing  "was  particularly   dia-fueled  trend  in  which  an online post Monday. He  ters  said  that  they  have  eo. "Use Tide Pods for wash-
            brutal, I would say," Parella   teenagers  eat  single-load  said the company is work-  handled 39 cases of inten-  ing, not eating."
            said, adding that the victim   laundry detergent packets.  ing with social media com-  tional misuse among 13 to  A  New  York  City  pizzeria
            had  multiple  stab  and  cut   The  American  Association  panies to remove videos of  19 year olds. Poison control  even launched "Pied Pods"
            wounds.  "This  was,  without   of  Poison  Control  Centers  people  biting  into  the  de-  centers  handled  53  such  because of the trend, offer-
            question,  a  directed  at-  warned  last  week  that  it  tergent,  and  asked  adults  cases for all of last year.  ing rolls stuffed with cheese
            tack."                       had  seen  a  spike  in  teen-  to  speak  with  children  To  deter  teenagers,  P&G  and     pepperoni     and
            Bridgham  was  a  sports     agers eating the detergent  about the hazards.            released  a  20-seond  vid-  topped  with  dyed  cheese
            medicine  specialist  and    pods,  which  it  says  can  "Let  them  know  that  their  eo  of  football  player  Rob  made to look like a deter-
            worked at the Rio and Salt
                                         cause  seizures,  respiratory  life and health matter more  Gronkowski   earlier   this  gent pod. q
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