P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 24 January 2018
            Undersea quake sends Alaskans fleeing from feared tsunami

            ANCHORAGE,  Alaska  (AP)                                                               Alert.   Tsunami   danger  good  resemblance  to  the
            —  A  powerful  undersea                                                               on  the  coast.  Go  to  high  big one. That's what scared
            earthquake  sent  Alaskans                                                             ground or move inland. Lis-  us."
            fumbling  for  suitcases  and                                                          ten to local news."          Tuesday's  quake  was  re-
            racing to evacuation cen-                                                              There  were  no  reports  of  corded at 12:32 a.m. in the
            ters  in  the  middle  of  the                                                         damage, not even on Ko-      Pacific  Ocean  about  170
            night after a cellphone alert                                                          diak Island, the closest land  miles  southeast  of  Kodiak,
            warned  a  tsunami  could                                                              to the epicenter. Only after  home to one of the nation's
            hit  communities  along  the                                                           the  all-clear  was  sounded  largest Coast Guard bases.
            state's  southern  coast  and                                                          did a little levity emerge. In  It  prompted  the  warning
            parts of British Columbia.                                                             Kodiak, a customer posted  across  thousands  of  miles
            The  monster  waves  never                                                             on  the  Facebook  page  of  of  Alaska's  southern  coast,
            materialized,  but  people                                                             King's  Diner:  "Hungry?  Tsu-  from Attu in the Aleutian Is-
            who  fled  endured  hours                                                              nami got you up early?"      lands  to  Canada's  border
            of tense waiting at shelters                                                           Eleanor  King  opened  the  with Washington state. Ko-
            before  they  were  cleared   People line the hallway at Sitka High School Tuesday, Jan. 23,   diner at the usual time of 6  diak is about 200 miles (321
            to return home.              2018, in Sitka, Alaska after tsunami sirens and cell phone mes-  a.m. By the time customers  kilometers)  south  of  An-
            "This  was  a  win  as  far  as   sages told residents to find higher ground after a 7.9 magnitude   started arriving, the excite-  chorage, the state's largest
            I  could  tell,"  said  Marjie   earthquake struck in the Gulf of Alaska.              ment had passed and peo-     city, which was not under a
                                                           (James Poulson/Daily Sitka Sentinel via AP)
            Veeder,  clerk  for  the  city                                                         ple  just  sat  around  quietly  tsunami threat.
            of Unalaska, which is home  in  the  Gulf  of  Alaska  trig-  refuge  at  schools  or  other  eating  their  meals,  speak-  Elsewhere  in  the  United
            to  the  international  fish-  gered the jarring alert that  shelters.                 ing little of the quake.     States,  Washington  state,
            ing  port  of  Dutch  Harbor  roused people shortly after  Even  for  Alaskans  accus-  The temblor reminded King  Oregon, California and Ha-
            in the Aleutian Islands. "We  midnight  Tuesday.  Fleeing  tomed  to  tsunami  threats  of  a  deadly  1964  quake  waii  were  under  tsunami
            got advance warning and  motorists  clogged  some  and  tsunami  drills,  the  that  generated  tsunamis  watches, which eventually
            were so thankful for that."  highways  in  their  rush  to  phone message was alarm-   that killed 129 people and  were  lifted.  Officials  in  Ja-
            The  magnitude  7.9  quake  higher  ground.  Many  took  ing.  It  read:  "Emergency  wreaked  widespread  dev-     pan  say  there  was  no  tsu-
                                                                                                   astation  —  events  that  re-  nami threat there.
                                                                                                   main vivid in the memories  The state has an active tsu-
                                                                                                   of many Alaskans.            nami-readiness   program,
                                                                                                   "It  started  out  just  like  the  and  many  communities
                                                                                                   big  one,"  she  said.  "It  was  have  sirens  and  evacua-
                                                                                                   very  slow  and  rolling,  a  tion plans.q

                                                                                                   Sheriff: Remains of missing

                                                                                                   gas rig workers recovered

                                                                                                   OKLAHOMA  CITY  (AP)  —  of  McAlester,  Parker  Wal-
                                                                                                   The remains of five gas rig  dridge  of  Crescent  and
                                                                                                   workers missing since a fiery  Roger  Cunningham  from
                                                                                                   explosion  in  eastern  Okla-  Seminole  —  and  two  from
                                                                                                   homa  have  been  recov-     neighboring  states,  Josh
                                                                                                   ered, authorities said Tues-  Ray  of  Fort  Worth,  Texas;
                                                                                                   day.                         and  Cody  Risk  of  Welling-
                                                                                                   Pittsburg   County   Sheriff  ton, Colorado.
                                                                                                   Chris  Morris  said  once  the  Morris, whose office was re-
                                                                                                   natural  gas  drilling  rig  was  sponsible  for  notifying  the
                                                                                                   stabilized   following   the  families of the workers who
                                                                                                   blast and subsequent fires,  were killed, said it has been
                                                                                                   employees  from  the  state  a difficult two days for ev-
                                                                                                   medical  examiner's  office  eryone involved.
                                                                                                   went  into  the  wreckage  "I  think  you  can  imagine,
                                                                                                   and recovered the bodies  they're  not  doing  well,"
                                                                                                   in about two hours.          Morris  said.  "No  law  en-
                                                                                                   "The bodies were located in  forcement  officer  likes  to
                                                                                                   the area where they were  do  that.  The  family  not
                                                                                                   presumed  to  be  working  knowing and feeling emp-
                                                                                                   in, what they call the 'dog  ty about where their loved
                                                                                                   house,'"  Morris  said,  refer-  ones are, it's a tough situa-
                                                                                                   ring  to  a  room  on  the  rig  tion. " Three of the workers
                                                                                                   floor  that  generally  serves  were  employed  by  Hous-
                                                                                                   as an office for the drilling  ton-based   Patterson-UTI
                                                                                                   crew.                        Energy Inc. Company pres-
                                                                                                   He  said  state  and  federal  ident and CEO Andy Hen-
                                                                                                   investigators  will  work  with  dricks pledged a full inves-
                                                                                                   the companies involved to  tigation into the explosion.
                                                                                                   determine  how  the  blast  “We  want  to  learn  from
                                                                                                   occurred.                    this,”  Hendricks  said.  “We
                                                                                                   The  workers  who  were  don’t want this to happen
                                                                                                   killed  include  three  from  again  for  anybody  in  our
                                                                                                   Oklahoma  —  Matt  Smith  industry.” q
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