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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Tuesday 14 July 2020
            U.S. budget deficit hits all-time high of $864 billion in June

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER                                                                                                of  this  year  but  many  pri-
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 vate  forecasters  are  con-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            cerned  that  a  resurgence
            federal   government    in-                                                                                         of virus cases could make
            curred the biggest monthly                                                                                          consumers  too  fearful  to
            budget  deficit  in  history  in                                                                                    resume  spending,  which
            June  as  spending  on  pro-                                                                                        drives 70% of the economy.
            grams to combat the coro-                                                                                           Congress  which  has  al-
            navirus recession exploded                                                                                          ready   approved     more
            while  millions  of  job  losses                                                                                    than $3 trillion in a series of
            cut into tax revenues.                                                                                              rescue packages, is sched-
            The  Treasury  Department                                                                                           uled  to  debate  another
            reported  Monday  that  the                                                                                         support  effort  when  it  re-
            deficit  hit  $864  billion  last                                                                                   turns  from  recess  on  June
            month,  an  amount  of  red                                                                                         20.  Democrats  are  push-
            ink  that  surpasses  most                                                                                          ing for an extension of the
            annual  deficits  in  the  na-                                                                                      expanded  unemployment
            tion's  history  and  is  above                                                                                     benefits which will soon run
            the  previous  monthly  defi-                                                                                       out.q
            cit record of $738 billion in
            April. That amount was also
            tied  to  the  trillions  of  dol-
            lars Congress has provided
            to  cushion  the  impact  of   This Sept. 18, 2019, file photo shows the view of the U.S. Capitol building from the Washington
            the widespread shutdowns     Monument in Washington.                                               Associated Press
            that  occurred  in  an  effort
            to limit the spread of the vi-  nancial crisis.           actually  have  to  pay  out  until July 15 this year rather
            ral pandemic.                The  June  deficit  was  driv-  funds  until  the  banks  de-  than June.
            For the first nine months of  en  higher  by  spending  on  termine  whether  the  busi-  So  far  this  budget  year,
            this  budget  year,  which  various  government  relief  nesses  met  the  criteria  for  revenues total $2.26 trillion,
            began  Oct.  1,  the  deficit  programs such as an extra  having  the  loans  forgiven.  down 13.4% from the same
            totals  $2.74  trillion,  also  a  $600  per  week  in  expand-  Those requirements include  period  last  year,  while
            record for that period. That  ed unemployment benefits  spending  at  least  60%  of  spending  totals  $5  trillion,
            puts  the  country  well  on  and a Paycheck Protection  the loan amount on worker  up 49.1% from a year ago.
            the way to hitting the $3.7  Program that provided sup-   pay with the other 40% go-   The CBO estimate of a $3.7
            trillion deficit for the whole  port  to  businesses  to  keep  ing to overhead costs such  trillion  deficit  for  this  year
            year  that  has  been  fore-  workers on their payrolls.  as rent and utilities.       could  go  higher  depend-
            cast  by  the  Congressional  The report showed that the  Another  reason  for  the  ing  on  the  course  of  the
            Budget Office.               cost  of  the  Paycheck  Pro-  surge  in  the  June  deficit  economy.  The  country  fell
            That  total  would  surpass  tection  Program  in  June  was the government's deci-    into  a  deep  recession  in
            the previous annual record  was  $511  billion.  That  re-  sion to delay tax payments  February,  ending  a  record
            of  $1.4  trillion  set  in  2009  flected  a  charge  to  the  this  year  until  July  15.  That  long  expansion  of  nearly
            when the government was  government  for  all  the  decision  mean  that  quar-        11 years. The Trump admin-
            spending heavily to lift the  bank  loans  made  under  terly payments made by in-     istration  is  predicting  that
            country  out  of  the  reces-  the  program  even  though  dividual taxpayers and cor-  the  economy  will  come
            sion caused by the 2008 fi-  the  government  will  not  porations  will  not  be  due  roaring back in second half

              Analog Devices buys

              Maxim, creating

              $68 billion chipmaker

              NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Com-    for  each  share  of  Maxim
              puter  chip  maker  Analog  common  stock  they  hold
              Devices  is  buying  Maxim  at  the  transaction's  clos-
              Integrated  in  an  all-stock  ing, according to the an-
              deal  that  will  create  a  nouncement      Monday.
              company  worth  about  Analog  stockholders  will
              $68  billion,  and  strength-  own approximately 69% of   Clouds are reflected in the headquarters of Analog Devices,
              ens its position in the ana-  the  combined  company,   Inc., Monday, July 13, 2020, in Norwood, Mass.
              log semiconductor sector.   while  Maxim  stockholders                                         Associated Press
              The  $20  billion  acquisition  will own about 31%.     shareholders  from  both  then,  however.  Maxim  In-
              would  also  give  Analog  Two  Maxim  directors  will  companies  and  regula-     tegrated  Products,  Inc.,
              a more defined roll in the  join  Analog's  board  once  tors.  Maxim  was  hit  hard  based in San Jose, Califor-
              development  technology  the  deal  is  complete,  in-  by  the  economic  slow-    nia, makes chips for manu-
              for  5G  networks  and  self-  cluding  Maxim  President  down brought on the pan-  facturers,  energy  compa-
              piloted vehicles.           and CEO, Tunç Doluca.       demic  and  its  shares  had  nies and in healthcare. Its
              Maxim  stockholders  will  The  deal  is  expected  to  slid 30% between February  shares jumped more than
              receive  0.630  of  a  share  close  next  summer,  but  and  March.  Those  shares  15%  before  the  opening
              of Analog common stock  requires  the  approval  of  have  been  rising  since  bell Monday.q
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