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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 14 July 2020
            Judge blocks federal executions; administration appeals

            Continued from Front                                                                                                concerns, Bonowitz said his
                                                                                                                                group,  Death  Penalty  Ac-
            The  inmates  have  identi-                                                                                         tion,  wasn’t  encouraging
            fied  alternatives,  including                                                                                      others to show up. No more
            the use of an opioid or anti-                                                                                       than  a  few  dozen  protes-
            anxiety drug at the start of                                                                                        ters were expected to join
            the  procedure  or  a  diffe-                                                                                       him.
            rent  method  altogether,  a                                                                                        “It’s  symbolic,”  Bonowitz
            firing squad, Chutkan said.                                                                                         said  about  the  protests.
            The  Justice  Department                                                                                            “We  are  just  here  to  say
            appealed to the U.S. Court                                                                                          that this is wrong.”
            of Appeals for the District of                                                                                      In an interview with The As-
            Columbia Circuit.                                                                                                   sociated  Press  last  week,
            And  the  Bureau  of  Prisons                                                                                       Attorney  General  William
            continued  with  prepara-                                                                                           Barr  said  the  Justice  De-
            tions  in  order  to  move  for-                                                                                    partment has a duty to car-
            ward  should  the  stay  be                                                                                         ry out the sentences impo-
            lifted.  The  man  slated  for                                                                                      sed by the courts, including
            execution,  Daniel  Lewis                                                                                           the death penalty, and to
            Lee has had access to so-                                                                                           bring a sense of closure to
            cial visitors, has visited with                                                                                     the victims and those in the
            his spiritual adviser and has                                                                                       communities where the kil-
            been  allowed  to  receive                                                                                          lings happened.
            mail,  prison  officials  said.                                                                                     But  relatives  of  those  kil-
            He’s  been  under  constant                                                                                         led by Lee strongly oppose
            staff  supervision.  The  wit-                                                                                      that  idea.  They  wanted
            nesses  for  Lee  are  expec-  In  this  March  17,  2003  file  photo,  guard  towers  and  razor  wire  ring  the  compound  at  the  U.S.   to  be  present  to  counter
            ted to include three family   Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind., the site of the last federal execution.            any contention that it was
            members,  his  lawyers  and                                                                        Associated Press   being done on their behalf.
            spiritual adviser.                                                                                                  “For us it is a matter of being
            The new hold came a day  many  unanswered  questi-        day  appealed  to  the  Su-  tured  urgency  for  political  there and saying, `This is not
            after  a  federal  appeals  ons about the legality of its  preme Court.                gain.  The  developments  being  done  in  our  name;
            court  lifted  a  hold  on  the  new  execution  protocol,”  The  decision  to  move  for-  are also likely to add a new  we do not want this,’” said
            execution  of  Lee,  of  Yu-  said  Shawn  Nolan,  one  of  ward  with the execution --  front  to  the  national  con-  relative Monica Veillette.
            kon, Oklahoma, which was  the  attorneys  for  the  men  and  two  others  scheduled  versation  about  criminal  The relatives would be tra-
            scheduled  for  4  p.m.  EDT  facing federal execution.   later  in  the  week  --  during  justice  reform  in  the  lead-  veling  thousands  of  miles
            on  Monday  at  the  federal  The  Lee  execution  was  to  a global health pandemic  up to the 2020 elections.     and  witnessing  the  execu-
            prison  in  Terre  Haute,  Indi-  be  carried  out  after  a  fe-  that  has  killed  more  than  Anti-death  penalty  pro-  tion in a small room where
            ana.  He  was  convicted  in  deral  appeals  court    lifted  135,000  people  in  the  Uni-  testers  began  gathering  in  the  social  distancing  re-
            Arkansas of the 1996 killings  an  injunction    on  Sunday  ted States and is ravaging  Terre  Haute  on  Monday.  commended  to  prevent
            of gun dealer William Muel-  that had been put in place  prisons  nationwide,  drew  Organizer  Abraham  Bono-      the virus’ spread is virtually
            ler, his wife, Nancy, and her  last week after some mem-  scrutiny  from  civil  rights  witz  drove  a  van  through  impossible. An attorney for
            8-year-old daughter, Sarah  bers  of  the  victims’  family  groups as well as family of  the city with a sign embla-  the  family  members  who
            Powell.                      argued they would be put  Lee’s victims.                  zoned on the side of a trai-  have objected to the exe-
            “The government has been  at high risk for the corona-    Critics  argue  that  the  go-  ler that read, “”Stop execu-  cution  said  they  hadn’t
            trying to plow forward with  virus if they had to travel to  vernment is creating an un-  tions now!”               traveled  to  Indiana,  as  of
            these  executions  despite  attend. The family on Mon-    necessary  and  manufac-     Because  of  coronavirus  Monday morning. q
                                                                      California shuts bars, indoor dining

                                                                      and most gyms, churches

                                                                      wide  and  ordered  gyms,  tions  on  the  30  counties  Monday,  the  state's  two
                                                                      churches  and  hair  salons  now  with  rising  numbers,  largest school districts, San
                                                                      closed  in  most  places  as  including  the  most  popu-  Diego  and  Los  Angeles,
                                                                      coronavirus  cases  keep  lated  of  Los  Angeles  and  announced  their  students
                                                                      rising  in  the  nation's  most  San  Diego,  by  ordering  would start the school year
                                                                      populated state.            worship  services  to  stop  with  online  learning  only.
                                                                      On  July  1,  Newsom  or-   and  gyms,  hair  salons,  in-  LA  Unified  is  the  second-
                                                                      dered  19  counties  with  a  door  malls  and  offices  for  largest  public  school  dis-
                                                                      surging  number  of  con-   noncritical  industries  to  trict in the country.
                                                                      firmed  infections  to  close  shut down.               In  March,  California  was
              A  hostess  waits  to  sit  customers  on  a  restaurant  at  the  pier   bars and indoor operations  "The data suggests not ev-  the  first  state  to  issue  a
              Sunday,  July  12,  2020,  in  Santa  Monica,  Calif.,  amid  the   at  restaurants,  wineries,  erybody is practicing com-  mandatory,   statewide
              coronavirus pandemic.                                   zoos and family entertain-  mon sense," said Newsom,  stay-at-home order to slow
                                                     Associated Press  ment  centers  like  bowling  whose  order  takes  effect  the spread of the corona-
                                                                      alleys and miniature golf.   immediately.               virus. The order appeared
              By ADAM BEAM and KATH-      —  California  Gov.  Gavin  The  Democratic  governor  He  didn't  include  schools,  to work as cases stabilized
              LEEN RONAYNE                Newsom  on  Monday  ex-     extended that order state-  which  are  scheduled  to  in the ensuing weeks while
              Associated Press            tended the closure of bars  wide Monday. He also im-    resume  in  a  few  weeks  other states grappled with
              SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)  and  indoor  dining  state-  posed  additional  restric-  in  much  of  the  state.  But  huge increases.q
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