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Tuesday 14 July 2020
Kelly Preston, actor and wife of John Travolta, dies at 57
By JAKE COYLE and LYNN Both Preston and Travolta
ELBER returned to acting, with
Associated Press Writers Preston's first role back in
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Kelly the Nicholas Sparks ad-
Preston, who played dra- aptation, "The Last Song,"
matic and comic foil to which starred Miley Cyrus
actors ranging from Tom and her future husband,
Cruise in "Jerry Maguire" to Liam Hemsworth.
Arnold Schwarzenegger in In addition to Jett and Ella
"Twins," died Sunday, hus- Bleu, who was born in 2000,
band John Travolta said. the couple had son Benja-
She was 57. min in 2010. Ella wrote on
Travolta said in an Insta- Instagram Sunday: "I have
gram post that his wife of 28 never met anyone as cou-
years died after a two-year rageous, strong, beautiful
battle with breast cancer. and loving as you. Anyone
"It is with a very heavy heart who is lucky enough to
that I inform you that my have known you or to have
beautiful wife Kelly has lost ever been in your presence
her two-year battle with will agree that you have a
breast cancer," Travolta glow and a light that never
said. "She fought a coura- ceases to shine and that
geous fight with the love makes anyone around you
and support of so many." In this June 14, 2018, file photo, Kelly Preston and John Travolta attend the premiere of "Gotti" at feel instantly happy."
The couple had three chil- the SVA Theatre in New York. Associated Press The couple last starred
dren together. together in the 2018 film
"Shocked by this sad news," ciety. They meet on the the same sparkly eyed after an ambulance driver "Gotti," with Travolta play-
Maria Shriver said on Twit- dance floor after Travolta gem." and his attorney were ac- ing John Gotti and Preston
ter. "Kelly was such a bright asks, "Does anyone here Preston occasionally ap- cused of trying to extort $25 playing the crime boss's
loving soul, a talented ac- know how to dance." Pres- peared in films with her million from the actors in wife, Victoria.
tress, and a loving mom ton responds: "I know how husband, though the re- exchange for not releasing "Kelly's love and life will al-
and wife. My heart breaks to dance." sults were seldom among sensitive information about ways be remembered,"
for her family who have al- They were married in 1991 either's best work. Among their son's death. Travolta said on Instagram.
ready known such sadness at a midnight ceremony in them: the box-office bomb Travolta testified during a "I will be taking some time
and grief." Paris while expecting their "Battlefield Earth" in 2000 criminal trial that ended to be there for my children
Born Kelly Kamalelehua first son, Jett. and the 2009 Disney com- in a mistrial and was pre- who have lost their mother,
Smith on Oct. 13, 1962, Preston starred opposite edy "Old Dogs," also with pared to testify a second so forgive me in advance if
in Honolulu, Hawaii, Pres- Kevin Costner in the 1999 their daughter, Ella Bleu. time, but decided to stop you don't hear from us for
ton had a lengthy act- film "For the Love of the In January 2009, Jett Travol- pursuing the case and it a while. But please know
ing career in movies and Game." In 2003, she starred ta, 16, died after a seizure at was dismissed. He cited the that I will feel your outpour-
television beginning in the in "What a Girl Wants" and the family's vacation home severe strain the proceed- ing of love in the weeks
1980s, including the 1985 as the mom in the live-ac- in the Bahamas. The death ings and his son's death and months ahead as we
teen comedy "Mischief," tion adaptation of "The Cat touched off a court case had caused the family. heal."q
1986's "Space Camp" and in the Hat." The following
her breakthrough, 1988's year she appeared in the Body found in search of lake for ‘Glee’
"Twins." Preston played music video for Maroon 5's
Marnie, the woman who "She Will Be Loved." star Naya Rivera
marries Schwarzenegger's Preston gave one of her
character. most well-received perfor- authorities said. The body drive from Los Angeles
Preston was first married to mances in "Jerry Maguire" was discovered five days was searched by dozens
actor Kevin Gage. They di- as the ex-fiancée of Cruise's after the 33-year-old Rivera of divers working in waters
vorced in 1987. sports agent who dumps disappeared on Lake Piru, with little visibility, with help
The year after, Preston met him early in the movie. The where her son was found above from helicopters,
Travolta while shooting the Daily News called her "icily July 8 alone a few hours lat- drones and all-terrain ve-
1989 film "The Experts," a effective." er on a boat the two had hicles. Rivera played sing-
box-office flop about a So- On Monday, Russell Crowe rented, the Ventura Coun- ing cheerleader Santana
viet KGB agent who hires recalled knowing Preston in ty Sheriff's Office said. Lopez for six seasons on
hip New Yorkers to update the '90s. He said he hadn't Authorities would not im- the Fox musical-comedy
the spy program's under- seen her much since, "but mediately say if the person "Glee." If she is declared
standing of American so- when I did, she was always
found was Rivera, but said dead, she will become the
Naya Rivera, a cast member the day after she disap- third major cast member
in the television series "Glee," peared that they believed from the show to die in their
poses at a screening and Q&A she drowned in the lake 30s. Cory Monteith, one of
for the show, at the Academy northwest of Los Angeles. the show's leads, died at 31
of Television Arts and Sciences A 2 p.m. press conference in 2013 from a toxic mix of
in Los Angeles on May 1, 2012.
Associated Press was scheduled. alcohol and heroin.
Search crews found the And co-star Mark Salling,
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A body floating in the north- who Rivera dated at one
body was found Monday east area of the lake and point, killed himself in 2018
at a Southern California the county medical exam- at age 35 after pleading
lake during the search for iner was notified, authori- guilty to child pornography
"Glee" star Naya Rivera, ties said. The lake an hour's charges. q