Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200811
P. 28

                   Tuesday 11 augusT 2020
            Unprecedented open criticism of king aired at Thai protest

            By JERRY HARMER and                                                                                                 Among them were separa-
            TASSANEE VEJPONGSA                                                                                                  tion  of  the  king's  personal
            Associated Press                                                                                                    wealth  from  the  royal  pal-
            PATHUM  THANI,  Thailand                                                                                            ace's  vast  fortune  held  by
            (AP)  —  Student  leaders  in                                                                                       the  Crown  Property  Bu-
            Thailand  delivered  an  un-                                                                                        reau;  forbidding  the  mon-
            precedented challenge to                                                                                            archy from playing any role
            the  country's  constitutional                                                                                      in politics or endorsing any
            monarchy     on   Monday,                                                                                           military  coups;  abolishing
            strongly  criticizing  the  king                                                                                    the  excessive  glorification
            and  demanding  changes                                                                                             of  the  monarchy;  and  in-
            to lessen what they believe                                                                                         vestigating  the  deaths  of
            is  its  anti-democratic  na-                                                                                       critics of the monarchy.
            ture.                                                                                                               How  much  support  the
            The monarchy is the coun-                                                                                           students  may  get  from
            try's most revered institution                                                                                      the  public  at  large,  tired
            and  regarded  as  beyond                                                                                           of  sharp  and  sometimes
            censure.  It  is  protected  by                                                                                     violent  political  contention
            stringent  defamation  laws                                                                                         over the last decade and a
            with  prison  terms  up  to  15                                                                                     half, is unclear.
            years.  But  questioning  of                                                                                        "In the space of one week,
            its  privileged  position  has                                                                                      the  boundaries  of  public
            grown  since  the  2016  ac-  Pro-democracy students hold posters of a missing Thai activist during a protest at the Thammasat   discussion  of  the  monarch
            cession  to  the  throne  of   University in Pathum Thani, north of Bangkok, Thailand, Monday, Aug, 10, 2020.   Associated Press   and  the  institution  of  the
            King  Maha  Vajiralongkorn,                                                                                         monarchy in Thailand have
            whose  much-admired  fa-     spite the country's nominal  response. Security forces in  ernment  rally.  Many  in  the  expanded  rapidly,"  Tyrell
            ther  King  Bhumibol  Adu-   status as a democracy.       recent weeks  already  had  crowd  cheered,  clapped  Haberkorn,  a  Thai  studies
            lyadej  ruled  for  seven  de-  A number of speakers then  been  trying  to  intimidate  and flashed three-fingered  scholar  at  the  University  of
            cades.                       took  the  stage  and  de-   students and other activists  salute  that  has  been  ad-  Wisconsin-Madison,  said  in
            At least 3,000 students had  tailed  perceived  problems  from  holding  demonstra-    opted  by  Thailand's  pro-  an e-mail. "Whether or not
            gathered Monday evening  with Thailand's monarchy.        tions.                       democracy      movement.  the authorities will allow this
            at  the  Thammasat  Univer-  Airing  their  grievances  in  "We  shouldn't  have  to  Yet others in the audience  expansion  as  they  should
            sity campus on the outskirts  direct  language  normal-   speak using symbols. Direct  appeared  stunned  by  the  –  or  will  respond  with  re-
            of  Bangkok  for  the  latest  ly  expressed  in  whispers,  discussion  is  best.  That's  content of the speeches.  pression or violence – is the
            and  biggest  in  a  series  of  the   speakers   criticized  what I think, so I choose to  Arnon  had  just  a  week  question."
            rallies  calling  for  the  gov-  the  king's  wealth,  his  influ-  speak  directly,  out  of  re-  earlier  openly  but  narrow-  She  said  it  was  significant
            ernment to step down.        ence and the fact that he  spect to my own dignity, to  ly  questioned  the  extent  that  university  and  high
            But  the  protest's  direction  spends almost all his time in  that of the listeners and of  of  the  king's  powers  at  a  school  students  were  at
            turned  when  a  student  Germany, not Thailand.          the monarchy as an institu-  much smaller protest.        the  forefront  of  the  pro-
            went  on  stage,  read  out  Such open defiance of the  tion," said civil rights lawyer  The rally ended with anoth-  tests, rather than the parti-
            the 1932 proclamation that  taboos  around speaking  ill  and  activist  Arnon  Nam-   er  leader,  Panusaya  Sithiji-  san  political  veterans  who
            ended  the  absolute  mon-   of the monarchy will infuri-  pha,  who  is  currently  on  rawattanakul,  reading  out  had  been  spearheading
            archy  in  what  was  then  ate ultra-conservatives and  bail  after  being  charged  a manifesto with a list of 10  the  struggle  for  democ-
            called Siam, and declared  the  military,  who  are  un-  last  Friday  for  sedition  fol-  demands for reforming the  racy  since  a  2006  military
            that  in  fact  it  lives  on  de-  likely  to  let  it  go  without  a  lowing  an  earlier  anti-gov-  institution of the monarchy.  coup.q

            China sanctions 11 U.S. politicians, heads of organizations

                                                                      have already been singled  ing    leading  independent  by  the  foreign  ministry:
                                                                      out by Beijing.              media  tycoon  Jimmy  Lai  Senators Josh Hawley, Tom
                                                                      Foreign  ministry  spokesper-  and  raiding  the  publisher's  Cotton  and  Pat  Toomey
                                                                      son Zhao Lijian on Monday  headquarters.     "The   rel-  and  Representative  Chris
                                                                      said the 11 had "performed  evant  actions  of  the  U.S.  Smith. Cotton, an Arkansas
                                                                      badly"  on  issues  concern-  blatantly   intervened   in  Republican,  said  he  was
                                                                      ing Hong Kong, where Chi-    Hong  Kong  affairs,  grossly  sanctioned  for  defending
                                                                      na  has  cracked  down  on  interfered  in  China's  inter-  the  victims  of  Communist
                                                                      opposition voices following  nal  affairs,  and  seriously  Party  rule,  including  Hong
                                                                      its  imposition  of  a  national  violated  international  law  Kong  students  fighting  for
                                                                      security  law  in  the  semi-  and the basic norms of in-  democracy.   The   others
                                                                      autonomous  southern  Chi-   ternational  relations,"  for-  sanctioned  were  National
                                                                      nese city last month.        eign  ministry  spokesperson  Endowment  for  Democ-
                                                                      The  number  of  Americans  Zhao  Lijian  said  at  a  daily  racy  President  Carl  Gersh-
                                                                      named  by  the  ministry  ex-  briefing on Monday. "China  man, National Democratic
            In this Aug. 8, 2020, file photo, pro-China supporters display a   actly  equals  the  number  urges  the  U.S.  to  have  a  Institute  President  Derek
            picture of U.S. President Donald Trump during a protest against   of  Hong  Kong  and  Chi-  clear understanding of the  Mitchell,  International  Re-
            the U.S. sanctions outside the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong.   nese  officials  placed  on  a  situation,  correct  mistakes,  publican Institute President
                                                     Associated Press  sanctions list by the U.S. last  and immediately stop inter-  Daniel   Twining,   Human
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  on  heads of organizations pro-  week over the crackdown.     fering in Hong Kong affairs  Rights Watch Executive Di-
            Monday  announced  un-       moting democratic causes,  China  showed  its  determi-   and  interfering  in  China's  rector  Kenneth  Roth,  and
            specified sanctions against  including  Senators  Marco  nation  to  defy  such  pres-  internal  affairs.  "Four  other  Michael Abramowitz, Presi-
            11  U.S.  politicians  and  Rubio  and  Ted  Cruz,  who  sure  on Monday  by  arrest-  lawmakers  were  named  dent of Freedom House. q
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