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A26    U.S. NEWS
                   Tuesday 11 augusT 2020
            Air traffic is down, gun seizures up at U.S. airports

            By DAVID KOENIG                                                                                                     restrictive  stance  on  gun
            AP Airlines Writer                                                                                                  control relative to President
            DALLAS (AP) — With air traf-                                                                                        Trump." The analyst said an
            fic  nearing  a  five-month                                                                                         outsized  rise  in  handgun
            high, airport security is find-                                                                                     sales in June and July indi-
            ing guns in passenger car-                                                                                          cates that many purchases
            ry-on  bags  at  three  times                                                                                       are  being  made  by  first-
            the  rate  recorded  before                                                                                         time gun owners.
            the pandemic.                                                                                                       It is legal to transport guns
            And  80%  of  the  guns  are                                                                                        in checked bags if they are
            loaded.                                                                                                             unloaded and in a locked
            The  discoveries  at  airports                                                                                      case. There are federal civil
            comes at a time when U.S.                                                                                           penalties  for  improperly
            gun sales are surging, and                                                                                          placing a gun in a carry-on
            analysts  believe  many  of                                                                                         bag, and violators can lose
            those purchases are being                                                                                           the use of faster-screening
            made by first-time buyers.                                                                                          programs  such  as  TSA  Pre-
            Officers  found  15.3  guns                                                                                         Check, but criminal charg-
            for  every  million  people                                                                                         es  are  usually  left  to  local
            screened  in  July,  com-                                                                                           authorities.
            pared  with  5.1  per  million   A lone traveler heads to the north security checkpoint in the main terminal of Denver International   Last year, 4,432 guns were
            people in July of last year,   Airport Wednesday, July 22, 2020, in Denver.                        Associated Press   found  in  carry-on  bags,  or
            the  Transportation  Security                                                                                       about  12.1  per  day,  and
            Administration  said  Mon-   is  that  80%  of  the  firearms  checks  requested  in  July,  lion in one month since De-  87% were loaded.
            day.                         coming  into  the  check-    a  79%  increase  from  July  cember 2015.                TSA's  public  appeal  to  fol-
            There  has  been  a  signifi-  point  are  loaded,  and  it's  2019.                   Cowen analyst Cai von Ru-    low gun rules occurred the
            cant  increase  in  loaded  just an accident waiting to  Background  checks  have  mohr, who tracks gun sales,  same  day  that  it  reported
            guns  at  checkpoints,  said  happen," Pekoske said in a  been  rising  every  month  said the increases are likely  screening  831,789  people
            TSA  Administrator  David  prepared statement.            compared  with  a  year  due  to  fear  about  CO-        on  Sunday.  It  was  the  first
            Pekoske. He said screeners  After an extended lull in ac-  earlier since April 2019, but  VID-19  lockdowns,  civil  un-  time  checkpoint  traffic  in
            are already working in con-  tivity, gun sales have begun  they picked up even faster  rest, and former Vice Presi-  U.S.  airports  has  topped
            ditions  of  heightened  risks  to surge in recent months.   this  year,  with  checks  top-  dent Joe Biden's lead over  800,000  since  March  17.
            and that "no one should be  FBI  figures  show  that  there  ping 3 million in four of the  President  Donald  Trump  That  is  still  down  69%  from
            introducing new ones."       were  more  than  3.6  mil-  last  five  months.  Checks  in  polls  ahead  of  the  Nov.  the comparable Sunday a
            "Even  more  concerning  lion  firearms  background  had  not  exceeded  3  mil-       3  election  "given  his  more  year ago.q

              Mississippi flag design process: Elvis has left the building

              By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS                                                             bol  remained  divisive  in  sissippi  legislators  to  ditch
              Associated Press                                                                    a  state  with  a  38%  Black  the flag and replace it with
              JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The                                                           population.                  a more inclusive design.
              new  Mississippi  state  flag                                                       All  eight  of  Mississippi's  Two  college  sports  orga-
              will not include beer cans,                                                         public  universities  and  a  nizations  leveraged  their
              crawfish, a caramel cake,                                                           growing  number  of  cities  power.  The  Southeastern
              Elvis or Kermit the Frog.                                                           and  counties  stopped  fly-  Conference  said  it  might
              Mississippi  recently  retired                                                      ing the state flag in recent  bar league championships
              the  last  state  banner  with                                                      years.                       in  Mississippi  unless  the
              the  Confederate  battle                                                            For  decades,  Mississippi  state  changed  the  flag.
              emblem that's widely con-                                                           legislative   leaders   said  The  NCAA  said  that  be-
              demned as racist. A nine-   Magnolias,  stars,  a  Gulf  Coast  lighthouse,  a  teddy  bear,   they couldn't find consen-  cause of the Confederate
                                          and even Kermit the Frog appear on some of the over 1,800
              member  commission  will    proposals submitted by the general public for a new Mississippi   sus in the House and Sen-  symbol on the flag, Missis-
              recommend  a  replace-      flag  and  posted  Monday,  Aug.  3,  2020,  on  the  Mississippi   ate to change the banner.  sippi could not host events
              ment that cannot include    Department of Archives and History web site.            Republican  Tate  Reeves  determined by teams' per-
              the  Confederate  symbol                                            Associated Press   was  elected  governor  in  formances,  which  would
              and must have the phrase,  pi River or the Gulf of Mex-  the  public  submissions,  2019  after  saying  that  if  affect sports such as base-
              "In God We Trust."          ico.  The  oddball  among  combine  elements  from  the flag were to be recon-       ball,  women's  basketball
              The public submitted near-  the  survivors  has  a  giant  different  designs  or  start  sidered,  it  should  only  be  and softball.
              ly  3,000  designs,  and  the  mosquito surrounded by a  from  scratch  and  draw  done in another election.     Reeves agreed to sign the
              commission narrowed that  circle of stars.              their own.                  Momentum shifted in early  bill to retire the old flag af-
              to 147 proposals that were  On  Friday,  the  nine  com-  Mississippi  had  used  the  June, after the May 25 kill-  ter  it  became  clear  that
              posted  Monday  to  the  missioners  will  meet  and  same           Confederate-   ing  of  George  Floyd  by  a  legislators  had  the  two-
              state  Department  of  Ar-  choose  the  final  five.  By  themed  flag  since  1894,  Minneapolis police officer.  thirds  majority  they  would
              chives and History website.  early September, they will  when  white  supremacists  The  Black  man's  death  need to override a veto.
              Lost in the first round were  agree  on  a  single  design  in  the  Legislature  set  the  sparked  global  protests  If voters accept the com-
              designs  with  food  items  to put on the Nov. 3 state-  design  amid  backlash  to  against racial injustice and  mission's proposal, that de-
              and celebrities.            wide ballot.                political  power  that  Afri-  reinvigorated   debates  sign will become the new
              Many of the remaining de-   The commissioners — who  can  Americans  gained  about  Confederate  sym-            flag.
              signs have magnolias and  were  appointed  by  the  during         Reconstruction.  bols.                        If  they  reject  it,  commis-
              stars.  Some  have  wavy  governor,  lieutenant  gov-   People  who  voted  in  a  Within weeks, leaders from  sioners will draw a new de-
              lines  that  could  represent  ernor  and  House  speaker  2001  election  chose  to  business, religion and edu-  sign and that will go on the
              the waters of the Mississip-  —  could  accept  one  of  keep the flag, but the sym-  cation were lobbying Mis-  ballot later.q
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