Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200811
P. 31

locAl           Tuesday 11 augusT 2020

            Latest update Aruba COVID-19

            ORANJESTAD — Attention: Due to the COVID-19
            outbreak  in  Aruba,  the  Department  of  Public
            Health issues a notice to all citizens who during
            these days tested positive and those who may                                                    from the same household. This includes gather-
            still test positive.                                                                            ings in the beach which will be enforced by the
            The  notice  is  to  implement  the  isolation  mea-                                            •       Beach  weddings  are  still  allowed  to
            sures. This means staying indoors / at home and                                                 happen but they must be on small scale with
            limiting contact with others as much as possible.                                               proper social distancing.
            When  contact  with  other  people  cannot  be                                                  •       No  indoor  group  sports;  no  contact
            avoided,  the  necessary  protective  measures                                                  sports of any kind (indoor or outdoor).
            must be applied. If you have questions, consult                                                 •       Churches, funeral homes, gyms, casinos,
            your  general  practitioner.  Those  who  were  in                                              and all other organizations must strictly enforce
            contact with a COVID-19 positive person and                                                     new protocols as stipulated by the Department
            have  no  symptoms  may  go  to  work,  but  are                                                of Health. No singing in church.
            instructed to take the necessary hygienic and
            protective  measures.  Wearing  a  face  mask  /  •     Tours and sailing  trips are allowed, but  If you are planning to travel to our Dushi Island,
            face shield is mandatory for the next 14 days.  it is advised that when people cannot properly  we ask you to follow the protocols of the Gov-
            At the first indication of symptom(s), you must  social distance that they wear facemasks.      ernment of Aruba. Please wear a face mask on
            contact your general practitioner immediately.  •       Visits to retirement homes will not be al-  the plane, wash and disinfect your hands and
                                                            lowed.                                          keep the 1, 5 meter of distance. The face mask
            Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases the last days,  •     For all indoor establishments as well as  is recommended to wear until you arrive at the
            the Government of Aruba has announced the  in buses and taxis face masks are mandatory. If  resort and whenever you are in public places
            following measures:                             social distancing seems difficult outside, wear-  indoors  and  outdoors  when  social  distancing
            •       All bars, rum shops, and nightclubs are  ing a face mask is highly recommended.         seems  difficult.  Consult  for  com-
            closed until further notice.                    •       Tables at restaurants can have a maxi-  plete  details  and  procedures  on  traveling  to
            •       No parties are allowed including in pri-  mum of 4 seats (excluding children under the  the island. You may also call the toll free hotline
            vate homes.                                     age of 12.) Tables must be at least 1.5m apart.  of  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  at  1-800-862-7822.
            •       No live music activities with a band or a  •    No groups are allowed to form of over  There is also the official Aruba Health App on
            DJ are allowed.                                 four people unless the group consists of a family  your phone for important information.q

              Wiki Loves Monuments Aruba 2020

                                                                                                            account yet? Create one, it takes just a few
                                                                                                            minutes! Make sure that your email address is
                                                                                                            Step 5: Upload your photos to Wikimedia Com-
                                                                                                            mons between 1 and 30 September.

                                                                                                            There are a few rules for photos to participate
                                                                                                            in  the  international  contest.  These  rules  are
                                                                                                            also  adopted  as  rules  for  participation  on  a
                                                                                                            national level.
                                                                                                                                     Continued on Page 32

              ORANJESTAD — Wiki Loves Monuments Aruba  dents and visitors of the country Aruba. SMFA
              is being organized by Monumentsfund Aruba.  aims  to  promote  sustainability  in  the  imple-
              Wiki  Loves  Monuments  is  an  annual  interna-  mentation and management of our projects.
              tional  photographic  competition  held  during  How to participate
              the month of September, organized worldwide  Step 1: Find a monument on the Monuments
              by  Wikipedia  community  members  with  the  List Aruba. Note the ID number from the monu-
              help  of  local  Wikimedia  affiliates  across  the  ments you would like to upload a photograph
              globe.                                         from.
                                                             Step 2: Make photos of the monument. Make
              The Monuments Fund of Aruba (SMFA) is en-      as many and as good photos as you can, try
              gaged  in  the  financing  of  restoration  and  different angles. Even if the photo doesn’t win
              maintenance,  management  and  operation  you a prize, it will contribute to Wikipedia with
              of protected monuments and is the financial  more information about Aruban Heritage!
              institution in the field of heritage conservation.  Step 3: Write down what you photographed.
              SMFA promotes awareness of monuments and  Record the site’s name, the monument ID, de-
              contributes to the awareness of the value of  scription, and date of photo.
              the architectural cultural heritage to both resi-  Step  4:  Don’t  have  a  Wikimedia  Commons
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