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A30    people & Arts
                   Tuesday 11 augusT 2020
            Reimagining 'The Secret Garden' for a new generation

            By LINDSEY BAHR                                                                                                     goes into the garden, it just
            AP Film Writer                                                                                                      seems boundless, because
            Frances  Hodgson  Burnett's                                                                                         that's how it is to a child."
            children's  classic  "  The  Se-                                                                                    In  order  to  make  it  a  little
            cret  Garden  "  has  been                                                                                          less  remote  for  modern
            adapted into several films,                                                                                         children,  the  filmmakers
            television  series  and  even                                                                                       brought  the  story  forward
            a  Broadway  musical.  But                                                                                          a few decades from its Ed-
            it had been 27 years since                                                                                          wardian roots. It still had to
            Mary Lennox had last been                                                                                           be in the past, Alison said.
            committed to film and the                                                                                           Things  like  child  services
            time  seemed  ripe  for  an-                                                                                        and  health  and  safety
            other  visit  to  Misselthwaite                                                                                     would be involved if it were
            Manor. Like "Little Women,"                                                                                         too modern.
            every generation is entitled                                                                                        But now, instead of 1911, it's
            to its own version.                                                                                                 set in 1947 in a post-World
            Producer  Rosie  Alison  of                                                                                         War II framework. Still, most
            Heyday Films (the shop be-                                                                                          of the notes will feel famil-
            hind the "Paddington" mov-                                                                                          iar. Mary still hails from India,
            ies)  had  been  enchanted                                                                                          her parents still die of chol-
            by the 1911 novel as a child                                                                                        era and Archibald Craven
            and the 1949 MGM version                                                                                            (Firth) is just as distant and
            with Margaret O'Brien. She                                                                                          ghostly as ever.
            was certain that it held an   This image released by STXfilms shows Dixie Egerickx, Edan Hayhurst and Amir Wilson in a scene   Like  so  many  films  during
            appeal  for  modern  chil-   from "The Secret Garden."                                                              the coronavirus pandemic,
            dren,  who  perhaps  didn't                                                                        Associated Press   "The  Secret  Garden"  was
            have  to  reach  back  too  and are always looking for  derstanding of the charac-     itself.  It  was  decided  early  meant  to  be  a  big  screen
            far for a connection to the  family fare. Alison said they  ter.                       on that it'd be impossible to  experience.  Now,  it's  cur-
            material  —  a  generation  weren't  hard  to  persuade,  "She's  not  really  your  tradi-  "invent" nature on a sound-  rently available as a video
            who grew up with Agniesz-    but,  "Everybody  treaded  tional  heroine,"  Egerickx,  stage  and  thus  the  film-  on  demand  release  in  the
            ka  Holland's  1993  version  a little nervously about the  who is now 15, said. "What  makers set off on a 50-gar-  U.S. It will be getting a the-
            are  also  now  grown  with  fact that it's not a huge ac-  I like about her is she's quite  den  journey  around  York-  atrical run in the U.K. in Oc-
            children of their own.       tion adventure with brand-   complex. She's initially very  shire, North Wales, Wiltshire,  tober, however. And while
            "It's  such  a  beautiful,  re-  ed characters."          unpleasant, rude and unlik-  Dorset and Cornwall to find  the  situation  is  disappoint-
            demptive  fable,"  she  said.  Marc  Munden  ("National  able but we learn that's be-  the perfect combination of  ing, Alison is trying to focus
            "It's about damaged, slight-  Treasure")  was  enlisted  to  cause she's lonely and she  settings for the enchanting,  on the bigger picture
            ly  misfit  children  who  are  direct,  they  got  Colin  Firth  doesn't have anyone."  abandoned garden.          "Hopefully  there  will  be
            lonely and find friendship in  and Julie Walters on board  The  filmmakers  were  given  "It  sticks  more  to  Mary's  over the years to come, a
            nature. Parents think they'll  and  watched  around  800  a relatively modest budget  imagination  and  her  sub-   lonely  9-year-old  who  has
            be bored, but I find that a  tapes  to  find  their  perfect  for a film with visual effects  jective  view  of  the  world,  plopped  in  front  of  a  TV
            lot of kids really get into it."  Mary.                   ($20 million). But even with  and there are slightly more  and  discovers  this  and  it
            They found supportive col-   The  part  would  go  to  the elements of magical re-     fluid  boundaries  between  really  means  something  to
            laborators  in  StudioCanal,  12-year-old  Dixie  Egerickx,  alism,  most  of  the  outdoor  her  way  of  seeing  and  them," Alison said. "I would
            who  were  also  partners  who  displayed  a  "remark-    scenes were shot on loca-    the  world  around  her,"  Ali-  love  for  it  to  give  hope  to
            on  the  "Paddington"  films  able  intelligence"  and  un-  tion,  including  the  garden  son  said.  "Now,  when  she  children."q

            Kaley Cuoco takes to skies in ‘The Flight Attendant’

                                                                      with  comedic  overtones,  ducer on the limited series  ing to keep us safe," co-star
                                                                      letting  Cuoco  employ  the  set  to  air  this  fall  on  new  Zosia Mamet said. "It makes
                                                                      love of laughter she honed  streaming    service   HBO  me  feel  not  only  safe,  but
                                                                      for  12  seasons  on  the  CBS  Max."It's been total career-  incredibly taken care of."
                                                                      comedy.  Cuoco  said  she  changing for me just to see  Cuoco surprised Rosie Per-
                                                                      won a bidding war for the  it  from  the  beginning  and  ez by agreeing to meet in
                                                                      rights  to  the  novel  of  the  kind  of  go  with  my  gut  on  her Brooklyn neighborhood
                                                                      same  name  by  Chris  Bo-   things  and  make  my  own  to discuss the role of a fel-
                                                                      hjalian. She stars as Cassie  decisions," she said.       low  flight  attendant.  Perez
                                                                      Bowden, a flight attendant  The  series  had  filmed  five  quickly  made  it  clear  how
                                                                      who wakes up in the wrong  of its eight episodes before  she works.
                                                                      hotel in the wrong bed with  production was shut down  "I  don't  mess  around,  I  hit
                                                                      a  dead  man,  and  has  no  in  early  March  due  to  the  my  mark,  I  may  be  late  in
                                                                      idea what happened.          global  coronavirus  pan-    the car, never late on set,"
                                                                      "It's kind of an actor's dream  demic. Production is set to  Perez  said.  "I  know  all  my
            Kaley Cuoco arrives at the 5th annual InStyle Awards on Oct. 21,   to  play  someone  like  her,"  resume  late  this  month  in  lines. If I forget them, it's be-
            2019, in Los Angeles.                                     Cuoco  said  on  a  video  New  York,  with  social  dis-  cause  I'm  nervous.  That's
                                                     Associated Press   conference   Wednesday.  tancing, rewrites to certain  the way I like to work. Oth-
            By BETH HARRIS               fore  "The  Big  Bang  Theory"  "She's got a roller coaster of  aspects  of  the  script  and  erwise, I get very irritated."
            Associated Press             ended.  She  found  it  read-  issues  but  a  heart  of  gold.  daily  COVID-19  testing  for  Then Perez dropped the re-
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Kaley  ing a snippet about a book  She's strong."                   actors  working  closely  to-  ally  important  details:  she
            Cuoco was looking for her  on  Amazon.  "The  Flight  At-  Cuoco  serves  for  the  first  gether.  "It's  not  just  going  hates  traveling  and  flying
            next project three years be-  tendant"  is  a  dark  thriller  time  as  an  executive  pro-  through the motions of try-  or talking before 8 a.m. q
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