Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20210607
P. 26
a26 obituario/u.S. NEWS
Dialuna 7 Juni 2021
Jill Biden, Dr. Fauci visit vaccine site at
Harlem church
(AP) — First lady Jill
Biden and Dr. Anthony
Fauci toured a COVID-19
vaccination site at a his-
toric Harlem church on
“Señor ta mi wardador,
mi n’tin falta di nada; Biden, Fauci and U.S. Sen
Den cunucu di yerba berde, Kirsten Gillibrand, a New
E ta ponemi sosega. York Democrat, watched as
people got their shots in the
E ta hibami na awa tranquil, basement of the Abyssinian
pa mi bolbe hanja forsa. Salmo 23:1,2,3. Baptist Church.
Cu honda pena nos ta anuncia fayecimento di : Biden asked a teenager about
to get his shot how old he
was, and when he said he was
14, she responded, "You're elected officials and other The church first started of-
dignitaries, including in Feb-
14, that's exactly what we ruary when former President fering vaccine doses in Janu-
want! Twelve and over." Bill Clinton and former Sen. ary in an effort to boost the
Hillary Clinton attended a vaccination rates in New
The Abyssinian Baptist memorial service for actor York City's Black and His-
Church has often hosted Cicely Tyson. panic communities.
Oldest male chimpanzee in US dies at San
Francisco zoo
hunting, habitat loss and
Elisa Maria Koolman - Kock The average life expectancy
of the 100,000 to 200,000
Miho conosi como: Liesje ex tx 99 chimpanzees living in the
wild is 33 years, while it is
*12 Mei 1950 - † 6 Juni 2021 between 50 and 60 years
under human care, the zoo
Acto di entiero lo wordu anuncia después . Cobby was integral in
bringing together the San
Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home & Francisco Zoo's chimpanzee
Crematorium ta extende population, officials said, and
nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e acted like the elder of the
(AP) — The oldest male the zoo said in a news "Cobby was part of San
chimpanzee living in release that the chimpanzee's Francisco," said Tanya M.
Pipeline foes gear up for an accredited North cause of death had not been Peterson, executive director
died determined, the animal had of
large northern Minnesota Saturday at the San recently been ill and zoo Zoological Society, in a
Francisco Zoo & Gardens. officials believe old age was a statement. "He touched so
protests He was 63. factor. many lives, and people have
so many memories of him.
The chimpanzee, named The International Union for He is irreplaceable, and our
Cobby, had been a hand- Conservation of Nature lists hearts are broken. We will
(AP) — Environmental the Mississippi River, one of reared performing chimpanzees as endangered, all miss seeing his handsome
and tribal groups opposed the water crossings for the chimpanzee before he was and they are considered grey beard watching over us
to Enbridge Energy's on- pipeline, where they will de- brought to the San Francisco among the most at-risk from the top platform of the
going effort to replace liver speeches and participate zoo in the 1960s. Although primates in Africa due to yard."
its aging Line 3 crude oil in organized civil disobedi-
pipeline are planning ence.
large protests in northern Opponents of the project a corner of North Dakota on and risk spills in sensitive ar-
Minnesota as the Canadi- have say they will do what- its way across northern Min- eas where Native Americans
an-based company gears ever it takes to block comple- nesota to Enbridge's terminal harvest wild rice, hunt, fish,
up for a final construction tion of the project, including in Superior, Wisconsin. The gather medicinal plants and
push. risk being arrested. Among Canadian and Wisconsin re- claim treaty rights.
those they say will be on placement segments are al-
Organizers say they expect hand Monday will be actors ready carrying oil. The Min- Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz
hundreds of people to par- Jane Fonda, Catherine Keen- nesota segment is about 60% told Minnesota Public Radio
ticipate in the "Treaty Peo- er, Rosanna Arquette and complete. News that he doesn't plan to
ple Gathering" on Monday, Taylor Schilling, as well as Project opponents say the deploy the National Guard
which they are billing as the environmentalist and author replacement pipeline, which during the event, saying he
largest show of resistance yet Bill McKibben. would carry Canadian tar doesn't expect protesters to
to the project. They plan to Line 3 carries Canadian sands oil and regular crude, "interfere with lawful con-
march to the headwaters of crude from Alberta. It clips would worsen climate change struction or lawful practices."