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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 7 Juni 2021

                           Biden turns to Obama to help boost health care enrollment

            (AP)  —  President  Joe  await a Supreme Court ruling  an option created by the law
            Biden  turned  to  his  old  on the law’s constitutionality.  and offered in a limited num-
            boss,  former  President  The Zoom call was recorded  ber of states.
            Barack Obama, on Satur-      on  Friday  afternoon  and  re-
            day  to  help  him  encour-  leased  Saturday  as  Biden’s  That accounts for enrollment
            age Americans to sign up  weekly address.                 of  about  27  million  people.
            for  “Obamacare”  health                                  But  the  Biden  administra-
            care  coverage  during  an  The  Health  and  Human  tion  is  also  claiming  credit
            expanded  special  enroll-   Services  Department  said  in  for four million people who
            ment  period  in  the  pan-  a  report  that  nearly  31  mil-  would have been eligible for
            demic.                       lion  have  obtained  coverage  Medicaid  without  Obama’s
                                         in 2021 as a result of the law.  law.
            Biden  used  his  weekly  ad-  That’s  considerably  higher                            lenge to the health law from  without  Biden’s  special  en-
            dress  for  a  brief  Zoom  chat  than  the  more  than  20  mil-  Larry  Levitt,  executive  vice  Texas  and  other  GOP-led  rollment period.
            with  Obama  to  draw  atten-  lion estimate that’s common-  president for health policy at  states.  They  argue  that  be-
            tion  to  the  six-month  ex-  ly cited.                  the  Kaiser  Family  Founda-  cause Congress has eliminat-  A  life  change  such  as  losing
            panded  enrollment  period                                tion, said the law broke down  ed the law’s penalty for being  workplace  coverage  or  get-
            that  closes  Aug.  15.  Mean-  The  Biden  administration  barriers to enrollment among  uninsured,  a  now-toothless  ting  married  is  considered  a
            while  the  government  re-  has  launched  a  special  sign-  those  who  were  already  eli-  ACA  requirement  that  al-  “qualifying  life  event”  that
            leased  a  report  that  claims  up  period  during  the  pan-  gible by simplifying applica-  most  all  Americans  must  allows people to sign up any
            that nearly 31 million Ameri-  demic,  and  Congress  passed  tions  and  increasing  aware-  have health insurance is un-  time  during  the  year.  Last
            cans — a record — now have  a  big  boost  in  subsidies  for  ness. He also pointed to the  constitutional  and  therefore  year  about  390,000  people
            health  coverage  through  the  private health plans sold un-  establishment  of  communi-  the law should fail.    signed  up  because  of  life
            Affordable Care Act.         der  the  law.  But  that  alone  ty-based  navigators  tasked                         changes from Feb. 15 to April
                                         doesn’t explain the increased  with  helping  newly  eligible  Those  defending  the  law  30, the government said.
            “We  did  this  together,”  said  coverage.               people  find  coverage  and  say that even if the Supreme
            Obama,  whose  administra-                                conducting outreach to those  Court strikes down the cov-  Biden,  in  the  conversation
            tion  established  the  health  The report says 11.3 million  who were already eligible but  erage requirement there’s no  with Obama, spoke about the
            insurance  marketplace.  “We  people  are  covered  through  didn’t necessarily know it.  reason  to  tamper  with  the  2015  death  of  his  son  Beau
            always  talked  about  how,  if  the  health  law’s  marketplac-                       rest of the law.             Biden from cancer.
            we  could  get  the  principle  es,  where  subsidized  private  “It didn’t require a sweeping
            of  universal  coverage  estab-  plans  are  offered.  An  addi-  law like the ACA to get peo-  The  White  House  says  1.2  “I  literally  remember  sitting
            lished,  we  could  then  build  tional  14.8  million  are  cov-  ple who were already eligible  million  people  have  now  on the bed with him within a
            on it.”                      ered through expanded Med-   for  Medicaid  enrolled,  but  signed  up  for  health  insur-  week or so him passing away,”
                                         icaid, the report adds. All but  the  provisions  of  the  ACA  ance  through  the  govern-  Biden  said,  “and  thinking,
            The  White  House  effort  to  a dozen states have accepted  did help to get these millions  ment marketplace during the  what in God’s name would I
            spotlight  the  expanded  en-  the  law’s  Medicaid  expan-  of  people  covered,”  Levitt  special  enrollment  period  do if I got a notice from the
            rollment  and  claim  strong  sion,  which  mainly  serves  said                       that began in February. That  insurance  company  saying
            numbers  for  the  health  law  low-income  working  adults.                           number includes people who  you’ve  outlived  your  cover-
            comes  as  the  political  world  And 1 million are covered by  The Supreme Court is soon  would  have  qualified  for  a  age?”
            and  the  health  care  system  so-called  basic  health  plans,  expected  to  rule  on  a  chal-  sign-up  opportunity  even

                           High court asked to review men-only draft registration law

            (AP)  —  The  Supreme  tor  of  the  American  Civil  again, retaining the men-on-     decision  was  something  of
            Court is being asked to de-  Liberties  Union’s  Women’s  ly  requirement  sends  a  “re-  an  outlier  because  the  court  Just last year, a congressional
            cide  whether  it’s  sex  dis-  Rights Project, who is urging  ally damaging message,” said  was  regularly  invalidating  commission  concluded  that
            crimination  for  the  gov-  the court to take up the issue,  Tabacco Mar, who represents  gender-based   distinctions  the “time is right” to extend
            ernment  to  require  only  says requiring men to register  the  National  Coalition  For  in cases about other areas of  the  obligation  to  register  to
            men  to  register  for  the  imposes a “serious burden on  Men and two individual men  the law. Many of those cases  women.  “The  current  dis-
            draft when they turn 18.     men that’s not being imposed  challenging the law         were brought by the found-   parate  treatment  of  women
                                         on women.”                                                ing  director  of  the  ACLU’s  unacceptably excludes wom-
            The question of whether it’s                              A group of retired senior mil-  Women’s  Rights  Project,  en from a fundamental civic
            unconstitutional  to  require  Men who do not register can  itary officers and the Nation-  Ruth  Bader  Ginsburg,  who  obligation  and  reinforces
            men but not women to reg-    lose  eligibility  for  student  al  Organization  for  Women  became a justice in 1993.  gender stereotypes about the
            ister could be viewed as one  loans  and  civil  service  jobs,  Foundation  are  among  the                        role of women, undermining
            with  little  practical  impact.  and failing to register is also a  others  urging  the  court  to  The last time the high court  national  security,”  the  com-
            The last time there was a draft  felony punishable by a fine of  take the case.        considered  the  Military  Se-  mission said in a report.
            was during the Vietnam War,  up to $250,000 and five years                             lective  Service  Act,  then-
            and the military has been all-  in  prison.  But  Tabacco  Mar  If the court agrees to hear the  Justice  William  Rehnquist  The  Biden  administration  is
            volunteer since. But the reg-  says  the  male-only  require-  case, it wouldn’t be deciding  explained that the purpose of  urging the justices not to take
            istration  requirement  is  one  ment does more than that.  whether women have to reg-  registration  “was  to  prepare  the case and to let Congress
            of  the  few  remaining  places                           ister, just whether the current  for a draft of combat troops.”  instead  tackle  the  issue.  Ad-
            where federal law treats men  “It’s  also  sending  a  tremen-  system is constitutional. If it  He said that because women  ministration lawyers wrote in
            and  women  differently,  and  dously harmful message that  isn’t,  then  it  would  then  be  could  not  serve  in  combat,  a brief that any “reconsidera-
            women’s  groups  are  among  women are less fit than men  up to Congress to decide how  the law was not unlawful sex  tion  of  the  constitutionality
            those arguing that allowing it  to  serve  their  country  in  to respond, either by passing  discrimination  that  violated  of the male-only registration
            to stand is harmful.         this particular  way and con-  a  law  requiring  everyone  to  the Constitution.      requirement ... would be pre-
                                         versely  that  men  are  less  fit  register or deciding registra-                     mature at this time” because
            The justices could say as soon  than  women  to  stay  home  tion is no longer necessary.  But  military  policy  has  Congress is “actively consid-
            as Monday whether they will  as  caregivers  in the  event of                          changed.  In  2013,  the  De-  ering” the issue.
            hear a case involving the Mil-  an  armed  conflict.  We  think  The issue of who has to reg-  partment  of  Defense  lifted
            itary  Selective  Service  Act,  those  stereotypes  demean  ister  for  the  draft  has  been  the ban on women serving in  The  case  about  the  draft  is
            which requires men to regis-  both  men  and  women,”  she  to the court before. In 1981,  combat. Two years later, the  National Coalition For Men
            ter for the draft.           said.                        the court voted 6-3 to uphold  department  said  all  military  v.  Selective  Service  System,
                                                                      the men-only registration re-  roles would be open to wom-  20-928.
            Ria  Tabacco  Mar,  the  direc-  Even if the draft is never used  quirement.  At  the  time,  the  en without exception.
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