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A30    world news
                        Dialuna 7 Juni 2021

                          Jerusalem evictions that fueled Gaza war could still happen

            (AP)  —  A  long-running                                                                                            “We  don’t  want  to  cause
            campaign  by  Jewish  set-                                                                                          them  any  pain  and  suffer-
            tlers  to  evict  dozens  of                                                                                        ing, but we need to have our
            Palestinian  families  in                                                                                           land back,” he said. “If there
            east  Jerusalem  is  still  un-                                                                                     are people there, they have to
            derway,  even  after  it  fu-                                                                                       unfortunately get out.”
            eled  weeks  of  unrest  and
            helped  ignite  an  11-day                                                                                          Ir Amim estimates that settler
            Gaza war.                                                                                                           organizations  have  already
                                                                                                                                evicted 10 families in Sheikh
            An  intervention  by  Israel’s                                                                                      Jarrah and at least 74 families
            attorney general at the height                                                                                      in  Silwan,  a  few  kilometers
            of the unrest has put the most                                                                                      (miles) away, in the last few
            imminent evictions on hold.                                                                                         decades.
            But  rights  groups  say  evic-
            tions  could  still  proceed  in                                                                                    The  Israeli  government  and
            the  coming  months  as  in-                                                                                        a  settler  organization  that
            ternational  attention  wanes,                                                                                      markets properties in Sheikh
            potentially  igniting  another                                                                                      Jarrah did not respond to re-
            round of bloodshed.                                                                                                 quests  for  comment.  Israel
                                                                                                                                has previously said the evic-
            The settlers have been wag-                                                                                         tions are a private real estate
            ing a decades-long campaign                                                                                         dispute  and  accused  Hamas
            to  evict  the  families  from                                                                                      of seizing on the issue to in-
            densely  populated  Palestin-                                                                                       cite violence.
            ian neighborhoods in the so-                              such an incremental manner,  shortly  after  Israel  captured
            called  Holy  Basin  just  out-  As tensions rose, Israel’s At-  it’s  so  much  easier  to  dis-  the West Bank and east Jeru-  The  settler  movement  en-
            side the walls of the Old City,  torney General Avichai Man-  miss.”                   salem in the 1967 war.       joys strong support from the
            in one of the most sensitive  delblit secured the postpone-                                                         Israeli  government  and  the
            parts of east Jerusalem.     ment of the final hearing in  The families in Sheikh Jarrah  For  Palestinians,  the  evic-  right-wing parties that domi-
                                         the case of the four families.  are stuck in limbo. A total of  tions  conjure  bitter  memo-  nate Israeli politics. The set-
            Israel  captured  east  Jerusa-  Another  group  of  families  at least 65 families in two ar-  ries  of  what  they  refer  to  as  tlers  have  benefitted  from
            lem,  home  to  holy  sites  sa-  requested  that  the  attorney  eas of the neighborhood are  the Nakba, or “catastrophe,”  Israeli  policies  going  back
            cred to Jews, Christians and  general  also  intervene  in  threatened with eviction, ac-  of  Israel’s  creation,  when  to  1967  that  have  encour-
            Muslims,  in  the  1967  war  their  cases,  securing  a  delay.  cording to Ir Amim, includ-  some  700,000  Palestinians  aged the expansion of Jewish
            and annexed it in a move not  Israelis  are  currently  trying  ing a group of families set to  — a majority of the popula-  settlements  in  the  occupied
            recognized   internationally.  to  form  a  new  government,  be evicted in August.    tion  —  fled  or  were  driven  West Bank and east Jerusalem
            Israel views the entire city as  adding  more  uncertainty  to                         from their homes as the new  while severely restricting the
            its  capital,  while  the  Pales-  the process.           Banners hang in the street in  state battled five Arab armies.  growth  of  Palestinian  com-
            tinians  want  east  Jerusalem                            Sheikh Jarrah, and small, oc-  Most  ended  up  in  refugee  munities.
            as the capital of their future  That  has  bought  time  for  casional protests are still held  camps in the West Bank, Gaza
            state.                       the families, but nothing has  there.  Police  man  check-  and neighboring countries.  Today,  more  than  700,000
                                         been resolved.               points  at  either  end  of  the                          Jewish  settlers  live  in  both
            The settlers are using a 1970                             road and keep watch as Jew-  “This isn’t just about Sheikh  territories, mostly in built-up
            law  that  allows  Jews  to  re-  “Everything  is  very  much  ish  settlers  —  who  seized  Jarrah,  it’s  about  the  entire  residential towns and neigh-
            claim  properties  lost  during  hanging in the balance,” said  one of the homes in 2009 —  Israeli  occupation,  that’s  the  borhoods.  The  Palestinians
            the  1948  war  surrounding  Amy Cohen, a spokeswoman  come and go.                    problem.  They  aren’t  going  and  much  of  the  interna-
            Israel’s  creation,  a  right  de-  for  Ir  Amim.  Rights  advo-                      to  stop  here,”  says  Saleh  al-  tional  community  view  the
            nied to Palestinians who lost  cates fear Israel will proceed  The settlers say they acquired  Diab,  who  was  born,  grew  settlements  as  a  violation  of
            property in the same conflict,  with  the  evictions  once  the  the  land  from  Jews  who  up,  married  and  raised  his  international law and a major
            including Palestinian citizens  furor  dies  down  and  inter-  owned  it  before  the  1948  own  children  in  one  of  the  obstacle to peace.
            of Israel.                   national attention turns else-  war,  when  Jordan  captured  homes under threat in Sheikh
                                         where.                       what  is  now  east  Jerusalem  Jarrah.                   Ir Amim says Israeli authori-
            The  Israeli  rights  group  Ir                           and the occupied West Bank.                               ties  could  intervene  in  any
            Amim, which closely follows  “We’re  talking  about  over  Jordan  settled  several  Pales-  “You lose your home to them  number  of  ways  to  prevent
            the various court cases, esti-  1,000  Palestinians  in  both  tinian  families  on  the  land  in 1948 and then they come  the  Jerusalem  evictions,  in-
            mates that at least 150 house-  these  two  areas  that  are  at  in the early 1950s after they  back after 1967 and take your  cluding by modifying the law
            holds  in  the  neighborhoods  risk  of  mass  displacement,”  fled from what is now Israel  home again,” he said.  that  allows  settlers  to  take
            of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan  Cohen  said.  “Because  these  during the 1948 war. Settlers                           over such properties.
            have  been  served  with  evic-  measures are taking place in  began  trying  to  evict  them  Yaakov  Fauci,  a  settler  from
            tion notices and are at various                                                        Long Island, New York, who  Hamas,  which  is  designated
            stages in a long legal process.                                                        gained  internet  fame  after  a  terrorist  organization  by
                                                                                                   a  widely  circulated  video  the  U.S.  and  the  European
            The  plight  of  four  extend-                                                         showed a Palestinian resident  Union,  has  demanded  that
            ed  families  comprising  six                                                          scolding him for stealing her  Israel  rein  in  the  settlers  as
            households in Sheikh Jarrah,                                                           home,  says  the  Palestinians  part  of  the  informal  truce
            who were at risk of imminent                                                           are squatting on private prop-  brokered by Egypt that ended
            eviction,  triggered  protests                                                         erty.                        the  Gaza  war.  Egyptian  me-
            that  eventually  merged  with                                                                                      diators  are  exploring  ways
            demonstrations over the po-                                                            “They’ve  lived  here  since  to prevent the evictions, and
            licing of a flashpoint holy site.                                                      1956. This is not exactly an-  previous cease-fires have in-
            After  warning  Israel  to  halt                                                       cestral land going back to the  cluded  significant  conces-
            the  evictions  and  withdraw                                                          times  of  Abraham,”  he  said.  sions to Hamas.
            from  the  site,  Hamas  fired                                                         Fauci says he is a tenant and
            long-range  rockets  at  Jeru-                                                         has no personal involvement  A  war  that  destroyed  hun-
            salem on May 10, triggering                                                            in  the  legal  dispute,  but  he  dreds of homes in Gaza may
            heavy  fighting  between  Is-                                                          insists the land belongs to the  have  ensured  that  residents
            rael and the Islamic militant                                                          Jewish people.               of Sheikh Jarrah can remain
            group that rules Gaza.                                                                                              in theirs, at least for now.
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