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A28    u.s. news
                        Dialuna 7 Juni 2021

                        Another COVID side effect: Many kids head to summer school

            (AP)  -  With  her  three                                                                                           The   expanded    programs
            teenagers       vaccinated                                                                                          around  the  country  have
            against  COVID-19,  Aja                                                                                             greatly  increased  the  need
            Purnell-Mitchell left it up                                                                                         not only for teachers but for
            to them to decide whether                                                                                           bus  drivers,  custodians  and
            to go back to school dur-                                                                                           cafeteria employees.
            ing summer break.
                                                                                                                                Some North Carolina teach-
            The  decision  was  unani-                                                                                          ers  will  get  a  $1,200  bonus.
            mous: summer school.                                                                                                There  are  also  bonuses  for
                                                                                                                                teachers  in  certain  grades
            “Getting  them  back  into  it,                                                                                     whose  students  show  im-
            helping  them  socialize  back                                                                                      provement  in  reading  and
            with  their  friends,  maybe                                                                                        math.
            meet some new people, and,
            of course, pick up the things                                                                                       Elsewhere,  a  district  in  An-
            that  they  lacked  on  Zoom,”                                                                                      derson,  South  Carolina,  has
            the  Durham  County,  North                                                                                         nearly   doubled   teachers’
            Carolina,  mother  said,  tick-                                                                                     summer  school  pay  to  $60
            ing off her hopes for the ses-                                                                                      an hour. Teachers and nurses
            sion ahead, which will be the                                                                                       in Spring Branch, Texas, are
            first  time  her  children  have                                                                                    getting  raises  of  up  to  20%.
            been  in  the  classroom  since                                                                                     In Mississippi, the Starkville
            the outbreak took hold in the                                                                                       Oktibbeha  school  system
            spring of 2020.                                                                                                     raised teachers’ hourly pay by
                                                                                                                                $10, to $35, for the summer.
            Across  the  U.S.,  more  chil-
            dren  than  ever  before  could  dents  who  were  falling  be-  friends — after a year of re-  tion and meals, thanks to the  Connecticut  is  promising
            be  in  classrooms  for  sum-  hind even before COVID-19  mote learning.               influx of federal spending.  $4,500  stipends  to  500  col-
            mer school this year to make  closed schools and were like-                                                         lege  students  who  work  at
            up  for  lost  learning  during  ly to encounter technological  “This  year  was  such  an  un-  Under a unanimously passed  K-12 summer programs.
            the  outbreak,  which  caused  hurdles afterward.         motivating  school  year,”  she  North Carolina law, the near-
            monumental  disruptions  in                               said.                        ly 1 in 4 students deemed to  New  York  City,  the  nation’s
            education.  School  districts  “It’s not realistic to think that                       be in danger of falling behind  largest  school  district,  with
            nationwide  are  expanding  summer  school,  no  matter  “It  got  to  the  point  where  I  —  about  200,000  students  over 1 million youngsters, is
            their  summer  programs  and  how  good  and  intense,  will  wasn’t  doing  ANY  work,  I  statewide — are being given  offering summer school to all
            offering bonuses to get teach-  close  all  the  gaps  because  was just going to class,” Den-  priority  for  summer  school,  students,  not  just  those  fall-
            ers to take part.            many of these kids had gaps  nington, who is taking biol-  with extra slots open to oth-  ing behind.
                                         before  the  pandemic,”  said  ogy and math, said in a text  ers  who  want  them.  Some
            Under  the  most  recent  fed-  Hettleman,  who  wants  to  exchange.  “I  learn  better  in  districts  are  inviting  all  of  “Our kids have been through
            eral pandemic relief package,  see  sessions  mandatory  for  school than online. Being in  their students.         so much,” Mayor Bill de Bla-
            the  Biden  administration  is  low-performing  students  in  a classroom where a teacher                           sio  said  in  announcing  the
            requiring  states  to  devote  Baltimore. “But it will help,  is  present  is  so  much  bet-  Full  Coverage:  Coronavirus  plans,  “and  they  need  our
            some of the billions of dollars  and it will at least give them  ter than waiting hours for an  pandemic            support as we build a recov-
            to summer programs.          a fighting chance if there are  email back from your teach-  School  systems  must  devote  ery for all of us.”
                                         intense  interventions  during  er.”                      some  of  the  federal  funding
            The U.S. Education Depart-   the regular school year.”                                 to  deal  with  COVID-19′s  Philadelphia  and  San  Di-
            ment  said  it  is  too  early  to                        In  North  Carolina,  Purnell-  disproportionate  effect  on  ego are among others to an-
            know  how  many  students  Las Vegas high school fresh-   Mitchell’s children will have  students from poor families,  nounce  districtwide  eligibil-
            will  sign  up.  But  the  num-  man   Taylor   Dennington  access to five or six weeks of  those whose first language is  ity.  Chicago  plans  to  vastly
            ber is all but certain to exceed  never thought she would be  full-day  programs  that  in-  not English, members of mi-  expand its programs.
            the  estimated  3.3  million  in summer school, but there  clude academics and activities  nority groups and those who
            who  went  to  mandatory  or  she  was  starting  this  past  like sports or music. Districts  are homeless or in foster care.  Purnell-Mitchell  said  her
            optional  summer  school  in  week — along with plenty of  also  will  provide  transporta-                         children  had  different  rea-
            2019, before the pandemic.                                                                                          sons  for  wanting  to  go  to
                                                                                                                                school this summer. Her old-
            In Montgomery, Alabama, for                                                                                         er  daughter,  Kyra  Mitchell,
            example,  more  than  12,000                                                                                        who  has  autism,  missed  the
            of the school system’s 28,000                                                                                       one-on-one  interaction  with
            students signed up before the                                                                                       teachers that helps her learn,
            June  1  deadline.  Typically                                                                                       while Kyla Mitchell did well
            about  2,500  go  to  summer                                                                                        remotely  but  wasn’t  able  to
            school. Philadelphia had en-                                                                                        make new friends and social-
            rolled  14,700  by  Friday  and                                                                                     ize. Her son, Cartier Mitch-
            was  expecting  more  for  the                                                                                      ell,  said  he  had  had  enough
            mostly  in-person  programs,                                                                                        time off and was ready to go
            up from the 9,300 students in                                                                                       back.
            last summer’s all-virtual ses-
            sions.                                                                                                              “I  think  it’s  going  to  give
                                                                                                                                them some of the milestone
            “It’s  an  understatement  to                                                                                       markers that they might have
            say the needs are greater this                                                                                      missed and give them a bet-
            year,”  said  Kalman  Hettle-                                                                                       ter outlook for going into the
            man,  an  education  policy                                                                                         doors”  in  the  fall,  Purnell-
            analyst in Maryland.                                                                                                MItchell  said,  ”instead  of
                                                                                                                                feeling like they’ve lost a year
            Hettleman  worries  most                                                                                            and  a  half  of  knowing  what
            about  the  reading  skills  of                                                                                     they’re doing.”
            disadvantaged  younger  stu-
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