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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 5 Mei 2021

                        Welcome to Top 10, Melo: Elite NBA scoring list adds Anthony

            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Car-
            melo Anthony looked like  "I  knew  this  moment,"  he  During  his  time  with  the
            he was all done just a cou-  said.  "I  didn't  know  those  Trail  Blazers,  Anthony  has
            ple of seasons ago.          other moments — 15, 13, 11.  passed nine players on the ca-
                                         But 10 is something I knew."  reer scoring list.
            Now, he's part of a truly ex-
            clusive club in the NBA.     It  appeared  Anthony  was  He  knocked  off  Alex  Eng-
                                         headed  for  a  forced  retire-  lish,  Kevin  Garnett,  John
            Welcome  to  the  Top  10,  ment after he played just 10  Havlicek and Paul Pierce last
            Melo.                        games  during  the  2018-19  season.  He  has  taken  down
                                         season.                      Tim  Duncan,  Dominique
            Anthony  scored  14  points                               Wilkins,  Oscar  Robertson,
            Monday  night  in  Portland's  He parted  ways  with  Hous-  Hakeem Olajuwon and now
            123-114  loss  to  the  Atlanta  ton,  was  waived  by  Chicago  Hayes this season.
            Hawks, moving him past El-   and didn't hook up with Port-
            vin Hayes for 10th place on  land until the next season was  Next up for Anthony: Moses
            the  career  scoring  list  with  several weeks old.      Malone at 27,409 points.
                                         Even  though  he  went  more  Melo's got a good chance at
            "If  you're  in  the  top  10  of  than  a  year  without  playing  catching him, too, by the end
            anything of all time, it's a spe-  a game, Anthony found new  of the regular season.   a selfish player who was nev-
            cial moment," said Anthony,  life and a new role with the                              er quite good enough to lead  "We  need  to  acknowledge
            who is in his 18th NBA sea-  Trail Blazers.               "For  Melo  to  be  out  a  year  his  teams  —  most  notably,  milestones,"  the  coach  said.
            son  and  turns  37  before  the                          and come back makes it even  Denver and New York — to  "This is a big one. Top 10 of
            month is out.                A starter his entire career, he  more   remarkable,"   Port-  a championship.          all time. That's big time."
                                         is coming off the bench now,  land coach Terry Stotts said.
            Anthony  cruised  past  Hayes  playing  a  supporting  role  to  "I  always  appreciate  great-  "I  appreciate  him  more  as  a  After his teammates finished
            early  in  the  second  quarter,  younger  stars,  players  who  ness, whether it's a player I'm  friend  than  I  do  as  a  team-  clapping,  Anthony  said:  "A
            hitting a 3-pointer while get-  still look up to him, such as  coaching or coaching against.  mate,  and  I  really  appreci-  couple  of  years  ago,  I  didn't
            ting  fouled  by  Danilo  Gal-  Damian Lillard.           Melo is a great player. He's a  ate him as a teammate," Lil-  think I was gonna be in this
            linari  and  knocking  down                               Hall of Fame player."        lard said. "I think that really  moment right now. I was out
            the free throw to complete a  "Being in the top 10 in a re-                            speaks to the kind of person  the league for whatever rea-
            4-point play.                ally special accomplishment,"  Lillard went on and on about  he is."                   son. I'm back. I persevered. I
                                         Lillard  said.  "For  him,  it's  what  a  pleasure  it's  been  to                    stayed strong, I stayed true to
            Anthony  was  fully  aware  of  probably a little more special.  have Anthony as a teammate,  Afterward,  Stotts  presented  myself and now I'm here in
            how many points he needed  A lot of people counted him  disputing those who have de-   Anthony with a game ball in  the top 10."
            to surpass Hayes.            out and tried to finish him."  scribed him over the years as  the locker room.

                          Mets fire hitting coach Chili Davis and assistant Tom Slater

            NEW YORK (AP) — Less  year as well when the popular  forto  and  Dominic  Smith.  previous three years with Se-
            than  five  weeks  into  the  Davis worked remotely from  The Mets rank last in the ma-  attle.  He  was  the  Mariners'  Slater was in his fourth sea-
            season,  the  New  York  his Arizona home because of  jors in runs and homers, and  minor league hitting coordi-    son  as  New  York's  assistant
            Mets  are  making  signifi-  coronavirus  concerns.  Sev-  27th in slugging percentage.  nator from 2018-19 and their  hitting coach.
            cant changes.                eral accomplished hitters are                             assistant hitting coach in the
                                         off  to  slow  starts  —  includ-  "It was a difficult decision to  big  leagues  last  season.  As  a  The  timing  of  the  moves
            The scuffling Mets fired hit-  ing  $341  million  newcomer  make,"  acting  general  man-  player, he spent four years in  made  them  unexpected,  es-
            ting  coach  Chili  Davis  and  Francisco  Lindor,  who  is  ager Zack Scott said. "It's not  the minors with the Detroit  pecially after the Mets finally
            assistant Tom Slater on Mon-  batting .163 and mired in an  about 23 games of results.  Tigers  (2000-02)  and  Balti-  broke  out  a  bit  and  scored
            day  night  following  a  6-5  0-for-21 slump. He has two                              more Orioles (2003).         18 runs over their past three
            loss in St. Louis that dropped  extra-base  hits,  three  RBIs  "We just felt like the players                      games.
            them to 11-12.               and a measly .494 OPS.       needed  a  different  level  of  Howard,  39,  spent  the  past
                                                                      support and maybe some dif-  six  seasons  with  the  Cleve-  Scott  said  it  was  a  baseball
            New York has struggled badly  The  team  has  also  lacked  ferent skills brought into the  land Indians, including 2019-  operations decision and team
            with runners in scoring posi-  power at the plate, a big sur-  mix."                   20 as their minor league hit-  president  Sandy  Alderson
            tion  (.207  batting  average,  prise for a lineup that features                       ting  coordinator.  He  played  was in agreement.
            .582 OPS), a trouble area last  Pete  Alonso,  Michael  Con-  Minor  league  director  of  professionally for 12 seasons
                                                                      hitting  development  Hugh  in the Reds, Yankees, Phillies,  "This  isn't  about  recent  re-
                                                                      Quattlebaum  becomes  the  Dodgers,  Mariners,  Padres,  sults. This is about the pro-
                                                                      new  hitting  coach,  and  di-  Blue Jays and Cardinals sys-  cess behind the scenes," Scott
                                                                      rector of player development  tems, plus two years of Inde-  said. "It's too early to be over-
                                                                      Kevin Howard takes over as  pendent ball. He played col-  reacting  to  small  samples  of
                                                                      assistant hitting coach under  lege  ball  at  Miami  and  won  results."
                                                                      second-year  manager  Luis  a  national  championship  in
                                                                      Rojas.                       2001.                        Davis  played  19  seasons  in
                                                                                                                                the  majors  from  1981-99,
                                                                      Scott  said  Quattlebaum  and  The  61-year-old  Davis  was  batting  .274  with  350  home
                                                                      Howard  were  appointed  for  in  his  third  season  as  Mets  runs, 1,372 RBIs and an .811
                                                                      the  rest  of  the  season  and  hitting  coach.  Previously,  he  OPS with the Giants, Angels,
                                                                      then the team will re-evalu-  held the same job with Oak-  Twins,  Royals  and  Yankees.
                                                                      ate. Both will be in St. Louis  land, Boston and the Chicago  The switch-hitter made three
                                                                      on Tuesday, the Mets said.   Cubs.                        All-Star  teams,  won  three
                                                                                                                                World  Series  titles  and  was
                                                                      The  42-year-old  Quattle-   Scott  was  in  the  Red  Sox  the first player born in Jamai-
                                                                      baum  joined  the  Mets  this  front  office  when  they  let  ca to reach the major leagues.
                                                                      offseason  after  spending  the  Davis go.
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