Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210505
P. 32

A32    sports
                      Diaranson 5 Mei 2021

                           Italy to vaccinate its athletes                                         South Korea: North Koreans

                                    for Tokyo Olympics                                                    pull out of World Cup

            ROME  (AP)  —  The  Ital-    and  staff  members  —  and                                                 qualifying
            ian Olympic Committee is  even  athletes  still  attempt-  Athletes  traveling  to  Japan
            making  arrangements  to  ing  to  qualify  —  will  begin  for the Tokyo Olympics will   SEOUL,   South   Korea  North Korea's Olympic com-
            vaccinate  its  entire  team  receiving vaccines on Friday,  be  required  to  stay  within  a   (AP) — South Korean of-  mittee also said last month it
            for the Tokyo Games.         CONI said.                   "bubble" consisting of the of-  ficials  say  North  Korea  decided  to  drop  out  of  the
                                                                      ficial  accommodation,  ven-  has  told  soccer's  Asian  Tokyo  Olympics  to  protect
            About two-thirds of the Ital-  As  of  Tuesday,  237  Italians  ues  and  training  areas  and   governing body it will not  its athletes from coronavirus
            ians  qualified  for  the  games  had qualified for the Olym-  will be tested for the corona-  participate  in  World  Cup  infections.
            have  already  been  vaccinat-  pics, which open on July 23.  virus before and during their   qualifiers next month be-
            ed  against  COVID-19  be-                                stay, but there is no require-  cause of coronavirus con-  An  official  from  South  Ko-
            cause they are affiliated with  Australia  also  recently  an-  ment to be vaccinated ahead   cerns.                rea's  Unification  Ministry,
            the  military.  The  remaining  nounced  plans  to  vaccinate  of competition.                                      which  deals  with  inter-Ko-
            athletes,  as  well  as  coaches  its Olympians.                                       Kim  Min-soo,  an  official  rean  affairs,  said  Seoul  still
                                                                                                   from  the  Seoul-based  Ko-  has hopes that the North will
                                                                                                   rean Football Association, on  participate in the World Cup
                                                                                                   Tuesday said the Asian Foot-  qualifiers  in  South  Korea,
                                                                                                   ball Confederation has asked  saying they would provide a
                                                                                                   North Korea to reconsider its  rare  opportunity  for  sports
                                                                                                   decision. He said the North  exchanges amid a bad time in
                                                                                                   notified the AFC last week of  bilateral relations.
                                                                                                   its intent to drop out of the
                                                                                                   matches.                     "We will wait until the AFC
                                                                                                                                completes its internal discus-
                                                                                                   South  Korea  is  scheduled  sions  and  notifies  our  gov-
                                                                                                   to  host  North  Korea,  Turk-  ernment of the final result,"
                                                                                                   menistan,  Lebanon  and  Sri  said  the  official,  who  spoke
                                                                                                   Lanka  in  Group  H  qualify-  on  condition  of  anonymity
                                                                                                   ing matches from May 31 to  during a background briefing
                                                                                                   June 15. The group matches  to reporters.
                                                                                                   are being played in hubs be-
                                                                                                   cause of delays in continental  The  North  has  virtually
                                                                                                   qualifying for the 2022 World  stopped all cooperation with
                                                                                                   Cup caused by the pandemic.  the South and resumed test-
                                                                                                                                ing of short-range weapons.

                        Spanish league to probe Messi's

                               barbecue for teammates

            BARCELONA,           Spain  VID-19 protocols were bro-    match next weekend.
            (AP)  —  The  Spanish  ken during the gathering on
            league said Tuesday it will  Monday.                      Barcelona can move into first
            investigate a gathering of                                place  on  Saturday  if  it  beats
            Barcelona  players  at  Lio-  Spanish  media  said  Messi  league leader Atlético Madrid
            nel Messi's home.            invited  his  teammates  and  at the Camp Nou Stadium.
                                         their partners for a barbecue
            Local authorities are also ex-  to help the squad bond ahead  The  barbecue  came  a  day
            pected  to  check  if  any  CO-  of  a  decisive  Spanish  league  after  Barcelona  defeated  Va-
                                                                      lencia 3-2 to stay within two
                                                                      points  of  Atlético  with  four
                                                                      rounds to go.

                                                                      Local  media  said  players
                                                                      could  be  heard  chanting
                                                                      "campeones    (champions)"
                                                                      from inside Messi's house.

                                                                      Barcelona  did  not  immedi-
                                                                      ately comment.

                                                                      Sanctions against players and
                                                                      the club are possible but not
                                                                      likely to be severe.
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