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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 23 OctOber 2020

                            Trump posts unedited '60 Minutes' interview before it airs

              (AP)  —  President  Don-   country,"  Stahl  immediately  link.
            ald  Trump  posted  full,  broke in.
            unedited  interviews  that  “You  know  that's  not  true,”  The CBS broadcast, the most
            he  and  Vice  President  she said.                       popular news program in the
            Mike  Pence  did  with  “60                               country,  will  have  the  last
            Minutes”  on  Facebook  Trump objected and said she  word  Sunday,  when  it  pres-
            on  Thursday  before  the  wouldn't  address  his  oppo-  ents  edited  versions  of  the
            show’s  scheduled  broad-    nent, Democrat Joe Biden, in  interviews,  along  with  talks
            cast this weekend.           the same manner.             with Biden and his vice pres-
                                                                      idential  candidate,  Kamala
            The  footage  shows  Trump  In  video  of  Stahl's  later  en-  Harris.
            growing increasingly agitated  counter with Pence, she said
            as  interviewer  Lesley  Stahl  “you  both  have  insulted  ‘60  Throughout  the  interview,
            presses him on his response  Minutes’ and me by not an-   Trump  returned  to  attacks
            to  the  coronavirus  epidem-  swering any of our questions  on Biden's son, based on an
            ic,  his  demeanor  on  social  and  by  giving  set  campaign  unconfirmed New York Post
            media,  the  lack  of  masks  at  speeches  that  we've  heard  report, and accused the me-  explain: “This is ‘60 Minutes’  spected for bringing its hall-
            his  campaign  rallies  and  the  both of you give at rallies.”  dia  of  being  too  soft  on  his  and we can't put on things we  mark  fairness,  deep  report-
            “Obamacare”     replacement                               Democratic rival.            can't verify."               ing  and  informative  context
            plan  he  has  long  promised  She  said  she  was  upset  by  As  Stahl  commented  at  one  But  Trump  continued  to  to  viewers  each  week,”  the
            but failed to deliver.       how the interviews had gone.  point that Trump was  offer-  criticize   the   mainstream  network said in a statement.
                                         “Well, Lesley, I appreciate the  ing attack after attack, Trump  media.“Lesley,  you’re  dis-  "Few  journalists  have  the
            “Are  you  ready  for  some  speech  that  you  just  gave,”  responded: “It's not attack, it's  crediting yourself," he said.  presidential interview experi-
            tough questions?” Stahl asked  Pence  replied.  “But  I've  an-  defense.  It's  defense  against  Trump eventually cut the in-  ence  Lesley  Stahl  has  deliv-
            at the start of the interview.  swered  all  your  questions.  attacks.”               terview short and declined to  ered over her decades as one
            “Just  be  fair,”  the  president  And  I've  spoken  about  the                       appear with Pence.           of  the  premier  correspon-
            said.                        things  the  American  people  “I'm  defending  myself  and  CBS News called the White  dents in America and we look
                                         care about.”                 I'm defending the institute of  House's  decision  “unprec-  forward  to  audiences  seeing
            When Stahl asked him about                                the presidency," he said.    edented,”  but  said  the  in-  her third interview with Pres-
            priorities  for  a  second  term  Trump complained about the  As Trump continued to throw  terview would air Sunday as  ident Trump and subsequent
            and  Trump  talked  about  “bias,  hatred  and  rudeness”  unsubstantiated allegations at  planned.                 interview with Vice President
            having  created  “the  greatest  by  “60  Minutes”  and  CBS  Biden  and  former  President                         Pence this weekend.”
            economy in the history of the  as  he  tweeted  the  Facebook  Barack Obama, Stahl tried to  “60  Minutes"  is  “widely  re-

                               Self-driving shuttle debuts in high-traffic Virginia spot

            (AP) — The future of transportation arrived  somewhat unique is the environment in which it  of the coronavirus unless they are all members of
            in northern Virginia, looking like a big blue  will  operate.  While  some  projects  are  limited  to  the same family. It will run only from 10 a.m. to
            toaster on wheels that seats six and drives it-  college campuses or operate in dedicated lanes, this  2 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and its speed
            self through the region’s notorious traffic.    shuttle will mix with real traffic in a particularly  won't exceed 10 mph (16 kph) , even though it will
                                                            busy section of Fairfax County.                 run on roads with 25 mph (40 kph) limits.
            State and local officials debuted the Relay system
            Thursday, an all-electric, autonomous vehicle that  “This  is  not  a  one-off,  not  a  demonstration  in  The shuttles do indeed drive themselves, but safety
            will provide free shuttle rides back and forth from  a  parking  lot,”  said  Kathy  McGhee,  director  of  operators are on board and can override the shut-
            the  Dunn  Loring  Metrorail  stop  to  the  bustling  transportation research and innovation in the state  tle's autonomous features.
            Mosaic District in Fairfax County.              transportation department.
                                                                                                            Daniel Carney — a safety operator for Transdev,
            The shuttle is “the sort of thing we'd see in a Star  She said the project will provide valuable data on  which runs the shuttles — estimated that during
            Wars or a Blade Runner movie, without the vertical  basic  functions  like  the  vehicle's  battery  life  in  a  testing he had to override the controls about once
            liftoff,” said Mark Webb, chief innovation officer at  real working environment, the cost of the electric-  for every 2-mile roundtrip loop. The most com-
            Dominion Energy, a partner in the project.      ity needed to fuel the vehicle, and how the shuttles  mon  issue  is  the  shuttle's  inability  to  steer  itself
                                                            operate in an environment studded with cars, pe-  around obstacles.
            It is the first publicly funded electric, autonomous  destrians and traffic lights.
            shuttle in Virginia, officials said. Similar pilot proj-                                        For example, Carney said that if people do a poor
            ects are up and running in different places across  The shuttle is starting off small: While it seats six,  job parallel parking on the side streets on which
            the  country,  but  what  makes  the  Relay  shuttle  only three will be allowed at any one time because  Relay operates, the shuttle will stop. He then steps
                                                                                                            in and uses a joystick to navigate around the parked
                                                                                                            car so it continue on its way.

                                                                                                            And the shuttle's slow speed does produce agita-
                                                                                                            tion from motorists stuck behind it, said Carney,
                                                                                                            who  will  occasionally  deal  with  glares  or  worse
                                                                                                            from fed-up drivers who decide to go around the
                                                                                                            “I just shrug like, ‘I don't know what you want me
                                                                                                            to do about it,’" Carney said. "It's sort of out of my

                                                                                                            County leaders said they're happy to be at the fore-
                                                                                                            front of an emerging technology, but that the shut-
                                                                                                            tle also fills a real need of “last mile” transporta-
                                                                                                            tion, connecting a busy Metrorail site with a retail
                                                                                                            district that is about a mile away, a little farther than
                                                                                                            most are willing to walk.
                                                                                                            The project is funded with a $200,000 state grant
                                                                                                            and a $50,000 match from Fairfax County.
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