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A28    u.s. news
                Diabierna 23 OctOber 2020

                            US officials link Iran to emails meant to intimidate voters

                                                                                                                                tempts  to  question  the  out-
                                                                                                                                come of its own elections at
                                                                                                                                the highest level.”

                                                                                                                                Iran’s Foreign Ministry sum-
                                                                                                                                moned the Swiss ambassador
                                                                                                                                on Thursday over the allega-
                                                                                                                                tions. The Swiss Embassy has
                                                                                                                                overseen  America’s  interests
                                                                                                                                in Tehran since the aftermath
                                                                                                                                of the 1979 hostage crisis.

                                                                                                                                “The  Islamic  Republic  of
                                                                                                                                Iran, while rejecting the alle-
                                                                                                                                gations and the fake reports,
                                                                                                                                again emphasizes that there’s
                                                                                                                                no  difference  for  Tehran
                                                                                                                                which  candidate  goes  to  the
                                                                                                                                White  House,”  the  ministry
                                                                                                                                said in a statement.

                                                                                                                                Trump,  speaking  at  a  rally
                                                                                                                                Wednesday  night  in  North
                                                                                                                                Carolina, made no reference
                                                                                                                                to the announcement, but he
                                                                                                                                repeated a familiar campaign
                                                                                                                                assertion that Iran is opposed
                                                                                                                                to  his  reelection.  He  prom-
                                                                                                                                ised  that  if  he  wins  another
                                                                                                                                term  he  will  swiftly  reach  a
                                                                                                                                new accord with Iran over its
                                                                                                                                nuclear program.

            (AP)  —  ‎U.S.  officials  in online espionage. The an-   sound.                       obscured  by  servers  abroad  House  Speaker  Nancy  Pe-
            have accused Iran of being  nouncement  was  made  late  “You  should  be  confident  that  the  authors  hijacked  to  losi  and  Rep.  Adam  Schiff,
            behind a flurry of threat-   Wednesday at a hastily called  that your vote counts,” Wray  send the emails.          the Democratic chairman of
            ening but fake emails sent  news conference 13 days be-   said. “Early, unverified claims                           the House intelligence com-
            to  Democratic  voters  in  fore the election.            to  the  contrary  should  be  Bennett  Ragan,  the  cam-  mittee,  said  the  “disturbing”
            Florida  and  other  battle-                              viewed with a healthy dose of  paign  manager  of  Florida  threats cut to the heart of the
            ground  states  in  a  late-  The  allegations  underscored  skepticism.”              statehouse  candidate  Kayser  right to vote.
            stage effort to sway public  the  U.S.  government's  con-                             Enneking, said he got two of  “We  cannot  allow  voter  in-
            opinion  and  interfere  in  cern about efforts by foreign  While the two officials called  the  emails  and  knew  about  timidation  or  interference
            the presidential election.   countries  to  influence  the  out both Russia and Iran for  10  other  people  in  Gaines-  efforts,  either  foreign  or
                                         election by spreading false in-  having  obtained  voter  regis-  ville who also received them.  domestic,  to  silence  voters’
            Addressed  as  if  from  the  formation meant to suppress  tration information, such data  Bennett  said  the  home  ad-  voices  and  take  away  that
            far-right,  pro-Trump  Proud  voter turnout and undermine  is  easily  accessible  for  many  dress  included  in  the  per-  right,”  they  said  in  a  state-
            Boys  group,  the  fake  emails  American  confidence  in  the  states,  including  Florida.  sonalized  email  he  received  ment.
            appeared  aimed  at  intimi-  vote. Such direct attempts to  There was no allegation that  was not current so he figured
            dating voters. John Ratcliffe,  sway public opinion are more  either  country  had  hacked  a  the data on him was acquired  While  state-backed  Russian
            the  government’s  national  commonly  associated  with  database for it or had altered  from the 2018 primary elec-  hackers  are  known  to  have
            intelligence director, said the  Moscow, which conducted a  any election-related data.  tion voter roll.            infiltrated  U.S.  election  in-
            intent was to hurt President  covert social media campaign  Iran  also  distributed  a  video                       frastructure  in  2016,  there
            Donald Trump in the contest  in 2016 aimed at sowing dis-  that  falsely  suggested  voters  It would not be the first time  is  no  evidence  that  Iran  has
            against Democrat Joe Biden,  cord and is again interfering  could  cast  fraudulent  bal-  that  the  Trump  administra-  ever done so, and it was not
            though  he  did  not  elaborate  this  year,  but  the  idea  that  lots  from  overseas,  Ratcliffe  tion has said Tehran is work-  clear how officials were able
            on how.                      Iran  could  be  responsible  said. Google said it “removed  ing  against  the  Republican  to identify Iran so quickly.
                                         suggested  that  those  tactics  a video file on YouTube that  president.  An  intelligence  The  operation  represented
            One possibility is the messag-  have  been  adopted  by  other  had fewer than 30 views and  assessment  released  in  Au-  something  of  a  departure  in
            es may have been intended to  nations, too.               terminated  the  associated  gust said: “Iran seeks to un-  cyber-ops  for  Iran,  which
            align Trump in the minds of                               Google accounts.”            dermine U.S. democratic in-  sought  for  the  first  time  on
            voters  with  the  Proud  Boys  U.S.  intelligence  officials                          stitutions,  President  Trump,  record  to  undermine  voter
            after  he  was  criticized  for  have  repeatedly  stated  that  Wray  and  Ratcliffe  did  not  and  to  divide  the  country  confidence.  Iran’s  previous
            failing  to  unequivocally  de-  they consider Russia the pri-  describe the emails or video  in advance of the 2020 elec-  operations have been mostly
            nounce  the  group  during  mary threat to U.S. election  linked  to  Iran,  but  officials  tions."                propaganda and espionage.
            the  first  presidential  debate.  security,  and  Ratcliffe  said  familiar with the matter said                   A  top  cyberthreat  analyst,
            Google  said  in  a  statement  Russia had also obtained vot-  the  U.S.  had  linked  Tehran  A spokesman for Iran’s mis-  John  Hultquist  of  FireEye,
            that  its  spam  filters  stopped  er data for potential mischief.  to messages that Democratic  sion  to  the  United  Nations,  said  the  striking  develop-
            90%  of  the  roughly  25,000                             voters in multiple states, in-  Alireza  Miryousefi,  denied  ment marked “a fundamental
            emails sent to Gmail users.  “These actions are desperate  cluding  Alaska  and  Florida,  Tehran  had  anything  to  do  shift in our understanding of
                                         attempts by desperate adver-  have  received.  The  emails  with the alleged voter intimi-  Iran’s willingness to interfere
            Officials did not lay out spe-  saries,”  said  Ratcliffe,  who,  warned  recipients  that  “we  dation.            in  the  democratic  process.
            cific  evidence  for  how  they  along  with  FBI  Director  will  come  after  you”  if  they                      While  many  of  their  opera-
            came  to  pinpoint  Iran,  but  Christopher  Wray,  insisted  didn’t  vote  for  Trump.  Se-  “Unlike  the  U.S.,  Iran  does  tions  have  been  focused  on
            the  activities  attributed  to  that  the  U.S.  would  impose  curity  researchers  said  the  not  interfere  in  other  coun-  promoting  propaganda  in
            Tehran would mark a signifi-  costs  on  any  foreign  coun-  Proud  Boys  sender  address  try’s  elections,”  Miryousefi  pursuit  of  Iran’s  interests,
            cant escalation for a country  tries that interfere in the 2020  used  by  the  spammers  was  wrote on Twitter. “The world  this incident is clearly aimed
            some  cybersecurity  experts  U.S. election and that the in-  “a flag of convenience.” The  has  been  witnessing  U.S.'  at  undermining  voter  confi-
            regard as a second-rate player  tegrity  of  the  vote  remains  true origin of the emails was  own  desperate  public  at-  dence.”
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