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A32     sports
                Diabierna 23 OctOber 2020

                          With flak flying back home, Browns visit struggling Bengals

                                                                      by the Steelers. Quarterback  bacle  left  Mayfield,  recog-  points.
                                                                      Baker  Mayfield,  the  first  nized  more  for  his  national
                                                                      overall draft pick in 2018, has  TV  commercials  than  de-  Ground and pound
                                                                      sore  ribs  and  faced  another  pendable  play,  aching  and  Even  without  injured  Pro
                                                                      barrage  of  criticism  from  all  watching  the  fourth  quarter  Bowl  running  back  Nick
                                                                      sides this week that he can't  from the sideline while mer-  Chubb,  the  Browns  have
                                                                      rise  to  the  occasion  in  big  curial  receiver  Odell  Beck-  stayed  atop  the  league  in
                                                                      games.                       ham Jr. threw a temper tan-  rushing yardage. Cleveland’s
                                                                                                   trum.  Mayfield  was  sacked  averaging  169.5  yards  per
                                                                      Meanwhile,  the  Bengals  (1-  four  times  and  intercepted  game,  and  unless  the  Ben-
                                                                      4-1) let another close one get  twice in the game.        gals have plugged some holes
                                                                      away,  losing  to  Indianapolis                           since  the  team’s  first  meet-
                                                                      31-27  as  rookie  quarterback  BACKING BAKER             ing, that number could rise.
                                                                      Joe  Burrow,  the  first  overall  Mayfield’s   shaky   perfor-
                                                                      pick this year, turned in an-  mances in the last two games  The Browns rushed for 215
                                                                      other gutsy performance that  — four interceptions in five  yards in their win last month
                                                                      just wasn't enough. He threw  quarters  —  has  generated  a  over Cincinnati, and fullback
                                                                      an interception with 46 sec-  lot of outside noise. But the  Andy  Janovich  bragged  they
                                                                      onds left in the game as Cin-  Browns  are  rallying  around  could  have  gotten  “300  or
                                                                      cinnati was driving for what  the 25-year-old, who is 16-19  400,  if  we  wanted.”  Kareem
                                                                      could have been the go-ahead  as a starter and playing for his  Hunt picked up 86 yards on
                                                                      score.                       fourth  head  coach  in  three  10 carries against the Bengals
                                                                                                   years. “This is not about any  last time, and he figures to get
                                                                      “We’re  not  panicking,"  Bur-  one person, center JC Tretter  a  heavy  workload  this  time
                                                                      row said this week. "We could  said. ”We all have to play bet-  with  Chubb  still  recovering
                                                                      easily be 4-2 right now. One  ter and raise our level." Said  from a sprained knee.
                                                                      or two plays made in each of  Beckham:  “I  have  Baker’s
                                                                      these  games  and  we’re  right  back.”                   Unhappy veterans
                                                                      in the playoff hunt. We know                              Veteran sack specialists Geno
                                                                      how close we are.”           “I  don’t  give  a  damn  what  Atkins  and  Carlos  Dunlap
                                                                                                   (the  critics)  say,”  Mayfield  have  expressed  displeasure
                                                                      Both teams desperately need  said. “It is within this build-  over  their  reduced  roles  in
                                                                      a  win  in  the  Battle  of  Ohio  ing. We know we can do bet-  the  Bengals'  defense.  The
                                                                      for their confidence. In their  ter.                      32-year-old  Atkins  missed
                                                                      first meeting in Week 2, the                              the  first  four  games  of  the
                                                                      Browns  won  35-30  as  Bur-  Close but not enough        season with a shoulder injury.
                                                                      row  attempted  61  passes  —  The Bengals have gotten ag-  Although he's back, his play-
                                                                      the second most by a rookie  onizingly  close  to  winning,  ing time has been limited.
                                                                      in NFL history— completing  only  to  be  done  in  by  their
                                                                      37  for  316  yards  and  three  inability to shut the door. Last  The 31-year-old Dunlap was
                                                                      touchdowns.                  Sunday they led 21-0 in the  dropped  from  the  starting
                                                                                                   second  quarter  but  allowed  lineup earlier this season and
            (AP) — The Bengals keep                                   Without  a  doubt  Burrow  Philip  Rivers  and  the  Colts  publicly  criticized  coaches.
            insisting  they  are  bet-   The  rematch  of  the  AFC  has  gotten  more  comfort-   to  rally.  In  Week  3,  Cincin-  Both  are  seeing  fewer  snaps
            ter  than  their  dismal  re-  North  rivals  on  Sunday  in  able with the pro game since  nati had to settle for a tie with  even  as  the  personnel  on
            cord.  The  Browns'  crash  Cincinnati  could  provide  then,  although  his  offensive  the Philadelphia Eagles after  Cincinnati's  defensive  front
            in  Pittsburgh  last  week  more clarity.                 line and Cincinnati's injury-  giving  up  a  late  touchdown.  keeps  changing  because  of
            showed they might not be  The Browns (4-2) are smart-     plagued  defense  have  been  And  three  of  the  other  four  injuries.
            as good as they thought.     ing  after  a  38-7  pummeling  lacking.  The  Pittsburgh  de-  losses were by a combined 12

                             Julio Jones feels good, tells Falcons 'You can lean on me'

            (AP) — Todd Gurley mar-      practice,   Jones   returned  wide receivers. He also knew  was  that  play  he  stiff-armed  back. We’ve just got to go out
            veled at the way a healthy  Thursday  and  spoke  with  Jones  is  one  of  the  league's  a  linebacker  and  just  keeps  there  and  play  for  one  an-
            Julio  Jones  made  playing  enthusiasm about his recov-  most physical receivers.     running.”                    other. We’ve got to have fun
            football  look  like  a  video  ery from the injury when he                                                         doing it.”
            game.                        said, “Now I can go out, I can  Still, watching on the field as  Added  Gurley:  “It  just  tells  Tight  end  Hayden  Hurst
                                         produce,  I  can  be  me,  I  can  Jones used a stiff-arm against  you,  you  get  a  healthy  Julio  said just having Jones on the
            Gurley  also  was  impressed  have fun.”                  Vikings  linebacker  Eric  Wil-  playing,  you  get  a  win.  I’ll  field lifted the offense's con-
            that a healthy Jones made the                             son  to  create  space,  turning  take that every time.”  fidence.  Hurst,  who  began
            Atlanta  Falcons  finally  look  Added  Jones:  “Lean  on  me.  a short pass from Ryan into                         his career in Baltimore, com-
            like winners. After missing all  You can lean on me through-  a 40-yard touchdown, was a  The first win for the Falcons  pared watching Jones in per-
            but one half of the previous  out  the  game.  Everything.  revelation for Gurley.     (1-5) in the debut of Raheem  son  with  being  on  the  field
            three games with a hamstring  I’m  ready  to  go.  It’s  a  great                      Morris as interim coach pro-  with Ravens quarterback La-
            injury, Jones made a huge im-  feeling. It’s a great spot to be  Gurley said it was like watch-  vided  a  boost  for  the  team's  mar Jackson.
            pact in last week's 40-23 win  in.”                       ing Jones in a video game.   confidence entering the game
            at Minnesota. Jones returned  Jones' return to health is big  “Just looked easy, bro," Gur-  against  Detroit.  Ryan  threw  “Being on the field for it, be-
            with  eight  catches  for  137  news  for  quarterback  Matt  ley  said  Wednesday.  “Just  for four touchdowns and the  ing able to see it in person is
            yards and two touchdowns.    Ryan,  Gurley  and  Atlanta's  like, I don’t know what to tell  offense gained 462 yards.  just  totally  different,”  Hurst
                                         other playmakers.            you, I really don’t. It’s a credit                        said. “Being on the field with
            It  was  a  strong  reminder  of                          to  him,  how  consistent  he’s  “It  was  very  important  for  Julio and seeing how explo-
            the value of a healthy Jones,  Gurley,  the  running  back  in  been able to be in his years in  us,  as  an  organization  and  sive he is and what he does to
            including  in  Sunday's  game  his first season in Atlanta, al-  the  league.  Not  only  just  to  just for everything about us,”  guys from a speed standpoint,
            against the Detroit Lions.   ready  knew  Jones,  the  first-  see it up close in person, him  Jones said. “We’ve got to go  from a strength standpoint, is
                                         team All-Pro pick in 2015 and  and Matt looking like they’re  into this game like last week.  remarkable.”
            After  missing  Wednesday's  2016, is one of the NFL's top  playing  NFL  Blitz.  It  just  We’ve  got  to  have  our  swag
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