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sports Diabierna 23 OctOber 2020
NHL cancels 2021 Minnesota Winter Classic, All-Star Weekend
(AP) - The NHL won't lation of the two signature this upcoming season.”
take it outside and open events. The league hopes to
2021 with the Winter Clas- bring them back to those cit- The Minnesota Wild were
sic in Minnesota but still ies in future years. supposed to host their first
hopes to get the hockey Winter Classic next season
season going around the “Because of the uncertainty at the home of Major League
start of the new year. as to when we will be able to Baseball's Twins against the
welcome our fans back to our 2019 Stanley Cup champion
The league on Thursday games, we felt that the pru- St. Louis Blues. That will
canceled the Winter Classic dent decision at this time was have to wait until at least
scheduled for Jan. 1 at Target to postpone these celebra- 2022.
Field in Minneapolis and All- tions until 2022 when our
Star Weekend that was set for fans should be able to enjoy “The NHL has given us ev-
late January in Sunrise, Flor- and celebrate these tentpole ery indication that the Winter
ida. It said those moves don't events in-person, as they Classic is coming to the State
change the league and play- were always intended,” NHL of Hockey and Target Field
ers' target date to begin on or senior executive vice presi- when it is safe to do so and
around Jan. 1 in the hopes of dent and chief content offi- our fans can fully embrace hosted by the Florida Pan- schedule is expected to be
each team playing a full 82- cer Steve Mayer said. "We are it,” Wild president Matt Ma- thers was anticipated, along condensed in order to get in
game season. also considering several new jka said. “We look forward to with forgoing the five-day as many games as possible
and creative events that will that day.” “bye” week each team had and stage a full 16-team play-
No guarantee of being able allow our fans to engage with gotten in recent years on ei- off without going too deep
to host fans led to the cancel- our games and teams during Canceling All-Star festivities ther side of that break. The into the summer.
A return to football and relief for Baylor and Texas
(AP) — Texas' Tom Her- rus problems that forced the week),” Aranda said. “There’s wanted the school to drop the Warner,” Brewer said. Ï think
man and Baylor's Dave program to shut down for 10 some real excitement there." song because of its links to we’re both ready to go com-
Aranda are old friends days and postpone last week's The game will remain in racist elements in the school's pete this weekend."
and college teammates game against Oklahoma semi-limbo until Baylor's fi- history.
who will meet for the first State. It was the second time nal COVID-19 test results Tracking sam
time Saturday as opposing this season Baylor had a game Friday. Defensive lineman and team Baylor linebacker Terrel Bar-
head coaches. interrupted by the virus: the co-captain Ta'Quon Gra- nard anchors the defense and
Sept. 19 matchup against Herman's problems are ham said the disruption of has double duty: pressure
For both, just getting on the Houston was called off the two-fold. His fourth season the postgame tradition hasn't Ehlinger when he can, and
field will be somewhat of day before the game. in Austin is mired in a two- divided the locker room but also spy on the QB when in
a relief. And for Herman, game losing skid and many all the attention on the issue coverage to prevent him from
all eyes will be on how the Baylor hasn't played since an fans are just as angry about has created a distraction for running. Barnard already has
Longhorns (2-2, 1-2 Big 12) overtime loss to West Virgin- what's happening at the end the players. Graham said this 2.5 sacks and an interception
leave the field as well. ia on Oct. 3. The long break of games: Most players are week he'll stay on the field for in two games.
pushed the players out of the skipping the traditional post- the song.
At Baylor, Aranda's first football facilities and into on- game singing of “The Eyes of “I thought we were past the Special teams
season with the Bears (1- line meetings. Texas” school song with fans. issue surrounding the song. Baylor’s Tresten Ebner had
1, 1-1) has seen his locker The controversy flared this I thought we were just fo- two kickoff return touch-
room swept up in coronavi- “It was great to be back (this summer when some players cusing on the season, but it downs in a win over Kan-
popped up again," Graham sas. Longhorns special teams
said. have been a disaster with
blocked punts, fumbled
Herman and Aranda were punts, a blocked field goal
teammates at Cal-Lutheran and penalties that wiped out
25 years ago. Aranda was a big kick returns.
linebacker, Herman a wide
receiver. They've crossed Ingram's struggles
sideline paths a few times, Junior tailback Keaontay
most recently when Aranda Ingram has been a mixed
was the defensive coordina- bag for the Longhorns. His
tor at LSU last season and fumble at the goal line cost
beat Texas. Texas a win over TCU but
“I think it’s really cool that his game-tying touchdown
20% of the head coaches in catch against Oklahoma sent
the Big 12 are Cal Lu gradu- the game into overtime. That
ates,” Herman said. TD came on a nearly identi-
cal play to one he dropped
Quarterbacks against LSU in 2019.
Texas' Sam Ehlinger and
Baylor's Charlie Brewer are Big rallies
old high school rivals from Texas has been a fourth-
the Austin area. Ehlinger has quarter team offensively. The
carried Texas with 16 touch- Longhorns rallied from 15
down passes along with five points down in the final 4
more rushing TDs. He also minutes to beat Texas Tech,
leads the team in rushing. rallied to take a fourth-quar-
Brewer could snag a career ter lead before losing to TCU
highlight with a senior win in and stormed back late against
his hometown. “We’ve been Oklahoma to force overtime.
playing against each other,
I guess, probably since Pop