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u.s. news Diamars 27 OctOber 2020
Sterling K. Brown finds his balance in when to speak out
(AP) — Season five of than represent all of Black
NBC's “This Is Us,” de- America," he said.
buts Tuesday and viewers
will get to see the Pearson In an interview with The As-
family as they navigate sociated Press, Brown spoke
both the pandemic and about becoming a celebrity
Black Lives Matter move- who people suddenly want to
ment. Sterling K. Brown, hear from, his hiatus in quar-
who plays Randall Pear- antine and appearing in “A
son, says he can relate to West Wing Special to Benefit
how his character — a When We All Vote,” as a for-
Black man who was ad- mer “West Wing” super fan.
opted into a white family Answers have been edited for
—feels in the aftermath of length and clarity.
the deaths of Ahmaud Ar- ___
bery, Breonna Taylor and AP: What does it feel like
George Floyd, as his white to be someone who people
TV relatives look to him want to know your opinions?
on what they should do to Brown: There was this Dave
make him feel better. Chappelle joke about how
people always want to know
Brown says he received “tons what celebrities have to say
of phone calls from white and MTV interviewed Ja Rule
friends saying, ‘What can I about 9/11. And I'm like, ‘Am
do? Let me know? Is there I Ja Rule now? Is this what’s
something I should be do- happening to me?' But I do
ing?’ and it's like, ‘Guys, I feel like silence in the face of
appreciate where your heart inequality is complicity, and
is, I really do, but I've got I don't want anyone to think show up, say your lines and when you're usually working the late John Spencer.)
like every other white person I think the status quo is OK. then you go home. Now, on other projects?
calling me saying this. I need So there is some pressure to in the past five-six years it's Brown: Tommy (Schlamme)
you to go pick up ‘White Fra- have something to say. You been like, ‘Well, what do you Brown: It was the longest and Aaron (Sorkin) called me
gility’ (by Robin DiAngelo.) want to inform yourself to think?’ But, don't cry for me break I've had in six years. and they were like, ‘We were
I don't know. Do what you've what's going on in the world, Argentina. Sometimes the I was home so much to the wondering if you would play
got to do, but I kind of just have an opinion and be able best comment you can make point where my oldest son the role of Leo.’ I’m like, ‘You
need a break. You don't real- to defend yourself. is to have no comment. Don't (9-year-old Andrew) got a know I’m 44-years-old.’ And
ize you're inundating me, in speak about things you're not little annoyed with me. He they’re like, ‘Yeah, OK, no
a very sweet way, but I'm still AP: This is a somewhat re- as versed in. was like ‘Dude, you’re always problem.’ And the fact that
trying to figure out what my cent shift for you, too. around.' I was like, ‘This is I was even asked was a tre-
next step is.' It's hard enough Brown: For the first 14, 15 AP: What was your long hia- cool, right? Let's play some mendous offer. Like, hon-
to represent yourself rather years of my career it was just tus from “This Is Us” like Madden.' He was like, ‘Uh, estly, that was my show, you
I’m trying to do this Fort- know? It’s a perfect example
nite thing with my friends.' of the kind of art where it
And the baby Amare, he's doesn’t necessarily show a
not a baby, he's 5. But he was reflection of the way life as it
full of joy and sunshine. We is, but life as it could be, you
just graduated from the bal- know, an idealized version or
ance bike to the big bike. My something like it. And, it’s
wife and I had a wonderful acting crushes that I’ve had
time but in that, a wonderful, for years. I’m now sharing a
difficult time. When you're space with these people.
used to going away and com-
ing back, you have a rhythm. It exceeded expectations
And when that rhythm was because Martin Sheen is
broken it was a little like, 80 years old. That old Jed
‘Why are you here?’ ‘Why are Bartlett shows up and he is
YOU here?’ And then we re- ice cold. He has the most
alized ‘Oh, man. We kind of lines in the episode by far
missed each other a little bit.’ and he's talking about chess
moves and people in India
AP: Did you watch a lot of who introduced things and
TV? just tricky stuff and he was
Brown: So much. It's an oc- like (snaps his fingers three
cupational necessity. You're in times.) I was like, ‘Oh, so
too many rooms with people this is what’s happening.’
you want to collaborate with. And like everybody else saw
If you don't know their work, and they’re like, ‘Yeah, we’re
then you don't have anything not going to let the president
to say. But it also works well just blow us all away.’ So ev-
for someone who has been erybody started rehearsing
addicted to the medium since their scenes by their trailers
the days of yore. outside with their PPE on. I
AP: Let's discuss “The West didn't have much to do in the
Wing” special for HBO Max. episode but I was like, ‘Can
What was that experience like I just sit in the audience and
for you? (Brown played chief watch?’ I was like a kid in a
of staff Leo McGarry, a char- candy store.
acter originally portrayed by