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A30 world news
Diamars 27 OctOber 2020
UK-EU trade talks back on after bloc offers olive branch
(AP) — Britain and the 1. British business groups
European Union will re- warn that could mean bor-
sume their stalled trade der delays, soaring prices and
negotiations at an “inten- shortages of some goods.
sified” pace, the British
government said Wednes- Barnier's emollient tone con-
day, in hope of striking a trasted with the combative
deal within weeks to avoid stance of Michel, who said
a messy economic break- that if Britain wants vast ac-
up at the end of he year. cess to the 27-member bloc's
markets, it will have to keep
The announcement came its waters open to EU fisher-
five days after Prime Minister men, something the U.K. is
Boris Johnson declared that refusing to do.
the talks were over unless the
bloc made a “fundamental” “Yes, we want to keep access
change of policy, to U.K. waters for our fish-
ermen," Michel said. "Exactly
There is little sign that has like the U.K., too, (wants) to
happened. But Britain seized keep access to our huge and
on conciliatory comments by diversified markets for its
EU chief negotiator Michel companies."
Barnier, saying they offered EU leaders also remain angry
the chance of a breakthrough. ing to strike a trade deal since businesses once it is free of over the U.K.'s plans to disre-
Barnier has already agreed Barnier spokesman Daniel the U.K. left the EU on Jan. the bloc’s rules. gard some parts of the legally
to “intensify” talks — a key Ferrie said EU negotiators 31. They must do so within binding withdrawal agree-
U.K. demand — and to dis- would travel to London on weeks if an agreement is to be The bloc also accuses Brit- ment it signed with the bloc.
cuss the legal text of an agree- Thursday. The first chunk ratified by the end of the year, ain of seeking the kind of
ment. On Wednesday he of negotiations is due to run when a post-Brexit transition unfettered access to its mar- If passed, the Internal Mar-
said compromise would be through the weekend. period ends. kets usually reserved for EU ket Bill will allow the British
needed from both sides to get members. government to override parts
a deal. Barnier told the European Johnson's about-face will re- agreement relating to trade
Parliament that “despite the inforce suspicions that his “The U.K. wants access to with Northern Ireland, the
That turned out to be the difficulties we’ve faced, an walkout was a gesture de- a single market while at the only part of the U.K. to share
key. Britain has long com- agreement is within reach if signed to inject momentum same time being able to di- a border with the EU.
plained that the EU expects both sides are willing to work into the sluggish talks. verge from our standards Johnson’s government says it
it to make all the concessions. constructively, if they are and regulations when it suits needs the legislation as an in-
willing to compromise.” The two sides have come them,” European Council surance policy in case the EU
Johnson’s office said that on He also said that "the Euro- close to agreement in many President Charles Michel behaves unreasonably after a
the basis of Barnier's words pean Union’s attitude in this areas during months of told the European Parliament post-Brexit transition period
it was “ready to welcome the negotiation has in no way fraught negotiations, though on Wednesday. “You can’t ends on Dec. 31 and tries to
EU team to London to re- shifted and it will not shift.” big gaps remain over fish- have your cake and eat it too.” impede the flow of goods be-
sume negotiations later this ing rights — highly symbolic Britain accuses the bloc of tween Northern Ireland and
week" for “intensified” talks. But Downing Street focused for maritime nations on both seeking to impose demands the rest of the U.K.
“It is clear that significant on Barnier’s words about sides — and rules to ensure that it has not placed on oth-
gaps remain between our po- compromise and his ac- common regulatory stan- er countries it has free trade The bloc sees it as a flagrant
sitions in the most difficult knowledgement that a deal dards and fair competition. deals with, such as Canada. breach of an international
areas, but we are ready, with would have to respect the The EU fears the U.K. will treaty that could undermine
the EU, to see if it is possible U.K.’s “sovereignty,” a key gain an unfair advantage by If there is no deal, businesses the delicate foundations of
to bridge them in intensive term for British Brexit sup- slashing food, workplace and on both sides of the English Northern Ireland’s peace set-
talks,” Downing St. said in a porters. environmental standards and Channel face tariffs and other tlement, created by the 1998
statement. The two sides have been try- pumping state money into obstacles to trade starting Jan. Good Friday accord.
Judge refuses to block 'No Boycott of Israel' measure
(AP) — A federal judge on Monday threw out behalf of software engineer Syed Saqib Ali, a for- But Ali hasn't submitted any bids, so Blake ruled
a lawsuit in which a Muslim civil rights group mer state legislator. CAIR argued the order has an Monday that he cannot proceed on the basis of a
sought to block the state of Maryland from unconstitutional chilling effect on First Amend- “direct injury.”
enforcing its ban on contracting with busi- ment-protected political advocacy supporting the
nesses that boycott Israel. Palestinians. Last October, the judge initially dismissed Mr.
Ali’s complaint “without prejudice,” meaning he
U.S. District Judge Catherine Blake didn't reach a The executive order says a boycott based on reli- could refile the case. In that ruling, the judge said
decision on whether the executive order that Mary- gion, national origin or ethnicity is discriminatory. Ali would have to plausibly show that his First
land Gov. Larry Hogan signed in October 2017 is A business boycott of Israel and its territories “is Amendment free speech rights had been violated.
constitutional. The judge ruled that a software en- not a commercial decision made for business or
gineer who is named as the lawsuit's plaintiff hasn't economic reasons,” it says. Ali filed an amended complaint later that month,
shown he has suffered any “direct injury” giving claiming Hogan's order violates his constitutional
him the legal standing to challenge the order. “Contracting with business entities that discrimi- rights to freedom of speech and assembly. He also
nate make the State a passive participant in private- claimed the order and the mandated “No Boycott
Hogan's order requires contractors to certify in sector commercial discrimination,” the order says. of Israel” certification in Maryland bids and con-
writing that they don’t boycott Israel. The order tracts are unconstitutionally vague.
was called “Prohibiting Discriminatory Boycotts of Ali’s lawsuit said Hogan's order bars him from bid-
Israel in State Procurement.” ding for government software program contracts In Monday's ruling, the judge said Ali hasn't shown
because he supports boycotts of businesses and that his free speech has been “chilled" by the certi-
The Council on American-Islamic Relations sued organizations that “contribute to the oppression of fication requirement or that he engaged in any self-
Hogan and state Attorney General Brian Frosh on Palestinians.” censorship.