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A28    U.s. news
                  Diamars 27 OctOber 2020

                              Trump eyes hosting election night party at his DC hotel

                                                                                                   and  Ethics  in  Washington.  at a moment when cases are
                                                                                                   “In some ways, election night  spiking  in  the  U.S.  Trump
                                                                                                   is going to be the pinnacle of  was  expected  to  host  a  cer-
                                                                                                   his self dealing.”           emony on the South Lawn of
                                                                                                                                the White House on Monday
                                                                                                   The  White  House  referred  after  an  anticipated  Senate
                                                                                                   questions  on  the  president’s  vote to confirm Barrett.
                                                                                                   election  night  plans  to  the
                                                                                                   Trump campaign, which did  “You can believe that you can
                                                                                                   not  respond  to  requests  for  go  to  the  White  House  and
                                                                                                   comment.                     get  COVID  and  that  noth-
                                                                                                                                ing’s going to happen to you.
                                                                                                   It’s unclear how big Trump’s  Perhaps,”  Bowser  said.  “Or
                                                                                                   election  night  party  will  be.  you can die from it.”
                                                                                                   The  District  of  Columbia,
                                                                                                   under coronavirus protocols,  Trump held his 2016 election
                                                                                                   has capped mass gatherings at  party in his then-hometown
                                                                                                   50 people.                   of New York. But he booked
                                                                                                                                his  victory  party  at  New
                                                                                                   The  president  has  side-   York’s  Hilton  in  Midtown
                                                                                                   stepped  the  district’s  rules,  Manhattan  because  his  own
                                                                                                   which hold no weight on fed-  nearby  Trump  International
                                                                                                   eral property, at other recent  Hotel & Tower didn’t have a
                                                                                                   events. The president hosted  big enough room.
            (AP)  —  President  Don-     For Trump, an election night                              hundreds  of  people  on  the
            ald Trump has his eye on  party at his own hotel is sym-  Over the course of his presi-  White House grounds for an  It’s  unclear  how  much  of  a
            hosting  an  election  night  bolic for a businessman who  dency, the Trump campaign,  Independence  Day  weekend  presence Trump himself will
            party  at  his  own  hotel  in  leveraged his celebrity as a re-  the  RNC  and  their  joint-  celebration,  for  his  Repub-  be in the election night fes-
            the nation’s capital.        ality star and New York real  fundraising committees have  lican  National  Convention  tivities this time. With a sig-
                                         estate magnate to win the na-  spent  over  $7.4  million  at  speech  in  August  and  again  nificant  portion  of  the  elec-
            Over the weekend, the cam-   tion's highest office.       Trump-branded properties.    at last month’s Rose Garden  torate opting to mail in their
            paign  pushed  out  fundrais-  Critics see it as one more re-                          announcement of the nomi-    ballots, that could delay tabu-
            ing emails in the president’s  minder of how the president  The   Washington   hotel,  nation  of  Judge  Amy  Co-  lation of results.
            name  offering  donors  the  has used his office to person-  which  is  blocks  from  the  ney  Barrett  to  the  Supreme
            chance  to  enter  a  drawing  ally profit as foreign leaders,  White House, has been sold  Court.                  Sherman  noted  that  Trump,
            “to  join  Team  Trump  at  the  conservative  supporters  and  out  for  weeks  for  Election                      whenever  he  leaves  office,
            Election  Night  Party  in  my  administration  officials  use  Day  as  well  as  the  days  be-  Several  attendees,  including  will have a Secret Service de-
            favorite  hotel,”  in  Washing-  the lobby of             fore and after Nov. 3. A basic  Trump, tested positive for the  tail for the rest of his life like
            ton,  suggesting  he  will  use                           room then is going for $1,200  coronavirus  in  the  days  fol-  other  past  presidents.  With
            his luxury hotel as the back-  Washington’s  Trump  Inter-  a night, nearly triple the $476  lowing  Barrett's  event.  Few  every  Trump  trip  to  one  of
            drop for reacting to election  national  Hotel  as  an  unoffi-  room rate on Monday.  guests wore masks.           his properties, taxpayers will
            results.                     cial clubhouse for the Trump                                                           cover  the  tab  of  agents  pro-
                                         presidency.                  “Donald  Trump  has  spent  District of Columbia Mayor  tecting the 45th president.
            “November 3rd will go down  Since  2017,  the  president  his  entire  presidency  fun-  Muriel  Bowser  told  report-
            in  history  as  the  night  we  and  Republican  National  neling  taxpayer,  campaign,  ers on Monday that she had  “I  have  a  high  level  of  con-
            won FOUR MORE YEARS.  Committee have held several  special  interest  and  foreign  heard of plans for an election  fidence  that  Donald  Trump
            It  will  be  absolutely  EPIC,  fundraisers at the president’s  government  money  into  the  night  party  and  added,  “We  will find a way to have gov-
            and the only thing that could  Washington hotel in the his-  business  that  he  still  owns,”  will be in touch with our li-  ernment  or  special  interest
            make it better is having YOU  toric Old Post Office build-  said  Donald  Sherman,  dep-  censee, which is the hotel."  money  go  to  his  hotels  re-
            there,” Trump said in a fund-  ing,  which  the  president’s  uty director of the nonprofit  Bowser  also  more  broadly  gardless  of  the  outcome  of
            raising solicitation.        company leases from the fed-  government watchdog group  questioned Trump’s wisdom  next  week’s  election,”  Sher-
                                         eral government.             Citizens  for  Responsibility  in  holding  large  gatherings  man said.

                          70,000 in Southern California to evacuate after blaze grows

            (AP)  —  A  fast-moving  near houses in the sprawling  The  question  was  where  to  the region, including another
            wildfire forced evacuation  city of Irvine, home to about  go  in  the  pandemic.  They  one  in  Orange  County  that  North  of  San  Francisco,  a
            orders  for  70,000  people  280,000 residents. There was  decided on the home of her  prompted  evacuation  orders  Mount  St.  Helena  weather
            and  seriously  injured  two  no containment.             girlfriend’s mother, who has  near the city of Yorba Linda.  station recorded a hurricane-
            firefighters  in  Southern                                ample space and lives alone.                              force  gust  of  89  mph  (143
            California  on  Monday  Two firefighters, one 26 and                                   About  355,000  power  cus-  kph)  late  Sunday  and  sus-
            as  powerful  winds  across  the other 31 years old, were  “We  literally  talked  about  it  tomers — estimated at about  tained winds of 76 mph (122
            the state prompted power  critically  injured  while  bat-  this  morning,”  Brewer  said,  1 million people — were in  kph).  Some  Sierra  Nevada
            to  be  cut  to  hundreds  of  tling  the  blaze,  according  to  adding  that  she  feels  lucky  the dark in the northern part  peaks  registered  gusts  well
            thousands to prevent util-   the  county's  Fire  Authority,  to  have  a  safe  place  to  go.  of the state as officials issued  over 100 mph (161 mph).
            ity equipment from spark-    which  didn't  provide  details  “We  can  only  imagine  how  warnings  for  what  could  be
            ing new blazes.              on how the injuries occurred.  screwed  everyone  else  feels.  the  strongest  winds  in  Cali-  The  “shut-offs  probably  did
                                         They  each  suffered  second-  There’s nowhere you can go  fornia this year.           prevent  dangerous  fires  last
            The  smoky  fire  exploded  in  and  third-degree  burns  over  to feel safe.”                                      night.  It’s  almost  impossible
            size  to  over  6  square  miles  large portions of their bodies                       Firefighting  crews  that  had  to imagine that winds of this
            (16 square kilometers) with-  and were intubated at a hos-  Water-dropping  helicopters  been  at  the  ready  overnight  magnitude  would  not  have
            in  a  few  hours  of  breaking  pital, officials said.   were  briefly  grounded  be-  quickly contained small blaz-  sparked major conflagrations
            out around dawn in Orange                                 cause the strong winds made  es  that  broke  out  Sunday  in  in years past,” Daniel Swain, a
            County,  south  of  Los  An-  Kelsey Brewer and her three  it  unsafe  to  fly.  Officials  Northern  California’s  So-  climate scientist with UCLA
            geles.  Strong  gusts  pushed  roommates  decided  to  leave  didn't  immediately  know  noma  and  Shasta  counties.  and the National Center for
            flames  along  brushy  ridges  their  townhouse  before  the  the cause of the fire, one of  The  causes  were  under  in-  Atmospheric  Research,  said
            in  Silverado  Canyon  and  evacuation  order  came  in.  several that broke out across  vestigation.               on Twitter.
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