Page 46 - MIN SJA 3 MAART 2016
P. 46

                                                                                                                                    Thursday 3 March 2016

US Financial Front:

   Even as gas prices rise, drivers will save at the pump 

DAVID KOENIG                   expects crude prices to        Gasoline prices are posted at a filling station, Wednesday, March 2, 2016, in Philadelphia. Gaso-
AP Business Writer             average about $38 a bar-       line prices are expected to keep rising until summer but remain far cheaper than in recent years,
DALLAS (AP) — Gasoline         rel this year and $50 next     due to the worldwide glut of oil.
prices have started their      year. That forecast was
annual springtime migra-       made before Saudi Ara-                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
tion higher, but motorists     bia’s oil minister forcefully
should still save money at     rejected production cuts       and heating oil are putting    they believe that cheap-        Chase Institute looked at
the pump in 2016.              during a speech to a major     more money in consumers’       er pump prices will last        records from 26 million
The national average price     oil-industry conference last   pockets.                       a while. More consumer          debit and credit card hold-
for a gallon of regular has    week in Houston.               The U.S. Energy Depart-        spending should boost the       ers and concluded that
risen for eight straight days  Oil prices have been un-       ment estimates that the        economy.                        gas savings varied greatly
— the first time that has      dercut by demand that          average household saved        “In West Texas, they are in     by income and region. The
happened since last May,       turned out to be weaker        $660 because of cheaper        a recession,” Christopher       card holders spent about
according to the auto club     than expected, especially      gas in 2015 and will save      said, “but it’s a net positive  80 percent of their sav-
AAA — to about $1.79 on        in China and other devel-      another $320 this year.        for the United States and       ings, almost 20 percent of
Wednesday. That’s still 54     oping countries. But for the   Chris Christopher, director    most developed econo-           it at restaurants. They also
cents cheaper than at this     most part, it’s a case of      of consumer economics at       mies that don’t depend          increased spending at de-
time last year.                oversupply — more crude        research firm IHS, said con-   too much on energy prices       partment stores and on
Forecasters say prices         is gushing into world mar-     sumers will gradually spend    for their livelihood.”          entertainment, electronics
should rise at least 30 cents  kets than consumers and        more of their gas savings as   Last year, the JPMorgan         and appliances.
or more by June. Demand        industry need.
will rise as people drive      Last month, commercial
more, and supplies will        inventories of U.S. crude
tighten when refiners slow     topped 500 million bar-
down to perform mainte-        rels for the first time; they
nance and switch to more       are more than one-third
expensive summer fuel          above their five-year av-
blends.                        erage. Iran is expected to
The U.S. Energy Depart-        produce more oil now that
ment predicts that the na-     it is free from international
tional average for a gal-      sanctions. And produc-
lon of regular gasoline will   ers like Saudi Arabia, who
peak at $2.08 from June        could cut supply to prop
through August. Tom Kloza,     up prices, are continuing
an energy analyst with the     to pump away instead.
Oil Price Information Ser-     Lower oil prices have led
vice, says the peak will be    to layoffs at drilling com-
between $2.10 and $2.50 a      panies and contributed to
gallon.                        weakness in the stock mar-
Either forecast would leave    ket, but cheaper gasoline
prices well below recent
years. From 2011 to 2014,      Survey: US companies added 214,000 jobs in February 
the national average on
June 1 topped $3.60 and        PAUL WISEMAN                   “It’s a very strong re-        27,000. But manufacturers       and production.
some places saw gas over       AP Economics Writer            port. The labor market is      shed 9,000 jobs in Febru-       The ADP report comes
$4. Last year, gas prices      WASHINGTON (AP) —              healthy,” said Mark Zan-       ary, first time they’ve cut     out two days before the
peaked in June at $2.80 a      U.S.  businesses  added a      di, chief economist at         payrolls since October.         U.S. government’s official
gallon.                        healthy 214,000 jobs last      Moody’s Analytics. “This is    Manufacturers have been         jobs report. Economists
Gas is cheaper because a       month, another sign that       very good news particularly    hurt by economic weak-          surveyed by the data firm
glut of crude has caused       the U.S. job market remains    in the context of the turmoil  ness overseas, a strong         FactSet predict that Ameri-
oil prices to tumble. Even     resilient despite economic     in the financial markets in    dollar that makes Ameri-        can employers — includ-
with a 30 percent rally        weakness overseas and tu-      the past several months.”      can products expensive          ing government — added
since Jan. 20, benchmark       mult in financial markets.     Moody’s helps compile the      overseas and cutbacks in        195,000 jobs last month, up
U.S. crude closed Tuesday      Payroll processor ADP said     ADP numbers.                   the energy industry follow-     from 151,000 in January.
down 68 percent from its       Wednesday that the bet-        Professional and  busi-        ing a big drop in oil prices.   They expect that the unem-
June 2014 peak.                ter-than-expected hiring       ness  services companies       Some of the pain in manu-       ployment rate remained at
Motorists may enjoy the        by private companies was       added 59,000 jobs and          facturing has been offset       an eight-year low 4.9 per-
relative bargain for a while.  up from 205,000 in January.    construction firms hired       by strong automotive sales      cent.
The Energy Department
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