Page 15 - MIN SOC 13 NOV 2015
P. 15
U.S. NEWSFriday 13 November 2015
Black students around US complain of casual, everyday racism
Michigan students stand in solidarity Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015, with University of Missouri protest- Missouri president, who was situations,” said Akosua
ers and students, in Ann Arbor, Mich. A march and rally offered a show of support to University of criticized for his handling of Opokua-Achampong, a
Missouri students whose protests led two top administrators to resign. racial complaints. Some of student at Boston College.
the Missouri students said “Those also hurt.”
(Dominic Valente/The Ann Arbor News via AP) they were inspired by the Sheryce Holloway said she
protests in nearby Fergu- is tired of white people at
COLLIN BINKLEY at university campuses their own schools. son, where the police kill- Virginia Commonwealth
ERRIN WHACK Thursday to show solidarity Students at some schools ing of an 18-year-old black University asking if they
Associated Press with protesters at the Uni- said they were embold- man helped give rise to can touch her hair or if she
BOSTON (AP) — Thousands versity of Missouri, and to ened to take a harder the nationwide “black lives knows the latest dance
of students across the U.S. shine a light on what they stance against racism by matter” movement. move.
took part in demonstrations say are racial problems at the protests that topped the From Boston College to At Chicago’s Loyola Uni-
campuses at the Univer- versity, student Dominick
sity of California, dozens of Hall said groups of white
schools saw walkouts and guys stop talking when he
rallies. While the Missouri walks by, and sometimes
protests were triggered in people grip their bags a
large part by complaints little tighter.
about slurs and other overt Katiana Roc said she will
racism on campus, some never forget the day two
students at Thursday’s ral- years ago when she sat
lies said it’s a subtler brand down in class at West Vir-
of prejudice that motivat- ginia University and a white
ed them to take a stand. student a few seats away
Many said they face daily collected his things and
instances of casual racism moved across the room.
and insensitivity. There’s “He looked uncomfortable.
even a word on campuses I’m pretty sure he moved
these days for subtle slights because of the color of
against minorities: microag- my skin. It didn’t hurt my
gression. feelings,” said Roc. “What
“It’s more the daily micro- disappointed me was his
aggressions than the large ignorance.”q