Page 15 - ATA
P. 15
Tuesday 27 February 2018
Historical maps of Aruba
ORANJESTAD - The depart- the ancient maps of topo- 1913.
ment Arubiana is part of graphic Johannes Wer-
the National Library and will bata from the Dutch-East Anyone who has an interest
host a special night coming Indies, who was brought to in the history of Aruba is in-
Thursday. Curacao in the year 1906 vited to this lecture that will
Engineer Vi Frank, former to work on maps of the is- take place in Bachstraat
director of the geodesy lands, at that time called 5, Oranjestad, between 7
department of the gov- the Dutch-West Indies. and 9 PM.
ernment, will lecture on The maps of Aruba were More information is to be
historical maps of Aruba. produced in the years 1909 found on Facebook Biblio-
His focus will be mainly on to 1911 and published in teca Nacional Aruba. q
Poetry, Healthy Food and the Culture of San Nicolas
SAN NICOLAS - The three tal building of the Nicolaas
elements mentioned in the Store. This is not your ordi-
title above are the ingredi- nary cafe, young entrepre-
ents for a real local experi- neur Tristan Nedd (22) set
ence. You cannot miss out up a different concept and
on a visit to Mundi Health chose this historic build-
Café, recently opened in ing to open up his first own
the renovated monumen- place.
Customers will discover a San Nicolas as there lie his Poetry Night at the Mundi
menu that is focused on roots. Health Café, entrance is
healthy food, inspired by His goal is to bring this part free and doors open from
Tristan’s family recipes. His of the island forward and 7 PM.
family ran their own food with his healthy concept Everybody is welcome to
business and little Tristan cafe he will make a fair taste the San Nicolas spirit
had the business spirit al- contribution to that noble and mingle with the local
ready in his blood. He knew cause. crowd.
that one day he was going For more information: Face-
to open his own place, in Tomorrow you can enjoy a book Basha Foundation.q