Page 17 - ATA
P. 17
LOCAL Tuesday 27 February 2018
Notes from an Island
Continuedfrom Page 14 hours. In the afternoon it is
very quiet though with only
You can see and hear a the island staff present who
variety of birds, enjoy the are occupied with the ani-
ecological dolphinarium, mals and their other tasks.
wade into the dolphin’s Professional certified in-
pool and embrace nature structors Fabiana and Sol
in all its beauty. will guide you through your
The house where you stay is personal healing and relax-
a full construction of wood ation.
with the balconies rising There are yoga classes,
above the ocean. meditation sessions and all
The wind blows through the possibility to swim, chill,
the entire place as a soft take time for yourself and
breeze and gives you a nurture your inner you.
state of tranquility that can The food is amazing with
cope with all kinds of stress vegan dishes prepared
or problems. with herbs from their own
This perfect getaway is a garden, accompanied by
special one because you natural juices.
do not get to stay over- This retreat is a pure get-
night here unless you have away from the daily grind
booked this yoga retreat. and focus on your number
There are different size one asset: your healthy
boats that go to the is- wellbeing.
lands, which will take ap- For more information
proximately 1 ½ hour. please visit: Facebook
The island where Soma SOMA YOGA Carta-
Yoga has their retreat can gena or https://yoga-
be visited during the day
and that might cause somayogacartagena.q
some traffic during morning