Page 16 - ATA
P. 16
Tuesday 27 February 2018
Notes from an Island
ARIKOK - National Park Islas cellent accommodations,
del Rosario, a cluster of 28 from high-standard to bed
idyllic islands dotted about & breakfast level. To com-
30 miles offshore of the port plete your out-of-the-or-
city of Cartagena, Colom- dinary experience there is
bia, is a hidden gem where the not to be missed cherry
you can truly get away on the pie: a 3-days yoga
and unwire. It may sound retreat at Islas del Rosario,
strange to write about is- leaving by boat from port
lands from an island, but Cartagena.
these two can make a per- Soma Yoga is the organiza-
fect combination. tion that takes completely
care of you from the port
Aruba, being a tropical of Cartagena to your yoga
paradise with white-sand- Retreat Island and back.
ed beaches and the Ca- You may have experi-
ribbean vibe that makes enced yoga classes before
up for an ultimate relax- or have booked a retreat
ing mood, combined with in the past, however this is
Cartagena; city filled with not only that. The island is
culture and vivid Colom- uninhabited and filled with
bian spirit to indulge in nature’s energy.
Latin-American rhythm and
historical backgrounds.
Both destinations have ex- Continued on Page 15