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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 28 Juli 2022

                           Fed unleashes another big rate hike in bid to curb inflation

            (AP)  —  The  Federal  Re-   has  begun  to  slow,  thereby  gage has roughly doubled in
            serve on Wednesday raised  heightening  the  risk  that  its  the  past  year,  to  5.5%,  and
            its  benchmark  interest  rate hikes will cause a reces-  home sales have tumbled.
            rate by a hefty three-quar-  sion  later  this  year  or  next.
            ters of a point for a second  The  surge  in  inflation  and  At the same time, consumers
            straight  time  in  its  most  fear of a recession have erod-  are showing signs of cutting
            aggressive  drive  in  three  ed consumer confidence and  spending in the face of high
            decades  to  tame  high  in-  stirred  public  anxiety  about  prices. And business surveys
            flation.                     the economy, which is send-  suggest that sales are slowing.
                                         ing  frustratingly  mixed  sig-
            The Fed’s move will raise its  nals.                      The  central  bank  is  betting
            key rate, which affects many                              that  it  can  slow  growth  just
            consumer and business loans,  “I  do  not  think  the  U.S.  is  enough to tame inflation yet
            to a range of 2.25% to 2.5%,  currently  in  a  recession,”  not  so  much  as  to  trigger  a
            its highest level since 2018.  Chair  Jerome  Powell  said  recession — a risk that many
                                         Wednesday at a news confer-  analysts fear may end badly.
            The  central  bank’s  decision  ence.                                                  Ian  Shepherdson  of  Panthe-  recession has begun.
            follows  a  jump  in  inflation                           In a statement the Fed issued  on  Macroeconomics  noted
            to  9.1%,  the  fastest  annual  With the November midterm  after its latest policy meeting  that point, saying, “The Fed  But  economists  say  that
            rate in 41 years, and reflects  elections nearing, Americans’  ended,  it  acknowledged  that  is not ready — yet — to con-  wouldn’t  necessarily  mean  a
            its  strenuous  efforts  to  slow  discontent  has  diminished  while “indicators of spending  cede  that  weaker  growth  is  recession  had  started.  Dur-
            price  gains  across  the  econ-  President  Joe  Biden’s  pub-  and  production  have  soft-  a reason to slow the pace of  ing  those  same  six  months
            omy.  By  raising  borrowing  lic  approval  ratings  and  in-  ened,”  “job  gains  have  been  tightening,″       when  the  overall  economy
            rates, the Fed makes it cost-  creased  the  likelihood  that  robust in recent months, and                         might  have  contracted,  em-
            lier  to  take  out  a  mortgage  the Democrats will lose con-  the  unemployment  rate  has  On  Thursday,  when  the  ployers  added  2.7  million
            or  an  auto  or  business  loan.  trol of the House and Senate.  remained low.” The Fed typi-  government  estimates  the  jobs  —  more  than  in  most
            Consumers  and  businesses                                cally assigns high importance  gross  domestic  product  for  entire  years  before  the  pan-
            then presumably borrow and  The  Fed’s  moves  to  sharply  to the pace of hiring and pay  the  April-June  period,  some  demic.  Wages  are  also  rising
            spend less, cooling the econ-  tighten credit have torpedoed  growth  because  when  more  economists think it may show  at a healthy pace, with many
            omy and slowing inflation.   the housing market, which is  people  earn  paychecks,  the  that the economy shrank for a  employers  still  struggling
                                         especially  sensitive  to  inter-  resulting  spending  can  fuel  second straight quarter. That  to  attract  and  retain  enough
            The Fed is tightening credit  est rate changes. The average  inflation.                would  meet  one  longstand-  workers.
            even  while  the  economy  rate on a 30-year fixed mort-                               ing  assumption  for  when  a

                           Ex-cops Kueng, Thao sentenced for violating Floyd’s rights

            (AP)  —  A  federal  judge  for  more  than  nine  minutes  or comment immediately af-  5  ¼  to  6  ½  years  for  Thao.  Magnuson said there was no
            on  Wednesday  sentenced  as the 46-year-old Black man  terward.                       For  both  men,  prosecutors  question that Kueng violated
            two  former  Minneapolis  said he couldn’t breathe and                                 argued  for  sentences  within  Floyd’s rights by failing to get
            police  officers  who  were  eventually  grew  still.  The  The lower sentences for Kue-  that  range  or  longer,  argu-  off him when Floyd became
            convicted    of   violating  killing,  captured  in  bystand-  ng, who is Black, and Thao,  ing  in  Kueng’s  case  that  he  unresponsive.  But  he  also
            George Floyd’s civil rights  er  video,  sparked  protests  who  is  Hmong  American,  “didn’t say a word” as Floyd  mentioned  what  he  called
            to lighter terms than rec-   worldwide  and  a  reckoning  raise questions about wheth-  lay dying. They also disputed  “an  incredible  number”  of
            ommended  in  sentencing  of racial injustice.            er they would consider a plea  that  Thao’s  role  was  minor,  letters supporting Kueng that
            guidelines,  calling  one                                 deal or risk a state court trial  with prosecutor LeeAnn Bell  he said came from other of-
            “truly  a  rookie  officer”  Kueng  pinned  Floyd’s  back,  on  Oct.  24,  when  they  face  saying  he  had  “a  bird’s-eye  ficers.
            and  describing  the  other  Thao  held  back  concerned  counts of aiding and abetting  view of what was going on”  “You were truly a rookie offi-
            as  “a  good  police  officer,  bystanders,  and  a  fourth  of-  second-degree  murder  and  with  Floyd  pinned  to  the  cer,” Magnuson told Kueng.
            father and husband.”         ficer,  Thomas  Lane,  held  second-degree manslaughter.  pavement,  and  had  “years
                                         Floyd’s  feet.  Lane  was  sen-  Lane,  who  is  white,  pleaded  on the force” that meant he  Thao  was  sentenced  at  a
            U.S.  District  Judge  Paul  tenced last week to two years  guilty  to  a  state  charge  of  should  have  known  better.  subsequent  hearing,  where
            Magnuson  sentenced  J.  Al-  —  also  below  guidelines  aiding  and  abetting  second-  She  said  Thao  sometimes  he  spoke  for  more  than  20
            exander Kueng to three years  and  a  sentence  that  Floyd’s  degree  manslaughter  and  is  looked directly at Floyd and  minutes,  frequently  quoting
            in  prison  and  Tou  Thao  to  brother Philonise called “in-  awaiting  sentencing  in  that  at times had bystanders tell-  scripture as he said his arrest
            3½ years for violating Floyd’s  sulting”  —  while  Chauvin  case.                     ing  him  exactly  what  was  and  time  in  jail  led  him  to
            rights  in  the  May  25,  2020,  was  sentenced  earlier  to  21                      happening.                   turn toward God, but did not
            killing  in  which  then-Offi-  years.  Floyd’s  immediate  Sentencing guidelines on the                            directly address his actions or
            cer  Derek  Chauvin  pinned  family  members  did  not  at-  federal  counts  called  for  4¼  The   federal   government  offer any words to the Floyd
            Floyd’s  neck  with  his  knee  tend  Wednesday’s  hearings  to  5¼  years  for  Kueng  and  brought  the  civil  rights  family.  Thao  —  like  Lane
                                                                                                   charges  against  all  four  of-  and  Kueng  —  remains  free
                                                                                                   ficers in May 2021, a month  on  bond,  but  spent  several
                                                                                                   after Chauvin was convicted  weeks in jail after his 2020 ar-
                                                                                                   of murder and manslaughter  rest on the state charges.
                                                                                                   in state court. They were seen
                                                                                                   as an affirmation of the Jus-  Both  men  are  due  to  report
                                                                                                   tice  Department’s  priorities  to  federal  prison  on  Oct.  4,
                                                                                                   to address racial inequities in  though Magnuson noted that
                                                                                                   policing, a promise made by  could change because of their
                                                                                                   President  Joe  Biden  before  state trial. Magnuson said he
                                                                                                   his  election.  And  they  came  would recommend that they
                                                                                                   just a week after federal pros-  be allowed to serve their time
                                                                                                   ecutors  brought  hate  crimes  at  minimum-security  fed-
                                                                                                   charges  in  the  killing  of  eral  facilities  in  Duluth  or
                                                                                                   25-year-old  Ahmaud  Arbery  in  Yankton,  South  Dakota,
                                                                                                   in  Georgia  and  announced  so they could be near family.
                                                                                                   two  sweeping  probes  into  The final decision is up to the
                                                                                                   policing in two states.      Bureau of Prisons.
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