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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 28 Juli 2022

                              African nations talk climate ahead of major UN meeting

            (AP)  —  African  nations
            opened  climate  talks  in
            the  Mozambican  capital
            Maputo on Wednesday to
            identify  their  priorities
            and come up with a com-
            mon position ahead of the
            United  Nations  climate
            summit  in  Egypt  in  No-
            vember, known as COP27.

            The talks come as the conti-
            nent  grapples  with  devastat-
            ing cyclones in the south and
            a debilitating drought across
            the east and Horn of Africa.
            The  continent  of  1.2  billion
            people,  which  represents  said Anna Tjärvar, a Swedish  The U.N. estimates that Af-  Adam,  the  head  of  climate  talks in November.
            17%  of  the  world’s  popula-  diplomat speaking at the fo-  rican  nations  already  spend  at  the  United  Nations  Eco-
            tion,  contributes  less  than  rum, adding that adapting to  between 2% and 9% of their  nomic  Commission  for  Af-  The meeting is jointly orga-
            4% of global greenhouse gas  climate  change  should  be  a  national  income  on  natural  rica.                   nized by the United Nations,
            emissions but suffers might-  priority for the continent.  disasters  linked  to  climate                           African  Union,  African  De-
            ily  from  extreme  weather                               change.                      Indigenous voices will play a  velopment Bank and the civil
            events, which scientists have  Officials are expected to de-                           critical role in the talks, add-  society organization, the Pan
            warned  will  become  more  cide whether to ask develop-  The forum will focus on us-  ed  James  Murombedzi,  the  African Climate Justice Alli-
            frequent  due  to  climate  ing  nations  for  reparations  ing  Indigenous  knowledge  head  of  the  African  Climate  ance. The talks include policy
            change.                      for  environmental  damage  and  land  practices  for  con-  Policy  Centre.  He  said  that  makers  and  regional  insti-
                                         in  Africa,  known  in  climate  servation  and  adaption  ef-  their  experiences  will  help  tutions  as  well  as  grassroots
            “Africa  ...  is  a  vulnerability  circles as loss and damage.  forts,  rather  than  relying  on  strengthen  Africa’s  standing  activists  and  representatives
            hotspot for climate change,”                              external help, said Jean-Paul  at  the  international  climate  from private sector.

                           USAID chief calls on China to restructure Sri Lanka’s debt

            (AP)  —  The  head  of  the  for  International  Develop-  “The biggest question of all is                          earlier  this  month  to  spot-
            U.S.    government      aid  ment,   contrasted   India’s  whether Beijing will restruc-  “It is really essential that Bei-  light the hunger crisis in the
            agency  called  on  China  “critical” measures to aid Sri  ture debt to the same extent  jing participate in debt relief  region  where  more  than  50
            on Wednesday to help Sri  Lanka  during  its  worst  eco-  as  other  bilateral  creditors,”  transparently  and  on  equi-  million  people  are  expected
            Lanka  and  other  nations  nomic  crisis  with  the  two  she said during a visit to In-  table  terms  with  all  other  to face acute food insecurity
            that had borrowed heavily  decades during which China  dia,  warning  that  the  crisis  creditors,” Power said.    this  year.  She  said  that  mil-
            from Beijing with debt re-   offered  “opaque  loan  deals  in  Sri  Lanka,  albeit  a  result                      lions of tons of grain and oil,
            structuring,  not  just  with  at  higher  interest  rates  than  of  different  factors,  wasn’t  Sri Lanka is bankrupt and has  crucial  for  bringing  down
            lines  of  credit  and  emer-  other  lenders”  and  financed  unique.  Several  countries  in  suspended  repayment  on  its  global  food  prices,  were
            gency loans.                 infrastructure  projects  that  Africa and Asia were similar-  $51 billion foreign loans. The  blocked  in  Ukrainian  sea-
                                         often  served  little  practical  ly hoping that their calls for  crisis has led to severe short-  ports because of Russia’s Feb.
            Samantha Power, the admin-   use.                         restructuring  debt  would  be  ages of fuel, cooking gas and  24 invasion.
            istrator  for  the  U.S.  Agency                          answered.                    medicine  and  long  lines  for
                                                                                                   essential  supplies,  which  led  She  said  that  “India’s  voice
                                                                                                   to  massive  protests  and  the  and its diplomacy” was cru-
                                                                                                   ouster of President Gotabaya  cial  in brokering the deal to
                                                                                                   Rajapaksa.                   clear the way for the grain to
                                                                                                                                be  exported  from  Ukraine.
                                                                                                   The  government  is  in  the  But  with  Russian  missiles
                                                                                                   process  of  preparing  a  debt  hitting  Ukraine’s  Black  Sea
                                                                                                   restructuring  plan,  a  condi-  port  of  Odess  hours  after  it
                                                                                                   tion  for  a  rescue  package  it  was inked, she admitted that
                                                                                                   is  negotiating  with  the  In-  the  deal  was  “very  much
                                                                                                   ternational  Monetary  Fund.  hanging in the balance.”
                                                                                                   China,  which  accounts  for
                                                                                                   10% of Sri Lanka’s debt, has  At  a  news  conference  after
                                                                                                   resisted offering a debt cut.  her  speech,  Power  said  that
                                                                                                                                the  fact  that  Russia  agreed
                                                                                                   With  climate  shocks  wal-  to  a  deal  was  a  “better  cir-
                                                                                                   loping the economies of na-  cumstance” than the alterna-
                                                                                                   tions already battered by the  tive, but added that the only
                                                                                                   pandemic  and  the  war  in  way those grains could reach
                                                                                                   Ukraine compounding glob-    global markets was if Russia
                                                                                                   al  food  and  fuel  shortages,  allows them to be transport-
                                                                                                   Power pointed to the protests  ed without attacking them.
                                                                                                   related to food and fuel prices
                                                                                                   in over a dozen countries as  “So far what we’ve seen from
                                                                                                   inflation soars.             the  Russian  Federation  is
                                                                                                                                a  string  of  lies  and  broken
                                                                                                   “If  history  is  any  guide,  we  promises,” she said, and add-
                                                                                                   know  that  Sri  Lanka’s  gov-  ed  that  it  was  crucial  for  all
                                                                                                   ernment will likely not be the  countries,  not  just  the  U.S.
                                                                                                   last to fall,” she said.     or India, to hold Russia to the
                                                                                                                                terms of the deal.
                                                                                                   Power traveled in East Africa
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