Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220728
P. 30

A30    world news
                      Diahuebs 28 Juli 2022

                            Pakistan uses boats, helicopters to evacuate flood victims

                                                                                                   roads and about 4,000 homes
                                                                                                   in  Baluchistan  province,  ac-  It said the military had set up
                                                                                                   cording  to  the  National  Di-  medical camps in deluged ar-
                                                                                                   saster  Management  Author-  eas, where the World Health
                                                                                                   ity.                         Organization   this   week
                                                                                                                                launched an anti-cholera vac-
                                                                                                   It said 337 people have died in  cination campaign to prevent
                                                                                                   rain-related  incidents  across  the spread of the water-borne
                                                                                                   impoverished Pakistan.       disease.

                                                                                                   Akram  Bugti,  a  rescue  offi-  Cholera has caused 28 deaths
                                                                                                   cial, said hundreds of people  and  sickened  thousands  of
                                                                                                   were  stranded  just  in  Las-  people  in  Baluchistan  in  re-
                                                                                                   bella, a district in Baluchistan  cent months.
                                                                                                   province, after floodwater in-
                                                                                                   undated several villages.    The  disease  is  endemic  and
                                                                                                                                seasonal  in  Pakistan,  where
                                                                                                   He said the Baluchistan gov-  many  people  don’t  have  ac-
                                                                                                   ernment  is  providing  food,  cess to clean drinking water.
                                                                                                   tents and other essential items  Health officials said the anti-
                                                                                                   to flood-affected people.    cholera vaccination campaign
                                                                                                                                began  on  July  25  and  will
                                                                                                   In  a  statement,  Pakistan’s  continue until Friday.
                                                                                                   military  said  the  previous
            (AP)  —  Rescuers  backed  marooned  people  from  104 people.                         day that troops were assisting  The  monsoon  season  runs
            by  troops  used  boats  and  the  country’s  southwest,                               local  authorities  in  Baluch-  from  July  through  Septem-
            helicopters     Wednesday  where floods triggered by  Since  June  14,  the  down-     istan to evacuate people from  ber in Pakistan.
            to  evacuate  hundreds  of  monsoon rains have killed  pours have damaged bridges,  flood-affected areas.

                      US rocket system enables Ukraine to pummel key supply bridge

            (AP)  —  Ukrainian  troops  used  Nataliya Gumenyuk, told Ukrainian  a  morale-boosting  victory  for  the  that the “occupiers should learn how
            American-supplied        precision  TV  that  “surgical  strikes”  were  car-  Ukrainians.                  to swim across” the Dnieper or “leave
            rocket  launchers  to  knock  out  a  ried out on the bridge.                                               Kherson  while  it  is  still  possible.”
            strategic  bridge  used  by  Russia                                     Ukrainian    presidential   adviser  “There may not be a third warning,”
            to  supply  its  forces  in  southern  The  HIMARS  has  greater  range,  Mykhailo  Podolyak  said  on  Twitter  he tweeted.
            Ukraine’s  occupied  Kherson  re-   much  more  precision  and  a  faster
            gion, officials said Wednesday.     rate of fire than the Soviet-designed
                                                Smerch, Uragan and Tornado rocket
            Ukraine  also  claimed  to  have  de-  launchers  used  by  both  Russia  and
            stroyed  an  enemy  ammunition  de-  Ukraine. The weapons were among
            pot, artillery pieces and other military  the  billions  of  dollars  in  Western
            equipment  in  the  region,  killing  51  military aid that has helped Ukraine
            members of the Russian army. There  fight off the Russians since the Feb.
            was no immediate confirmation from  24 invasion.
            the Russian side.
                                                Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel-
            The  Antonivskyi  Bridge  over  the  enskyy  claimed  that  Russia  has  lost
            Dnieper River was attacked late Tues-  nearly 40,000 soldiers in the war and
            day,  according  to  Kirill  Stremousov,  that  tens  of  thousands  more  were
            deputy head of the Moscow-appoint-  wounded.  His  claim  could  not  be
            ed  administration  for  the  Kherson  independently  verified.  The  Rus-
            region. The bridge was left standing,  sian military last reported its losses in
            but holes in its deck prevented vehi-  March, when it said 1,351 troops had
            cles from crossing the 1.4-kilometer  been killed.
            (0.9-mile) span, he said.
                                                Turkey’s defense minister said prepa-
            After  previous  Ukrainian  attacks  rations  were  underway  for  the  re-
            damaged the bridge last week, it was  sumption  of  grain  shipments  from
            closed to trucks, but it had remained  Ukraine’s Black Sea ports. Russia and
            open for passenger vehicles until the  Ukraine signed agreements last week
            latest strike.                      to  free  up  millions  of  tons  of  grain
                                                trapped  by  the  fighting,  potentially
            Russian  forces  in  recent  days  have  easing the global food crisis.
            intensified their shelling of cities and
            villages in eastern Ukraine while also  At least two civilians were killed and
            stepping up airstrikes in the south. At  three wounded when Russian forces
            the same time, the Kremlin’s troops  shelled a hotel in the eastern city of
            are  facing  mounting  counterattacks  Bakhmut, Ukrainian emergency au-
            from the Ukrainians in the Kherson  thorities  said.  Bakhmut  has  been  a
            region, which was captured by Mos-  focus of the Russian offensive in the
            cow early in the war.               region.

            Ukrainian forces used U.S.-supplied  While  halting  traffic  across  the
            HIMARS  multiple  rocket  launchers  Dnieper  River  bridge  makes  only
            to target the bridge, Stremousov said.  a  slight  dent  in  the  overall  Russian
            A  Ukrainian  military  spokesperson,  military  operation,  the  attack  was
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