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A28    u.s. news
                      Diahuebs 28 Juli 2022

                          Hawley, Cruz escape Jan. 6 probe, have no regrets over role

                                                                                    president’s inner circle.           in what would be seen as an unusual
                                                                                                                        House challenge to the upper cham-
                                                                                    “We  continue  to  receive  new  infor-  ber.
                                                                                    mation  every  day,”  Thompson,  D-
                                                                                    Miss., said last week, announcing the  The  Jan.  6  committee’s  decision  to
                                                                                    next round of hearings in September.  issue  subpoenas  to  House  Minority
                                                                                    “We  are  pursuing  many  additional  Leader Kevin McCarthy of California
                                                                                    witnesses for testimony.”           and Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Scott
                                                                                                                        Perry of Pennsylvania, Andy Biggs of
                                                                                    The House committee is investigat-  Arizona and Mo Brooks of Alabama
                                                                                    ing not only the grisly attack on the  was a show of force by the nine-mem-
                                                                                    Capitol,  but  Trump’s  extraordinary  ber panel. And it came after much de-
                                                                                    effort  to  overturn  the  presidential  liberation among the lawmakers, who
                                                                                    election by submitting “fake” slates of  for weeks considered whether taking
                                                                                    electors from the battleground states  the unprecedented step of subpoena-
                                                                                    to  vote  for  him,  not  Biden,  when  ing members of their own chamber
                                                                                    Congress convened Jan. 6 to tally the  would  be  worth  further  inflaming
                                                                                    2020 presidential election results.  partisan tensions over the 2021 attack.
                                                                                    The senators could provide informa-  “They only have so much committee
            (AP) — The week before the Jan.  history, and now on coffee mugs the  tion about the run-up to Jan. 6, in-  time,” said Eisen.
            6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol,  senator sells — it has made the sur-  cluding  any  conversations  they  may
            Missouri’s  Josh  Hawley  became  prising,  if  pragmatic,  decision  not  have  had  with  Trump  and  his  law-  Cruz  declined  to  say  Tuesday  if  he
            the  first  Republican  senator  to  to  call  the  senators  for  testimony.  yers  who  were  putting  together  the  would have appeared had the Jan. 6
            announce he would object to the  One dramatic video showed Hawley  plan for the fake electors, said Norm  panel asked for his testimony. Haw-
            certification of the 2020 election.  sprinting  from  the  Senate  chamber  Eisen,  a  senior  fellow  at  Brookings  ley’s  office  has  similarly  said  he
                                                later that day as rioters swarmed.  and former top adviser to Democrats  wouldn’t want to address a hypothet-
            Texas’  Ted  Cruz  came  next,  dash-                                   on the House Judiciary Committee.   ical situation.
            ing off his own plan on a flight from  Amid wider public scrutiny of Jan. 6,
            Houston to Washington days before  the senators have been left to explain  In one dramatic screenshot of a text  But in recent conversations, the Re-
            the joint session of Congress to cer-  their actions on their own terms, and  exchange,  the  committee  told  the  publicans have stood by their efforts
            tify the election results.          have often done so defiantly.       story of how a top aide for GOP Sen.  to challenge Biden’s victory.
                                                                                    Ron Johnson of Wisconsin attempted
            In all, a dozen GOP senators initially  “I  do  not  regret  it,”  Hawley  said  to  to hand off a slate of false, pro-Trump  “This country would have been much
            planned to challenge Joe Biden’s vic-  applause at Turning Point USA’s Stu-  electors to then-Vice President Mike  better off” if Congress had taken up
            tory.  But  unlike  their  House  GOP  dent Action Summit in Tampa, Flor-  Pence as he was presiding in his cere-  his plan, Cruz recently told The As-
            counterparts who have been subpoe-  ida, after he strode to the stage Friday  monial role of certifying the election.  sociated Press.
            naed for testimony before the Jan. 6  to a standing ovation.            Johnson has said he was not involved
            committee,  the  Republican  senators                                   in that effort.                     Cruz had proposed forming a com-
            have largely escaped the reach of the  As the summer hearings of the Jan.                                   mission  to  audit  voter  fraud  in  the
            investigation.                      6 committee come to a close, Chair-  But  having  interviewed  more  than  disputed states, even though Trump’s
                                                man Bennie Thompson has indicated  1,000  witnesses  and  having  issued  own  Justice  Department  said  there
            While the committee did share high-  that  the  panel  is  looking  elsewhere.  rare subpoenas to fellow House law-  was  no  voter  fraud  on  a  scale  that
            lights  about  the  senators,  including  As work continues, the investigation  makers, Eisen said the panel is trying  could have tipped the 2020 election.
            Hawley’s raised-fist salute to the ri-  is moving closer to the top ranks of  to preserve its political capital by de-  Dozens of court cases claiming fraud
            oters that day — an image seared in  the  White  House  and  the  defeated  clining to compel senators to testify  had been rejected or gone unheard.

                        Records fall as Northwest swelters under multiday heat wave

            (AP)  —  Free  transporta-   Elsewhere  in  Washington  “This  is  pretty  hot,”  Carr  Portland   officials   have  land  metropolitan  area,  will
            tion to cooling centers and  state,  record  daily  tempera-  said. “I can just take my uni-  opened  cooling  centers  in  allow  passengers  who  can-
            garbage  pickup  well  be-   tures were also registered in  form off, jump in there with  public buildings and installed  not  afford  fares  to  ride  for
            fore  sunrise  were  among  Bellingham  and  the  capital,  my shorts for my break, and  misting stations in parks. Tri-  free when heading to cooling
            the  steps  being  taken  in  Olympia, which experienced  hang out for a good 10 or 15  Met,  which  operates  public  centers.
            the  Pacific  Northwest  as  90 F (32.2 C) and 97 F (36.1  minutes.”                   transportation  in  the  Port-
            the region hit the peak of  C) respectively.
            a multiday heatwave.                                      Oregon  health  officials  say
                                         Oregon  Gov.  Kate  Brown  there  has  been  an  uptick  in
            Temperatures  soared  to  102  declared a state of emergen-  the number of people report-
            degrees  Fahrenheit  (38.9  cy  across  much  of  the  state,  ing  heat-related  illness  in
            Celsius)  in  Oregon’s  largest  warning  the  extreme  tem-  emergency departments, and
            city on Tuesday, which is ex-  peratures  may  cause  utility  the  number  of  those  calling
            pected to be the hottest day of  outages  and  transportation  emergency services numbers
            a scorching spell that will be  disruptions.   Temperatures  for similar symptoms.
            unusually long for this part of  aren’t  expected  to  cool  in
            the United States. It was also  western  Oregon  and  Wash-  “Heat-related  illness  daily
            a new daily record for the city  ington until the weekend.  visits are above expected lev-
            for July 26, besting the previ-                           els  statewide,”  said  Jonathan
            ous mark set in 2020.        Under  the  sweltering  heat,  Modie, lead communications
                                         Matthew  Carr  spent  his  officer at the Oregon Health
            Seattle  also  reported  a  new  lunch  break  in  a  fountain  Authority’s  Public  Health
            all-time  daily  high  of  94  F  in  downtown  Portland,  Or-  Division. He said there were
            (34.4 C), breaking the previ-  egon. The 57-year-old works  32  such  visits  to  emergency
            ous record of 92 F (33.3 C)  outside  picking  up  trash  for  rooms on Monday compared
            from  2018,  according  to  the  the city and had to find a way  to three to five per day before
            National Weather Service.    to cool off.                 the heat wave began.
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