Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200506
P. 32
a32 local
Wednesday 6 May 2020
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA):
Continue to maintain vaccine coverage while fighting the
COVID-2019 pandemic
CARPHA encourages persons to continue to This year, between April 25 and May 2, 2020,
practice good personal hygiene in order to re- CARPHA joined its partners and the rest of the
duce the risk of transmission of the coronavirus world in celebrating the 18th annual Vacci-
disease (COVID-19), influenza and other respi- nation Week in the Americas with the slogan
ratory viruses. Good hygiene measures that “Love. Trust.
persons can take include: Protect. #GetVax.” This year’s campaign seeks
to bring to mind the love people have for their
• Covering your mouth with a tissue or sneez- children, themselves, and their communities;
ing or coughing into the crook of your el- the trust in vaccines´ ability to save lives; and
bow. the protection they provide from diseases for
Continued from Page 31 • Safely disposing of used tissues. everyone, everywhere.
• Washing your hands with soap and water
Dr. St. John explains that the primary form for at least 20 seconds after coughing and “To maintain our community protection, we call
of transmission for COVID-19 and the flu are sneezing and before and after meal prepa- on Ministries of Health to implement catch-up
through the movement of droplets between ration, eating and using the toilets. Alterna- campaigns. This will ensure that a person com-
persons and direct physical contact with the tively, you may use an alcohol-based hand- pletes their vaccination schedule in the short-
virus even on surfaces. She added that large sanitizer. est, but effective time frame. Continued vigi-
social events can create serious public health • Avoiding contact with others by staying lance is important, and general practitioners
challenges because persons are often crowd- home if you are sick. should remain alert and take the appropriate
ed together, making spread of COVID-19 from • Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces regular- actions in suspected cases of vaccine-prevent-
person to person very easy. ly. able diseases,” said Dr. St. John. q
Share your message from home
ORANJESTAD — In these difficult
times we would like to reach out
to our friends abroad who were
supposed to spend their tropical
vacation on Aruba or who had to
break up their vacation due to the
COVID-19 situation. Aruba Today
invites you to send us your picture
and words expressing your mem-
ory of our island or your dream
vacation for the future.
Send us your picture(s) together
with completing the sentence:
Aruba to me is …….. (Email: Please
do note: By submitting photos,
text or any other materials, you
give permission to The Aruba
Today newspaper, Caribbean
Speed Printers and any of its affili-
ated companies to use said ma-
terials, as well as names, likeness,
etc. for promotional purposes
without compensation.
Today we share a wonderful mes-
sage from Mike & Michelle Day
from Agawam Ma. They wrote:
“Aruba to me is... The most tran-
quil place on Earth. The memories
and friendships we've made since
1995 are irreplaceable. As we are
supposed to be there right now,
our thoughts and prayers are with
everyone on the island to stay
safe and get through this pan-
demic. We cannot wait to return
to our favorite place.” q