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a30    PeoPle & arts
                     Wednesday 6 May 2020

                                                                                                     This April 7, 2017 file photo shows members of Journey, Steve
            This image released by Sony Pictures Television shows an animated version of Raymond “Red”   Smith, from left, Ross Valory, Aynsley Dunbar, Gregg Rolie,
            Reddington, portrayed by James Spader in “The Blacklist.”                                Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain at the 2017 Rock and Roll
                                                                                  Associated Press   Hall of Fame induction ceremony in New York.
            TV's 'Blacklist' draws on animation                                                                                           Associated Press

             to thwart virus shutdown                                                                Journey cancels

                                                                                                     2020 tour because of
            By LYNN ELBER                — Eisendrath broached the  the  Washington  Mall  with
            AP Television Writer         hybrid episode.              the  Capitol  in  the  back-   coronavirus pandemic
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Ray-  "It's possible that if we knew  ground," Eisendrath said.
            mond  "Red"  Reddington,  how  much  work  it  took  to  "You  can  make  it  some-
            a man who relishes a chal-   do  an  animated  half  of  what  more  cinematic  ...      The Associated Press
            lenge,  likely  would  admire  this episode, we might well  make  it  feel  more  like  a   NEW YORK (AP) — Journey is the latest act to cancel
            how TV's "The Blacklist" took  have not come up with the  graphic novel."                their 2020 tour because of the coronavirus pandemic.
            a  creative  gamble  amid  idea," he said, ruefully.      As  series  creator  Boken-    The rock band was supposed to kick off their new tour
            the  industry's  coronavirus-  Spader,  who's  also  an  ex-  kamp  describes  it,  illus-  on May 15 but announced Monday that they would
            forced  production  shut-    ecutive  producer  on  "The  trated  novels  and  comics    no longer hit the road. Band members said they de-
            down  to  end  the  season  Blacklist,"  had  planned  a  share DNA with "The Black-     cided to cancel the tour, instead of postponing it, so
            with  a  bang,  not  a  whim-  quick  trip  with  his  family  list" and add to the case for   that  concertgoers  would  qualify  for  immediate  re-
            per.                         from New York to their Mas-  an  excursion  into  anima-    funds.
            The  makers  of  the  NBC  sachusetts home when tap-      tion  for  the  Sony  Pictures   "Having seen what the world has endured during the
            drama,  which  stars  James  ing looked to be on pause.  Television  and  Universal      last 45 days, and not knowing what the rest of this year
            Spader as dashing antihero  It  was  at  a  full  stop  when  Television production.     or 2021 will bring, we knew the right thing to do was
            Red,  decided  to  add  ani-  Bokenkamp and Eisendrath  The  series  is  "sort  of  a  big,   to make sure our fans' health was not put in jeopardy
            mation to a partially taped  called about salvaging the  wild  slightly  heightened      and to provide immediate access to refund options
            episode,  prompting  a  far-  19th episode — shy of the  show that feels like a comic    given the unexpected events caused by this terrible
            flung  collaboration  that  seventh  season's  22-epi-    book. ... A bad guy in a fe-   virus," Journey's Neal Schon, Jonathan Cain and Arnel
            stretched from Los Angeles  sode  order,  Spader  said,  dora  is  our  hero.  It's  rather   Pineda said in a joint statement Monday.
            to  London  and  included  but a potentially more sat-    violent, at times it's incred-  The five-month trek included 60-plus shows. The Pre-
            the  Spader  family  house  isfying  ad  hoc  finale  than  ibly  emotional,"  he  said.   tenders were scheduled to also perform on the tour.q
            as a challenging recording  the completed No. 18.         Add  a  veritable  "rogue's
            studio.                      "I  was  intrigued,"  the  ac-  gallery" of villains, and there
            The idea for the May 15 ep-  tor  said.  "I  thought  that  it  are stretches that feel "like
            isode (8 p.m. EDT) emerged  seemed like the right thing  we're  telling  an  old-school   Radcliffe, Beckham
            from  a  brainstorming  ses-  to do, to try and finish the  Batman story, with a good,
            sion  with  executive  pro-  episode  in  any  way  that  juicy bad guy of the week."    to read first 'Harry
            ducers  Jon  Bokenkamp  we could, and not only the  Making  "The  Blacklist"  rou-
            and  John  Eisendrath  in  episode,  but  to  end  the  tinely  comes  with  geo-        Potter' fantasy book
            mid-March, after their New  season."                      graphically  complications.
            York-based  series  halted  The  process  began  with  a  After  it's  shot  in  New  York,
            filming  along  with  other  handful of script revisions to  editing and other post-pro-  LOS ANGELES (AP) — Celebrities including Daniel Rad-
            movie  and  TV  projects  as  make  the  episode  "feel  a  duction takes place in Los   cliffe, David Beckham and Dakota Fanning will take
            part  of  widespread  efforts  little more like it had a for-  Angeles,  with  oversight  by   part in chapter-by-chapter readings of J.K. Rowling's
            to contain the virus.        ward throw, driving us into  LA-based  Eisendrath  and      first "Harry Potter" book.
            "It started sort of as a joke,  next  season,"  Bokenkamp  Bokenkamp  in  his  native    Rowling's  Wizarding  World  announced  Tuesday  on
            talking  about  how  we  said.  Animation  helped  Nebraska.  Adding  anima-             Twitter  that all 17 chapters of "Harry Potter and the
            should  do  it  (the  episode)  with the plot tinkering, and  tion required equipment to   Sorcerer's Stone" will be read in a series of free videos
            as  an  old-school  radio  provided  something  else  be shipped to housebound           and  audio  recordings.  The  readings  of  the  beloved
            broadcast  where  we  put  on the side.                   actors to record voice-over    fantasy story is part of the Harry Potter at Home series.
            the  image  of  a  crackling  "A  scene  that  had  taken  dialogue.                     Stephen Fry, Claudia Kim, Noma Dumezweni and Ed-
            fire or a radio up on TV and  place with Red and Liz (se-  For Spader, that meant do-    die Redmayne are expected to narrate chapters.
            the  actors  could  voice  it,"  ries star Megan Boone) sit-  ing his best in a noise-prone   Radcliffe,  who  starred  as  Harry  Potter  in  the  films,
            Bokenkamp said. That seg-    ting  in  a  room,  because  1850s  farmhouse  that  also   kicked off the series. He read the first chapter "The Boy
            ued into a discussion of the  that's what we could afford  challenged what he called     Who  Lived,"  which  is  posted  on  harrypotterathome.
            comic books and a graphic  in live action, suddenly be-   "the  poor  sound  guy"  ulti-  com.
            novel already spun off "The  comes  a  scene  between  mately tasked with making         Other videos will be posted weekly on the website. Au-
            Blacklist" and then — bingo!  Red  and  Liz  walking  on  the audio pass muster.q        dio-only versions will be available for free on Spotify.q
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