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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 6 May 2020
            Scientist: Trump officials ignored warnings on drug, virus

            Continued from Front                                                                                                outbreak  was  under  con-
                                                                                                                                trol.  Bright felt officials had
            To  date,  there  have  been                                                                                        “refused  to  listen  or  take
            nearly 1.2 million confirmed                                                                                        appropriate  action  to  ac-
            cases  in  the  United  Sta-                                                                                        curately inform the public”
            tes  and  more  than  70,000                                                                                        and  spoke  to  a  reporter
            deaths.                                                                                                             who was working on a story
            Bright  also  said  the  Trump                                                                                      about the drug.
            administration  rejected  his                                                                                       He  said  he  had  to  tell  the
            warnings on COVID-19, the                                                                                           public  about  the  lack  of
            disease  caused  by  the  vi-                                                                                       science backing up its use,
            rus.                                                                                                                despite the drug being pu-
            He said he “acted with ur-                                                                                          shed  by  the  president  as
            gency” to address the gro-                                                                                          press  briefings,  to  protect
            wing  spread  of  COVID-19                                                                                          people  from  what  he  be-
            after  the  World  Health  Or-                                                                                      lieved  “constituted  a  sub-
            ganization  issued  a  war-                                                                                         stantial  and  specific  dan-
            ning in January.                                                                                                    ger  to  public  health  and
            But  he  said  he  “encoun-                                                                                         safety,” the complaint says.
            tered  resistance  from  HHS                                                                                        “As the death toll mounted
            leadership,  including  He-                                                                                         exponentially  each  day,
            alth  and  Human  Services                                                                                          Dr.  Bright  concluded  that
            Secretary (Alex) Azar, who                                                                                          he had a moral obligation
            appeared intent on down-     Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar speaks about protecting seniors, in the East Room   to the American public, in-
            playing  this  catastrophic   of the White House, Thursday, April 30, 2020, in Washington.         Associated Press  cluding those vulnerable as
            event.”                                                                                                             a  result  of  illness  from  CO-
            Bright  alleges  in  the  com-  muscle or nerve damage.   the  United  States  would  that  time  in  order  to  save  VID-19,  to  protect  it  from
            plaint that political appoin-  In late January, Bright said   face  from  the  coronavirus  lives.”  Navarro’s  memos  drugs  which  he  believed
            tees at the Department of  he made an effort to ramp      and asked (Bright) to iden-  to  top  White  House  offi-  constituted  a  substantial
            Health  and  Human  Servi-   up federal procurement of    tify  the  supply  chain  and  cials  raised  alarms  even  and specific danger to pu-
            ces  tried  to  promote  hy-  N95  respirator  masks,  after   medical  countermeasures  as  Trump  was  publicly  as-  blic health and safety,” the
            droxychloroquine “as a pa-   having heard warnings that   most  critical  to  address  at  suring  Americans  that  the  complaint says.q
            nacea.”                      a  global  shortage  could
            The  officials  also  “de-   imperil first-responders.      Trump pick to oversee rescue
            manded  that  New  York  But  he  said  his  boss,  As-
            ed’ with these drugs, which  ning  and  Preparedness  spending pledges impartiality
                                         sistant  Secretary  for  Plan-
            and New Jersey be ‘flood-
            were imported from facto-    Robert  Kadlec,  gave  short
            ries  in  Pakistan  and  India  shrift to the warnings during   By  MATTHEW  DALY  and
            that had not been inspec-    a meeting Jan. 23.             MARY CLARE JALONICK
            ted by the FDA,” the com-    At  another  meeting  that     Associated Press
            plaint says.                 day,  Health  and  Human       WASHINGTON      (AP)   —
            But  Bright  opposed  broad  Services   Secretary   Alex    President  Donald  Trump's
            use  of  the  drug,  arguing  Azar  and  Kadlec  “res-      choice  to  oversee  a  sig-
            the   scientific   evidence  ponded  with  surprise  at     nificant  chunk  of  the  $2
            wasn’t there to back up its  (Bright’s)  dire  predictions   trillion  economic  rescue
            use in coronavirus patients.  and  urgency,  and  asser-    law  is  pledging  to  con-
            He  felt  an  urgent  need  to  ted  that  the  United  States   duct  audits  and  investi-
            tell the public there wasn’t  would  be  able  to  contain   gations "with fairness and
            enough scientific evidence  the  virus  and  keep  it  out,”   impartiality.'' Brian Miller, a
            to  support  using  the  drugs  the  whistleblower  com-    lawyer in the White House
                                                                                                   Brian  Miller,  a  lawyer  in  the  White  House  counsel’s  office,
            for  COVID-19  patients,  the  plaint said.                 counsel's  office,  told  the  waits ahead of a Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
            complaint states.            Publicly,  HHS  was  saying    Senate  Banking  Commit- Committee nomination hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington,
            Last  month,  the  U.S.  Food  it  had  all  the  masks  that   tee  during  his  confirma-  Tuesday, May 5, 2020.
            and  Drug  Administration  would be needed.                 tion  hearing  on  Tuesday                                        Associated Press
            warned  doctors  against  Bright found an ally in White     that  "independence  is  vi-  come  before  me  and  to  defense during impeach-
            prescribing  the  drug    ex-  House  trade  adviser  Peter   tal" for the special inspec-  use  my  authority  and  re-  ment — is troubling, Dem-
            cept  in  hospitals  and  re-  Navarro,  who  was  also  ur-  tor general for pandemic  sources to uncover fraud,  ocrats  and  watchdog
            search  studies.  In  an  alert,  gently  concerned  about   recovery. The post  would  waste and abuse.''         groups said.
            regulators  flagged  reports  the virus.                    place  him  in  charge  of  Miller  has  worked  at  the  Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown,
            of  sometimes  fatal  heart  The complaint described a      overseeing a roughly $500  Justice  Department  and  top  Democrat  on  the
            side  effects  among  coro-  series of contacts with Na-    billion Treasury fund for in-  was inspector general for  banking   panel,   ques-
            navirus  patients  taking  hy-  varro’s office that led to a   dustry  created  as  part  of  nearly  a  decade  at  the  tioned  whether  Miller  will
            droxychloroquine  or  the  meeting  between  Bright         the economic rescue law  General  Services  Admin-     be able to hold the Trump
            related drug chloroquine.    and  the  trade  official  on   approved  in  late  March.  istration,  which  oversees  administration  account-
            The  decades-old  drugs,  at  the  White  House  on  a      In written testimony, Miller  thousands of federal con-  able for how it administers
            also  prescribed  for  lupus  Saturday early in February.   pledged  to  be  vigilant  in  tracts. While he is respect-  the business program and
            and  rheumatoid  arthritis,  Bright said his boss, Kadlec   protecting  the  integrity  ed  in  the  oversight  com-  "guarantee  that  corpo-
            can  cause  a  number  of  was not pleased.                 and independence of his  munity,  Miller's  role  in  the  rations  getting  taxpayer
            side effects, including heart  “Navarro  clearly  shared    office and vowed "to seek  White House counsel's of-   money  put  their  workers
            rhythm  problems,  severely  (Bright’s)  concerns  about    the truth in all matters that  fice  —  which  led  Trump's  first." q
            low  blood  pressure  and  the  potential  devastation
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