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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 6 May 2020
            Russia: Domestic violence reports spike amid virus lockdown

            By DARIA LITVINOVA                                                                                                  The Kremlin imposed a na-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tionwide  lockdown  in  late
            MOSCOW (AP) — Reported                                                                                              March.   Almost   immedi-
            domestic violence cases in                                                                                          ately, women's rights advo-
            Russia  more  than  doubled                                                                                         cates  sounded  the  alarm
            during  the  country's  coro-                                                                                       about a surge of domestic
            navirus  lockdown,  the  hu-                                                                                        violence  cases,  urging  ac-
            man rights ombudswoman                                                                                              tion to protect victims.
            said  Tuesday,  painting  a                                                                                         In  a  letter  to  the  govern-
            completely  different  pic-                                                                                         ment,  nine  non-govern-
            ture than that provided by                                                                                          mental organizations asked
            police data.                                                                                                        officials to set up more shel-
            Complaints  and  reports                                                                                            ters,   instruct   policemen
            made  to  Russian  non-gov-                                                                                         about  the  importance  of
            ernmental     organizations                                                                                         responding  to  domestic
            spiked from roughly 6,000 in                                                                                        violence calls and help vic-
            March to more than 13,000                                                                                           tims get medical, legal and
            in April, Tatyana Moskalko-                                                                                         psychological help.
            va said. "The picture is rath-                                                                                      Nothing has been done so
            er  non-optimistic,"  the  RIA                                                                                      far,  said  Olga  Gnezdilova,
            Novosti news agency quot-                                                                                           lawyer with the Russian Jus-
            ed her as saying.                                                                                                   tice  Initiative,  one  of  the
            Her  statement  comes  a                                                                                            groups that signed the let-
            week  after  Russian  police   In this file photo taken on Monday, Nov. 25, 2019, people hold banners against domestic violence   ter.  "In  order  to  take  addi-
            said the number of domes-    as they attend a rally in Moscow's downtown, Russia.                  Associated Press   tional measures during the
            tic crimes fell by 13% during                                                                                       crisis and the lockdown, we
            the  lockdown,  compared  vated  existing  tensions  or  erage  in  the  same  period  The  French  government  need  changes  in  the  law
            to  the  same  month  last  triggered new ones. Wom-      in  previous  years.  France's  introduced  a  text  messag-  and  political  will,"  Gnez-
            year  —  a  report  dismissed  en and children are usually  National   Federation   of  ing  number  and  a  Twitter  dilova  told  The  Associated
            by  some  women's  rights  the victims.                   Women  Solidarity  said  the  account victims can reach  Press.
            campaigners  as  inaccu-     In Spain, calls to a domestic  hotline  they  run  has  re-  out  to  in  addition  to  the  Domestic   violence   has
            rate, as many victims don't  violence helpline increased  ceived double to triple the  usual police number. More-   been rampant in Russia for
            report  domestic  abuse  to  by  60%  in  April  compared  usual daily number of calls  over,   authorities   tasked  years, and so far little politi-
            the police.                  with  the  same  month  last  since  France  imposed  a  pharmacies and a number  cal will has been shown to
            Growing  numbers  of  do-    year,  the  Equality  Ministry  lockdown  on  March  17.  In  of  chain  supermarkets  to  tackle  the  issue.  Despite
            mestic  abuse  complaints  said  Tuesday.  The  number  Greece,  where  the  lock-     arrange  points  of  contact  the fact that, according to
            have  been  reported  all  of  calls  was  up  38%  from  down  started  March  23,  a  for domestic abuse victims.  police data, up to 40% of all
            across Europe after govern-  March, when in the middle  government  helpline  re-      Britain  pledged  76  million  violent crimes are commit-
            ments instituted lockdowns  of  the  month  the  govern-  ceived nearly four times as  pounds ($95 million) to help  ted  within  families,  in  2017
            and  ordered  residents  to  ment ordered a lockdown.     many complaints in April as  vulnerable  children  and  Russian  President  Vladimir
            stay at home, as the frustra-  Lawmakers in the UK found  in March.                    victims  of  domestic  vio-  Putin  downgraded  simple
            tions  of  enforced  isolation,  that  calls  to  a  national  In many countries, govern-  lence.                   assault  against  a  family
            often  fueled  by  increased  domestic  abuse  helpline  ment  officials  are  taking  Russia,  meanwhile,  is  not  member from a criminal of-
            use  of  alcohol  and  dire  jumped  by  49%  in  early  steps  to  address  the  prob-  doing   enough,    rights  fense  to  a  misdemeanor,
            economic  straits,  aggra-   April compared to the av-    lem.                         groups argue.                punishable by a $76 fine. q

              French commander: Extremists

               in Africa try to exploit virus

              By CARLEY PETESCH           anything  and  everyone  and  Chad.  Health  au-
              Associated Press            is  very  focused  on  the  thorities  have  confirmed
              DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — Is-   way  the  mission  goes,"  more  than  120  COVID-19
              lamic extremists in West Af-  he  said,  adding  that  they  deaths  in  the  countries
              rica's Sahel region are try-  have  learned  to  adapt  where  Barkhane  is  active,
              ing to exploit COVID-19 to  accordingly.  "Much  has  with more than 2,100 con-
              gain  followers  but  haven't  been  done  to  implement  firmed cases.
              had  much  success,  ac-    individual  and  collective  Experts have said that lim-
              cording to the command-     measures  to  ensure  that  ited  testing  capacity  in
              er  of  the  French  military's  this constraint is as minimal  remote  and  volatile  parts
              Operation Barkhane there.   as possible."               of  Africa  means  health    In this May 19, 2017 file photo, a French soldier stands inside a
              The  coronavirus  has  had  He attributed the very few  authorities  aren't  able  to   military helicopter during a visit by French President Emmanuel
              little impact on counterter-  cases  among  French  sol-  track the virus well.      Macron to the troops of Operation Barkhane.
              rorism  operations  by  the  diers to constant vigilance  As for the extremists, Facon                                      Associated Press
              more  than  5,000  French  and  a  wide  distribution  said  "they  exploited  it  as  the  Islamic  State  in  the  tial,  that  the  blows  to  the
              soldiers  in  the  arid  region  in  the  field  that  minimizes  propaganda  by  saying  it  Greater  Sahara,  though  enemy  command  system
              just below the vast Sahara  the risk of large-scale virus  was punishment."          he  wouldn't  give  specific  are severe blows, and that
              desert, Gen. Pascal Facon  transmission.                He  said  Barkhane  has  re-  details.                   these capabilities are con-
              told reporters Tuesday.     But  cases  are  rising  in  corded  substantial  prog-  "What I can simply tell you  siderably  diminished,"  he
              COVID-19 "doesn't change  Burkina  Faso,  Mali,  Niger,  ress  in  the  fight  against  is  that  attrition  is  substan-  said.q
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