Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200506
P. 28

                     Wednesday 6 May 2020

            Activists  hold  slogans  outside  the  headquarters  of  broadcast
            network ABS-CBN corp. on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 in Quezon city,
            Metro Manila, Philippines.
                                                     Associated Press
            Philippines orders

            leading TV network

            to shut down                                               Venezuela's  Attorney  General  Tarek  William  Saab  holds  up  twitter  posts  during  a  press
                                                                       conference regarding what the government calls a failed attack over the weekend aimed at
                                                                       overthrowing President Nicolás Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela, Monday, May 4, 2020.
                                                                                                                                          Associated Press
            By JIM GOMEZ                 ees and millions of Filipinos
            Associated Press             who he said need the net-     Venezuela: 2 U.S. 'mercenaries'
            MANILA,  Philippines  (AP)  work's  services  "specially
            —  A  Philippine  govern-    now  in  the  worst  time  of   among those nabbed after raid
            ment  agency  on  Tuesday  sickness and hunger."
            ordered the country's lead-  Media    watchdogs     ac-    By SCOTT SMITH and JOSHUA GOODMAN  with  him  in  the  U.S.  military,  Goudreau
            ing  broadcast  network,  cused Duterte and his gov-       Associated Press                          said, adding that they were part of this
            which  the  president  has  ernment  of  muzzling  inde-   CARACAS,  Venezuela  (AP)  —  Venezu-     alleged mission in Venezuela called "Op-
            targeted for its critical news  pendent  media  like  ABS-  elan  President  Nicolás  Maduro  said  au-  eration Gideon." The aim was to capture
            coverage,  to  halt  opera-  CBN  that  have  reported     thorities arrested two U.S. citizens among  Maduro. Venezuela has been in a deep-
            tions after its congressional  critically on issues including   a  group  of  "mercenaries"  on  Monday,  ening political and economic crisis under
            franchise  expired,  spark-  the  president's  anti-drug   a  day  after  a  beach  raid  purportedly  Maduro's rule. Crumbling public services
            ing shock over the loss of a  crackdown, which has left    aimed  at  capturing  the  socialist  leader  such  as  running  water,  electricity  and
            major news provider during  thousands  of  mostly  poor    that authorities say they foiled.         medical care have driven nearly 5 million
            the coronavirus pandemic.    suspects  dead.  Govern-      Maduro held up a pair of blue U.S. pass-  to  migrate.  But  Maduro  still  controls  all
            The    National   Telecom-   ment  officials  denied  the   ports,  reading  off  the  names  and  birth  levers of power despite a U.S.-led cam-
            munications    Commission  closure  was  a  press  free-   dates  on  them  in  a  nationwide  broad-  paign  to  oust  him.  It  recently  indicted
            ordered  ABS-CBN  Corp.  dom issue, insisting that ev-     cast  on  state  television.  He  showed  im-  Maduro as a drug trafficker and offered
            to  stop  operating  after  its  eryone  must  comply  with   ages of the fishing boats the alleged at-  a $15 million reward for his arrest.
            25-year congressional fran-  the law.                      tackers  rode  in  on  and  equipment  like  Venezuela  and  the  United  States  broke
            chise  ended  Monday.  The  "The order to shut ABS-CBN     walkie-talkies  and  night-vision  glasses  diplomatic  ties  last  year  amid  height-
            network's application for a  effectively  unplugs  one  of   collected in what Maduro called an "in-  ened tensions, so there is no U.S. embassy
            renewal has been pending  the Philippines most trusted,    tense"  couple  of  days.  He  blamed  the  in  Caracas.  Officials  from  the  U.S.  State
            in  Congress,  which  is  con-  independent  sources  of   attacks on the Trump administration and  Department  did  not  respond  Monday
            trolled by President Rodrigo  news.  It  is  a  crushing  blow   neighboring  Colombia,  both  of  which  to a request by The Associated Press for
            Duterte's  allies,  but  hear-  to press freedom, one that   have denied involvement.                comment.
            ings  have  been  delayed,  was  obviously  ordered  by    "The  United  States  government  is  fully  "I've  tried  to  engage  everybody  I  know
            in  part  by  a  coronavirus  President  Rodrigo  Duterte   and completely involved in this defeated  at every level," Goudreau said of the at-
            lockdown.  ABS-CBN,  one  to silence critical reporting    raid," Maduro said, praising members of  tempt  to  help  his  detained  colleagues.
            of the country's oldest and  on  his  government,"  said   a fishing village for cornering one group  "Nobody's returning my calls. It's a night-
            most  influential  networks,  Shawn Crispin, a Bangkok-    in  the  sweep  netting  the  "professional  mare." Goudreau's account of the con-
            continued  to  broadcast  based  representative  for       American mercenaries."                    fusing raid has at times seemed contra-
            on  TV  and  radio  for  most  the  Committee  to  Protect   Before  dawn  on  Sunday,  officials  say  dictory  —  for  example,  he  says  he  was
            of  Tuesday  but  later  went  Journalists.  "If  he  can  shut   the first attack started on a beach near  plotting  a  rebellion  for  months  while
            off the air. "Millions of Filipi-  down a media outfit as in-  Venezuela's port city of La Guaira, when  claiming  not  to  have  received  a  single
            nos will lose their source of  fluential  and  powerful  as   security forces made the first two arrests  penny.  Meanwhile,  a  self-aggrandizing
            news and entertainment ...  ABS-CBN, then no indepen-      and  killed  eight  others  attempting  to  Maduro has thrived broadcasting videos
            when people need crucial  dent  media  group  is  safe.    make a landing by speedboats.             on state TV of what he says was a flawless
            and  timely  information  as  The message is clear."       The  two  U.S.  citizens  arrested  Monday  defense of the nation's sovereignty.
            the  nation  deals  with  the  Opposition Sen. Risa Honti-  were identified as as Luke Denman and  Kay Denman, the mother of one of the
            COVID-19  pandemic,"  the  veros  said  it  was  alarming   Airan Berry, both former U.S. special forc-  Americans, said the last time she heard
            media giant said in a state-  that ABS-CBN was ordered     es soldiers.                              from her son was a few weeks when he
            ment.                        to stop its operations in the   Florida-based  ex-Green  Beret  Jordan  texted her from an undisclosed location
            Company  President  Car-     middle  of  the  pandemic.    Goudreau  said  earlier  Monday  that  he  to ask how she was coping with the coro-
            lo  Katigbak  appealed  to  "The delivery of timely and    was working with the two men in a mission  navirus  pandemic.  She  said  she  never
            people to let their feelings  correct  information  is  es-  intending  to  detain  Maduro  and  "liber-  heard  her  son  discuss  Venezuela  and
            on the closure be "felt, ex-  sential  to  our  COVID-19   ate" Venezuela. Goudreau has claimed  only learned of his possible capture there
            pressed and heard" for the  response.  This  shutdown      responsibility for the operation.         after his friends called when they saw the
            benefit  of  the  network's  order  goes  against  public   The two served in Iraq and Afghanistan  reports on social media.q
            more  than  11,000  employ-  welfare," Hontiveros said.q
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