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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 2 SepteMber 2024
            Large-scale polio vaccinations begin in war-ravaged Gaza after

            first case in 25 years

            By  WAFAA  SHURAFA  and                                                                                             ministered at roughly 160 sites
            SAMY MAGDY                                                                                                          across the territory, including
            Associated Press                                                                                                    medical centers and schools.
            DEIR  AL-BALAH,  Gaza  Strip                                                                                        Children under 10 will receive
            (AP) — Palestinian health au-                                                                                       two drops of oral polio vac-
            thorities and United Nations                                                                                        cine in two rounds, the sec-
            agencies on Sunday began                                                                                            ond to be administered four
            a large-scale campaign of                                                                                           weeks after the first.
            vaccinations  against  polio                                                                                        Israel  allowed  around  1.3
            in the Gaza Strip, hoping to                                                                                        million doses to be brought
            prevent an outbreak in the                                                                                          into the territory last month,
            territory that has been rav-                                                                                        which are now being held
            aged  by  the  Israel-Hamas                                                                                         in refrigerated storage in a
            war.                                                                                                                warehouse in Deir al-Balah.
            Authorities plan to vaccinate                                                                                       Another shipment of 400,000
            children in central Gaza until                                                                                      doses is set to be delivered
            Wednesday before moving                                                                                             to Gaza soon.
            on to the more devastated                                                                                           The polio virus that triggered
            northern and southern parts                                                                                         this latest outbreak is a mu-
            of the strip. The campaign                                                                                          tated virus from an oral polio
            began with a small number                                                                                           vaccine. The oral polio vac-
            of vaccinations on Saturday                                                                                         cine contains weakened live
            and  aims  to  reach  about                                                                                         virus and in very rare cases,
            640,000 children.            A health worker administers a polio vaccine to a child at a hospital in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza   that  virus  is  shed  by  those
            Gaza's  Health  Ministry  said   Strip, Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024.                                                      who  are  vaccinated  and
            more  than  72,600  children                                                                       Associated Press  can evolve into a new form
            received vaccines Sunday.    the presence of a paralysis  been  displaced  within  the  Wafaa Obaid, who brought  capable of starting new epi-
            The World Health Organiza-   case indicates there could  besieged     territory,   with  her three children to the Al-  demics.
            tion has said Israel agreed to  be hundreds more who have  hundreds   of   thousands  Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir  The  war  in  Gaza  began
            limited pauses in the fighting  been  infected  but  aren't  crammed into squalid tent  al-Balah to get the vaccina-  when  Hamas-led  militants
            to facilitate the campaign.  showing symptoms.            camps.                       tions.                       stormed into Israel on Oct.
            There were initial reports of  Most people who have po-   Health  officials  have  ex-  Ammar  Ammar,  a  spokes-   7, killing some 1,200 people,
            Israeli strikes in central Gaza  lio do not experience symp-  pressed  alarm  about  dis-  person for the U.N. children's  mostly civilians, and abduct-
            early Sunday, but it was not  toms, and those who do usu-  ease  outbreaks  as  uncol-  agency, said it hopes both  ing  around  250  hostages.
            immediately  known  if  any-  ally recover in a week or so.  lected  garbage  has  piled  parties  adhere  to  a  tem-  Around 100 remain in cap-
            one was killed or wounded.  But  there  is  no  cure,  and  up  and  the  bombing  of  porary truce in designated  tivity, about a third of whom
            The  pause  ended  Sunday  when  polio  causes  paraly-   critical  infrastructure  has  areas to enable families to  are believed to be dead.
            afternoon,  according  to  a  sis, it is usually permanent. If  sent  putrid  water  flowing  reach health facilities.  Israel's  retaliatory  offensive
            schedule released by Israel.  the paralysis affects breath-  through the streets. Polio is  "This is a first step," he told The  has  killed  over  40,000  Pal-
            Israel has said the vaccina-  ing muscles, the disease can  spread through fecal matter.  Associated Press. "But there  estinians, according to the
            tion  program  will  continue  be fatal.                  Widespread hunger has left  is no alternative to a cease-  Health Ministry, which does
            through Sept. 9 and last eight  The vaccination campaign  people  even  more  vulner-  fire because it's not only po-  not say whether those killed
            hours a day.                 faces challenges, from on-   able to illness.             lio that threatens children in  were fighters or civilians. The
            Gaza  recently  reported  its  going fighting to devastat-  "We  escaped  death  with  Gaza, but also other factors,  war has caused vast destruc-
            first polio case in 25 years —  ed roads and hospitals shut  our children, and fled from  including  malnutrition  and  tion across the territory, with
            a  10-month-old  boy,  now  down  by  the  war.  Around  place to place for the sake  the inhuman conditions they  entire neighborhoods wiped
            paralyzed in a leg. The World  90%  of  Gaza's  population  of our children, and now we  are living in."            out and critical infrastructure
            Health  Organization  says  of  2.3  million  people  have  have  these  diseases,"  said  The vaccinations will be ad-  heavily damaged.q

            Mexico offers escorted rides north from

            southern Mexico for migrants with U.S.
            asylum appointments

            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico  from southern Mexico more  wants  more  migrants  to
            will offer escorted bus rides  attractive to migrants who  wait in southern Mexico far-
            from southern Mexico to the  otherwise would push north  ther  from  the  U.S.  border.
            U.S. border for non-Mexican  to Mexico City or the border.  Migrants typically complain
            migrants who have received  The announcement came a  there is little work available
            a United States asylum ap-   week after the U.S. govern-  in southern Mexico for a wait
            pointment, the government  ment expanded access to  that can last months. Many         Migrants  walk  along  the  highway  through  Suchiate,  Chiapas
            announced Saturday.          the CBP One application to  carry debts for their trip and   state  in  southern  Mexico,  July  21,  2024,  during  their  journey
                                                                                                   north toward the U.S. border.
            The  National  Immigration  southern Mexico. Access to  feel pressure to work.                                                  Associated Press
            Institute  said  the  buses  will  the app, which allows asy-  The migrants who avail them-
            leave from the southern cit-  lum seekers to register and  selves of the buses will also re-  Previously, Mexican authori-  but some migrants reported
            ies of Villahermosa and Ta-  await an appointment, had  ceive a 20-day transit permit  ties said they would respect  being  swept  up  at  check-
            pachula. It appeared to be  previously been restricted to  allowing them legal passage  migrants who showed that  points  and  shipped  back
            an attempt to make apply-    central and northern Mexico.  across Mexico, the institute's  they had a scheduled asylum  south,  forced  to  miss  their
            ing for asylum appointments  The  Mexican  government  statement said.                 appointment at the border,  appointments.q
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