Page 9 - aruba-today-20240902
P. 9

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 2 SepteMber 2024

             Adriaan Laclé

             One of Aruba’s richest men in the twentieth century

             (Oranjestad)—The  name  Adriaan  Laclé  Regarding  his  personal  life,  it  has  been
             may ring a bell to locals as one of the big-  said that he was married twice during his
             ger roads on the island, but about a cen-  lifetime. He had his first daughter during his
             tury  ago,  Adriaan  Laclé  was  a  rich  busi-  first marriage but lost his wife soon after her
             nessman,  well-known  for  his  generosity,  birth.  During  his  second  marriage,  he  fa-
             wealth, and taste.                         thered 16 children. However, it has been
                                                        said that only 11 of those 17 made it past
             Adriaan  was  born  in  1866  and  was  the  18 years of age. Perhaps two of his most
             eldest of six children. Not much is known  well-known  daughters  are  Maria  Monica
             about  his  childhood  upbringing  or  any  Laclé  and  Maria  Veneranda  Laclé,  who
             of  his  earlier  business  ordeals,  but  during  went on to marry successful brothers Eloy
             his hay day he often helped people get  Arends  and  Maximilian  Arends,  respec-
             loans, was a well-established trader, and  tively.  Their  houses  are  still  standing;  Eloy
             owned  several  plots  of  land.  In  fact,  he  and Maria Monica’s mansion functions as
             commissioned the construction of the fa-   a  townhall,  used  to  host  civil  marriages,
             mous  La  Quinta  Carmen  manor—now  a  while Maximilian and Maria Veneranda’s
             restaurant. Though he himself never lived  house stands on the opposite side of the
             in the beautiful manor, his own house also  road  to  them—though  currently  under
             reflected his success and good taste. To-  renovation after years left in ruin. q
             day his house still stands in good condition
             and can be found in the back streets of    Source: De Kolibrie op de Rots (en meer over
             main street Oranjestad.                    de geschiedenis van Aruba) by Evert Bongers.

            The legend of the Kibrahacha tree

            (Oranjestad)—The Kibraha-                                 cha that her father was sick,   To  her  surprise,  every  time  flowers  and  gave  it  to  her
            cha is a famous tree known                                he immediately accompa-      she plucked a thorn of the  sick husband. Miraculously,
            locally for its bright, yellow                            nied  Aretima  back  to  her   tree, a bright, yellow flower  after just one sip of the tea,
            flowers that blooms for just                              hut, where he encountered    bloomed  in  its  place.  The  the  father’s  fever  left  his
            three  days.  Scientifically                              her father in a bad state. Not   thorns  were  hard  to  pluck  body immediately, and he
            known as Tabebuia billbergii,                             willing to waste any time, he   out, but Aretima continued  opened eyes and sprung up
            and in English as the Yellow                              told  Aretima  that  the  only   plucking  with  enthusiasm  feeling new.
            Poui, this tree is native to the                          thing that can cure her fa-  and wonder at the unfold-
            Caribbean islands of Aruba,                               ther is a home-made potion   ing sight before her. Not too  The  next  morning,  they  all
            Bonaire and Curacao, and is                               made out of the Kibrahacha   long after she was able to  visited  the  same  Kibraha-
            considered among locals as                                flower. At the time the Kibra-  fill her entire satchel with the  cha tree that saved the life
            one of the most spectacu-                                 hacha  was  not  yet  in  her   yellow flowers. Kudawecha,  of Aretima’s father and they
            lar  trees  on  the  island.  But                         blooming  season,  but  the   satisfied  to  see  Aretima  so  saw  another  miracle.  The
            did you also know that the                                stubborn  Kudawecha  was     happy  and  encouraged  tree was covered again in
            beautiful yellow flowers have                             determined  to  bring  back   to help her father, took her  the same bright, yellow flow-
            a story behind them?         The legend of the Kibraha-   Aretima’s  father  back  to   back to her hut.            ers, with not a thorn in sight.
                                         cha                          health, and so off they went                              And  as  the  legend  goes,
            The  Kibrahacha  is  said  Written by Hubert (Lio Booi)   to the nearest Kibrahacha    Upon  arriving  back  at  the  from that day on, the Kibra-
            to  have  extremely  hard                                 tree.                        hut, Aretima’s mother quick-  hacha tree no longer pro-
            wood—so hard that it can  One day Aterima, who lived                                   ly  made  a  tea  out  of  the  duced any more thorns.q
            break an axe. In fact, that’s  west  of  the  hill  Sero  War-  When  they  arrived  at  the
            what its name means in Pa-   awara, woke up one day to  tree,  they  saw  that  it  was
            piamento:  “kibra”  (break)  find her father sleeping in his  covered  head  to  toe  in
            “hacha”  (axe).  The  flow-  hammock, suffering a bout  thorns,  with  only  a  few
            ers bloom around April and  of terrible fever. Her mother  closed  flowers  at  the  very
            May,  but  this  only  last  for  was  very  worried,  and  as  top.  Kudawecha,  experi-
            about  three  days,  as  the  was the custom in the olden  enced veteran in all things
            flowers start to fall off and  days, asked Aterima to go  Aruban flora and fauna, told
            the  tree  starts  growing  its  fetch Kudawecha, who was  Aretima to start plucking the
            green leaves. The Kibraha-   a  epistemophile,  to  come  thorns of the tree to climb
            cha is especially particular,  see his father.            to the top where the flow-
            as it’s the only one among  Aterima wasted to time and  ers are. Aretima, just as de-
            its neighboring trees to starts  went to go fetch Kudawe-  termined to save her father,
            blooming first.              cha. Upon telling Kudawe-    didn’t hesitate to start.
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