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LOCAL Monday 2 SepteMber 2024
Visit the island’s hidden
natural pools
(Oranjestad)—Amongst wild waves on the other
the countless beaches sur- side. Though the pool is lo-
rounding the island that are cated on the northern side
well-known and frequently of the island (where the sea
visited, there are an addi- is largely rough and largely
tional two “hidden” natural no suitable for swimming),
pools that are situated in the pool itself is very calm.
the northern coast of the It’s also relatively deep,
island, two ideal stops in and you can climb up the
your tour itinerary. rocks and jump in!
Cave Pool
This relatively new pool ap-
peared just a few years
ago, when a part of the
dried up coral floor broke
off and created a partition
between the ocean and
what is now the natural
pool that is hidden there.
Because it’s still so new,
there is no official name for
Conchi (Natural Pool) it, but most people just call
For many years, Conchi it the cave pool.
was the only natural pool Just like the Conchi, the
that we had on the island. new natural pool is situated
Located in the Arikok Na- on the northern coast of
tional Park, near Boca Keto Aruba. However, this pool is
and the Daimari Ranch, much easier to reach with
Conchi—also known “Cura any type of vehicle, and
di Turtuga (Turtle’s Cove) or there is no hiking needed. Papiamento words and phrases you may want to know!
just Natural Pool—is reach- This spot has also become
able with any 4x4 vehicle a regular stop for touring
or by foot if you’re up for a visitors. (Oranjestad)—Aruba is a melt- you?” The word “con” in Pa- the rhythm on the phrase. And
long hike. However, since it When you get there, may- ing pot of different nationali- piamento means “how?” and the same could be said for
is part of the National Park, be you won’t be able to ties, cultures and languages. is pronounced with a rounder our last greeting of the day.
you must first get permis- spot the pool immediately, Primarily for this reason, the “o” sounds, like in the English 3. Bon nochi. You guessed it,
sion from park manage- because you will probably average Aruban can un- word “cone”. “Ta bay” refers “bon nochi” means “good
ment to enter. You would notice the moon-shaped derstand and speak Dutch, to how you are doing. When night”. Just like “tardi”, “no-
have to purchase a day lagoon where wild north- English and Spanish relatively we say goodbye, we use the chi” is actually the shortened
well. However, as much as word “ayo” (not like the Ayo version of the word “anochi”.
pass, and receive a wrist- ern waves crash into each we pride ourselves in being Rock Formation, but also…
band as proof of payment. other. Sounds scary, but able to communicate with kinda?). We may also use Yes…no…maybe?
Once you’ve completed if you look down on your almost everyone, we cherish “te oro”, which means “see The affirmative and negative
that, you are set! right, you’ll see a calm, our native tongue Papiamento you later”. expression is very simple in
If you decide to hike from crystal blue little pool in the above all else. Want to learn Papiamento. Just like Spanish,
the entrance of the Arikok corner. To get there, you some common words in our Greetings during the day our yeses are “si” and our no’s
National Park, this is also have to climb down some language? Here are a few Most, if not all, languages are “no”. Pretty easy right? If
possible: do bring plenty stairs. Be careful when basic words and phrases that have different ways to greet you want to gain some extra
of protective clothing and climbing down and follow can get you a hat tip from according to the time of day, points from younger locals,
enough water and food—it the instructions of your tour an Aruban. and Papiamento is no dif- you can also say “se”, which
could take you up to three guide if you have one. ferent. Since Papiamento is is a more casual affirmative
hours to hike there! And just like Conchi, this When you arrive at the air- heavily influences from Por- used mostly by the younger
However, when you even- pool also has a jumping port in Aruba, one of the first tuguese and Spanish, some generation. However, do
tually do get there, you spot, and a rope to climb words in Papiamento you may of these phrases may look note: some older genera-
will be greeted with crystal back up the boulder. q encounter is “Bon bini.” Bon very familiar. tions may find this improper
blue water surrounded by bini in Papiamento means 1. Bon dia is used in the morn- and not respectful, so keep
a natural rock formation Picture of cave pool is cred- welcome, and is probably ing, up to about noon. Bon dia that in mind.
that protects you from the ited to RockaBeach Tours the most famous Papiamento essentially means good morn-
word for tourists. ing. The word “bon” means Thanks man…
“good”, and while “dia” does Lastly, a word that we can
Hi! Bye! not directly mean “morning” also say more often is “danki”,
To be fair, there is no unique in English, it is used often to which means literally “thank
way to say “hello” in Papia- refer to the morning time. you”. “Danki” is derived from
mento. At least, not officially. 2. Bon tardi. In the afternoon the Dutch word “bedankt”.
We often just use the English to early evening hours, we use Though we don’t really have
“hello” or “hey”, or Dutch “hal- “bon tardi” to greet people, a translation for “I appreci-
lo” to greet someone. We do which means “good after- ate it” in English, we do use
however, always follow it up noon”. “Tardi” actually comes “masha danki” to convey the
with “con bay?” or “con ta?” from the word “atardi”, which message. “Masha” means
Con bay is a shortened ver- directly translates to “after- “a lot” or “very”, so “masha
sion of “con ta bay?”, which noon”. However, the short- danki” means “thank you very
essentially means “how are ened “tardi” is used to keep much”.q