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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 21 November 2020

            APEC leaders, including Trump, agree on free trade

            By EILEEN NG                                                                                                        and other regional econo-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    mies  but  not  the  United
            KUALA  LUMPUR,  Malaysia                                                                                            States. Trump pulled out of
            (AP)  —  Leaders  from  the                                                                                         the  CPTPP's  predecessor,
            Asia-Pacific  Economic  Co-                                                                                         the  Trans-Pacific  Partner-
            operation  forum,  includ-                                                                                          ship,  which  never  took  ef-
            ing  U.S.  President  Donald                                                                                        fect.  Xi's  comments  came
            Trump,  pledged  Friday  to                                                                                         just  after  Beijing  and  14
            work  toward  free,  open                                                                                           Asian  nations  inked  the
            and      non-discriminatory                                                                                         Regional  Comprehensive
            trade and investment to re-                                                                                         Economic  Partnership,  the
            vive  their  coronavirus-bat-                                                                                       world's  largest  free  trade
            tered economies.                                                                                                    agreement.
            The  leaders  cast  aside  dif-                                                                                     If  China  were  to  join  the
            ferences  to  issue  their  first                                                                                   CPTPP,  that  would  make
            joint  statement  since  2017,                                                                                      Xi's government a member
            in  which  they  agreed  to                                                                                         of  the  Asia-Pacific  region's
            further  deepen  regional                                                                                           two biggest trade arrange-
            integration  by  working  to-                                                                                       ments, while Washington is
            ward a massive free trade                                                                                           part of neither.
            agreement involving the 21                                                                                          APEC leaders adopted the
            APEC economies.                                                                                                     Putrajaya  Vision  2040,  a
            This  year's  host,  Malaysian                                                                                      new  20-year  growth  vision
            Prime  Minister  Muhyiddin   Monitor display showing U.S President Donald Trump, center, together with other leaders attending   to replace the Bogor Goals
            Yassin, told a news confer-  the first virtual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' summit, hosted by Malaysia, in   named  after  the  Indone-
            ence  that  the  U.S.-China   Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Friday, Nov. 20, 2020.                       Associated Press  sian  town  where  leaders
            trade  war  that  had  ham-                                                                                         agreed in 1994 to free and
            pered talks in the past has  APEC,    whose   members  for the first time amid a U.S.-  speech wasn't immediately  open  trade  and  invest-
            "been eclipsed" by the CO-   account  for  60%  of  global  China row over trade poli-  available.                  ment.
            VID-19 pandemic.             GDP, has also "pledged to  cies.  Trump's  participation  Chinese  President  Xi  Jin-  They  pledged  to  build  an
            With  growth  in  the  Asia-  refrain  from  backtracking  Friday,  his  first  since  2017,  ping,  in  his  remarks,  urged  "open,  dynamic,  resilient
            Pacific region expected to  and resorting to protection-  came  as  a  surprise  as  he  countries  to  "defend  mul-  and  peaceful  region"  by
            slump 2.7% this year, from a  ist  measures  to  keep  mar-  challenges the outcome of  tilateralism"  and  called  for  2040,  and  tasked  officers
            3.6% growth in 2019, he said  kets and borders open," he  the  U.S.  presidential  elec-  the  establishment  of  an  to draw up implementation
            APEC's focus was on accel-   added.                       tion, won by Joe Biden. Last  "Asia-Pacific   free   trade  plans by next year.
            erating economic recovery  The  APEC  leaders'  meet-     weekend,  Trump  skipped  zone at an early date."         "We  recognize  the  impor-
            and developing an afford-    ing was the first since 2018  the  East  Asia  Summits  and  He  told  the  meeting  that  tance of a free, open, fair,
            able vaccine.                after last year's host, Chile,  withdrew from speaking at  Beijing would also "actively  non-discriminatory,   trans-
            "The health risks and its im-  canceled the annual sum-   an APEC CEO meeting ear-     consider"  joining  the  Com-  parent  and  predictable
            pact  on  the  global  eco-  mit due to violent domestic  lier Friday.                 prehensive  and  Progres-    trade and investment envi-
            nomic ecosystem has been  protests.  But  at  the  Papua  Trump,  whose  "America  sive  Agreement  for  Trans-     ronment to drive economic
            the  major  priority  agenda  New  Guinea  summit  in  First"  policy  has  alienat-   Pacific Partnership, a trade  recovery  at  such  a  chal-
            for all APEC economies this  2018,  APEC  leaders  failed  ed  trading  partners,  ad-  agreement  that  includes  lenging time," according to
            year," he said.              to  issue  a  joint  statement  dressed the meeting but his  Japan,  Canada,  Mexico  the joint statement. q

            Dutch government unveils coronavirus vaccination plans

            By MIKE CORDER               istry said.  "Luckily, the Neth-  well as the staff. Without the
            Associated Press             erlands  has  experience  cost  of  the  vaccine  shots
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  with      large   vaccination  themselves,  the  expected
            (AP)  —  The  Dutch  govern-  campaigns,"  Health  Min-   cost of the vaccination op-
            ment  will  prioritize  people  ister  Hugo  de  Jonge  said.  eration in the country of just
            aged  over  60,  those  in  "When  vaccines  are  deliv-  over 17 million people is ex-
            health risk groups and front-  ered,  everything  is  ready.  pected to be between 900
            line health care workers for  That will probably be in the  million  euros  and  1  billion
            coronavirus   vaccinations  first  months  of  2021.  But  if  euros ($1.1-1.2 billion).
            when  the  shots  become  vaccine  makers  succeed  The health ministry said that
            available, the health minis-  in  delivering  in  December,  the  Netherlands  is  playing
            try announced Friday.        we can get to work straight  "an active role" in European
            Outlining its strategy to pro-  away."  The  ministry  said  Union negotiations with five
            tect  people  against  the  that  based  on  recent  re-  vaccine  developers  and
            pandemic  that  has  killed  ports from producers work-   the  country  has  contracts
            more than 1.36 million peo-  ing on vaccines, it expects  in place for nearly 50 million   In this file photo dated Friday, April 24, 2020, a police officer is
            ple worldwide, the ministry  to  be  able  to  vaccinate  shots, enough for nearly 28   silhouetted as he passes a mural by artist Casper Cruse, showing
            said  vaccinations  will  be  around 3.5 million people in  million  people.  Negotia-  a woman with a face mask holding a heart in the colors of the
            free and voluntary.          the first quarter of 2021.   tions are still underway with   dutch flag in support for those suffering from the effects of the
            Dutch  health  authorities  The  government  will  begin  Moderna  for  a  further  3.1   coronavirus, in The Hague, Netherlands.   Associated Press
            already  have  bought  25  by offering vaccinations to  million shots. The total cost
            million  syringes  and  extra  the  approximately  155,000  of  the  vaccines  is  expect-  come  this  crisis,  to  put  the  for  yourself,  but  for  each
            freezers  for  vaccines  that  people  who  live  in  care  ed  to  be  around  700  mil-  pandemic  behind  us,"  De  other.  We  all  have  a  re-
            need  to  be  stored  at  very  homes, and those who live  lion  euros.  "The  vaccine  is  Jonge  said,  urging  people  sponsibility  to  protect  one
            low temperatures, the min-   in psychiatric institutions as  our greatest asset to over-  to get vaccinated "not just  another."q
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