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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 21 November 2020

            In multiple countries, alarm over hunger crisis rings louder

            By  EISSA  AHMED,  TAMEEM                                                                                           "consequences that will re-
            AKHGAR AND SAMY MAG-                                                                                                verberate  indefinitely  into
            DY                                                                                                                  the future."
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Yemen is "now in imminent
            ABS,  Yemen  (AP)  —  The                                                                                           danger of the worst famine
            twin  baby  boys  lay  on  a                                                                                        the world has seen for de-
            bed of woven palm leaves                                                                                            cades," he said.
            in  a  remote  camp  for  dis-                                                                                      In  Afghanistan  —  like  Ye-
            placed  people  in  Yemen's                                                                                         men,  crippled  by  war  —
            north,  their  collar  bones                                                                                        the  pandemic  has  meant
            and  ribs  visible.  They  cried                                                                                    further  losses  of  jobs  and
            loudly, twisting as if in pain,                                                                                     mounting  food  prices.  The
            not  from  disease  but  from                                                                                       poverty  rate  is  expected
            the hunger gnawing away                                                                                             to  leap  this  year  from  54%
            at them.                                                                                                            of  the  population  of  some
            Here, U.N. officials' increas-                                                                                      36 million to as high as 72%,
            ingly  dire  warnings  that                                                                                         according  to  World  Bank
            a  hunger  crisis  is  growing                                                                                      projections.
            around  the  world  are  be-                                                                                        Some    700,000    Afghan
            coming reality.                                                                                                     workers  returned  from  Iran
            U.N.     agencies     have                                                                                          and Pakistan this year, flee-
            warned that some 250 mil-                                                                                           ing  coronavirus  outbreaks.
            lion  people  in  20  countries                                                                                     That  halted  millions  of  dol-
            are threatened with sharply   A  malnourished  girl  Rahmah  Watheeq  receives  treatment  at  a  feeding  center  at  Al-Sabeen   lars  in  remittances,  a  key
            spiking malnutrition or even   hospital in Sanaa, Yemen, Tuesday. Nov. 3, 2020.                    Associated Press  income  for  families  in  Af-
            famine in coming months.                                                                                            ghanistan,  and  returnees
            The United Nations humani-   famine,  as  crisis  after  crisis  the  WFP,  warned  the  U.N.  di  Arabia.  Soon  after  their  flooded the ranks of those
            tarian  office  this  week  re-  wears on a population de-  Security Council last week.   birth,  the  family  had  to  needing  work.  Markets  in
            leased $100 million in emer-  pleted by five years of civil  "Famine  is  truly  a  real  and  flee fighting to a displaced  Kabul  seem  full  of  food
            gency  funding  to  seven  war. The U.N. projected ear-   dangerous  possibility  and  camp in the district of Abs.  items. But shop owners say
            countries  most  at  risk  of  lier this year that a quarter  the  warning  lights  are  ...  "We are struggling to treat  fewer customers can afford
            famine — Yemen, Afghani-     of the population of Jonglei  flashing  red  —  as  red  can  them,"  said  Mariam  Has-  anything. More people are
            stan,  South  Sudan,  Ethio-  State,  home  to  more  than  be," he said.              sam, the twins' grandmoth-   experiencing major gaps in
            pia,  Nigeria,  Congo,  and  1.2 million, would reach the  For years, Yemen has been  er.  "Their  father  took  them  their  food  —  expected  to
            Burkina Faso.                brink of famine.             the  center  of  the  world's  everywhere."               rise  to  42%  of  the  popula-
            But David Beasley, head of  Now cut off from much of  worst  food  crisis,  driven  by  Two-thirds of Yemen's pop-  tion by the end of the year,
            the  World  Food  Program,  the  world  by  flooding  that  the  destructive  civil  war  ulation  of  about  28  million  from  25%,  according  to
            says billions in new aid are  has affected some 1 million  between   Iranian-backed  people  are  hungry.  In  the  U.N. figures.
            needed.  Without  it,  "we  people, many South Suda-      Houthi  rebels  who  in  2014  south,  U.N.  data  from  re-  In  the  Bagrami  displaced
            are going to have famines  nese  have  seen  farming  took over the north and the  cent surveys show cases of  camp in the mountains sur-
            of  biblical  proportions  in  and  other  food-gathering  capital, Sanaa, and a Sau-  severe  acute  malnutrition  rounding Kabul, Gul Makai
            2021,"  he  said  in  an  Asso-  activities   ripped   apart.  di-led coalition backing the  rose 15.5% this year, and at  sat  beside  her  mud-brick
            ciated  Press  interview  last  The  challenges  are  so  nu-  government in the south.   least 98,000 children under  hut. She had spent the night
            week. In multiple countries,  merous  that  even  "plastic  International  aid  pulled  five could die of it.       shoveling  out  water  and
            the  coronavirus  pandemic  sheets  are  not  available,  it  from  the  edge  of  fam-  By the end of the year, 41%  mud  after  the  roof  leaked
            has  added  a  new  burden  as  they  had  largely  been  ine two years ago. But the  of the south's 8 million peo-  in a recent snow. With early
            on top of the impact of on-  used for the previous flood  threat has surged back this  ple  are  expected  to  have  snows  this  year,  tempera-
            going  wars,  pushing  more  response," the U.N. humani-  year,  fueled  by  increasing  significant  gaps  in  food  tures have dropped below
            people  into  poverty,  un-  tarian  agency  said  this  violence  and  a  currency  consumption, up from 25%.      freezing. Her 12 children, all
            able to afford food. At the  week.                        collapse that put food out  The  situation  could  be  10 or younger, sat with her,
            same  time,  international  COVID-19  has  restricted  of reach for growing num-       worse  in  Sanaa  and  the  hungry and shivering in the
            aid funding has fallen short,  trade  and  travel.  Food  bers of people.              north,  home  to  more  than  cold breeze. They were all
            weakening  a  safety  net  prices rose. Post-war unrest  Donors have been wary of  20 million people. The U.N.  thin.  One  daughter,  Nea-
            that keeps people alive.     remains  deadly;  gunmen  new  funding  because  of  is  currently  conducting  a  mat,  around  4,  had  the
            In  Afghanistan's  capital,  recently fired on WFP boats  corruption  and  restrictions  similar survey there.      withered look that suggests
            Kabul,   Zemaray    Hakimi  carrying supplies.            that  Houthis  have  put  on  Sanaa's  main  hospital,  al-  malnutrition.  Makai  fled
            said  he  can  only  give  his  "The  convergence  of  con-  humanitarian  workers.  The  Sabeen,   received   over  seven months ago from her
            children  one  meal  a  day,  flict, macroeconomic crisis,  U.N. had to cut in half the  180  cases  of  malnutrition  home in southern Helmand
            usually  hard,  black  bread  recurrent  flooding  as  well  rations  it  gives  to  9  million  and  acute  malnutrition  in  province after her husband
            dunked  in  tea.  He  lost  his  as  the  indirect  impacts  of  people  —  and  faces  pos-  the past three months, well  was killed in a crossfire be-
            work  as  a  taxi  driver  af-  COVID  create  a  'perfect  sible cuts to another 6 mil-  over its capacities, accord-  tween  government  forces
            ter  contracting  COVID-19  storm,'" the country director  lion in January.            ing Amin al-Eizari, a nurse.  and  the  Taliban.  By  beg-
            and now waits daily on the  for the CARE aid group, Ro-   The  18-month-old  twins,  At  least  five  children  died  ging,  she  scrounges  up
            street for day laborer work  salind Crowther, said in an  Mohammed and Ali, weigh  at  the  hospital  during  that  enough rice or hard bread
            that rarely comes.           email.  "Flooding  and  vio-  only  about  3  kilograms,  or  period,  with  more  dying  to give her kids one meal a
            When his children complain  lence have led to massive  6.6 pounds, less than a third  outside, he said.             day.  She  eats  every  other
            of  hunger,  he  said,  "I  tell  displacement,  low  crop  of  the  weight  they  should  U.N. Secretary-General An-  day. "The weather in winter
            them  to  bear  it.  One  day  production and loss of live-  be, according to their doc-  tonio  Guterres  on  Friday  will get colder," she said. "If I
            maybe we can get some-       lihoods and livestock."      tor.  Their  father,  Hassan  urged  parties  with  influ-  don't get help, my children
            thing better."               In  the  Arabian  Peninsula,  al-Jamai,  was  a  farmer  in  ence in Yemen to take ac-  may get sick, or God forbid,
            South Sudan may be closer  Yemen is on a "countdown  northern  Hajjah  province  tion  to  "stave  off  catastro-   I may lose any of them. We
            than  any  other  country  to  to catastrophe," Beasley, of  near  the  border  with  Sau-  phe" or risk a tragedy with  are in a bad condition."q
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