Page 16 - AB
P. 16

Tuesday 22 augusT 2023 locAl

            Episode 38: A Scientific journey across the island

            It  was  in  the  first  week  of
            January  1885;  Aruba  had
            received an interesting visi-
            tor in the person of a Ger-
            man  Professor,  Dr.  K.  Mar-
            tin of the Leyden University
            who was a passionate Ge-
            ologist with a special inter-
            est in moths and butterflies.
            He  came  for  agro-geo-
            logical  research,  but  left
            a  book  of  cultural-  histori-
            cal  value  and  he  was  ac-
            companied by the students
            Van der Pol, De Haan and
            Molengraaff,  and  also  by
            Professor  Dr.  Suringa.  The   He  continues  his  story:  us  with  a  refreshing  bev-  and wide before them the  always  think  back  to  this
            island journey was planned   “About  noon  we  arrived  erage,  the  enjoyment  of  big  Strombus  and  cone-       benefaction,  for  our  lazy
            to start on the 29th of Janu-  at  Spanish  Lagoon  on  the  which  was  not  spoiled  by  shaped  boulders  were  the  donkeys  kept  pace  with
            ary,  at  six  o’clock  in  the   south-west  coast  of  the  is-  our having procured them  only  objects  on  which  the  those  plodding  before  us
            morning.  Professor  Martin   land,  where  we  encoun-   in  an  illicit  manner.  After  eye could rest.          and when they finally left us
            is the one who will narrate   tered  numerous  petrifac-  scarcely an hour’s rest the  “Under these circumstanc-    we  already  arrived  at  Sint
            his adventure: “We were to   tions.  Behind  this  lagoon  a  insistent thought of the long  es it was an agreeable di-  Nicolaas.  There,  in  the  dis-
            depart, but we were about    few  coconut  trees  offered  distance  we  still  had  to  version  to  see  the  scenery  tance, on the blue waves,
            to  experience  that  time  is   a  shady  place  of  repose  cover made us rise again.”   enlivened by some human  we  discerned  the  white
            something  scarcely  heed-   on  the  alluvial  sol.  But  any                         beings, at whose behavior  sails of the Essex, which had
            ed on Aruba for of the five   attempt to lie down on the  From  then  on  their  way  we  could  not  help  laugh-  taken  us  to  Aruba  yester-
            donkeys and three servants   ground  and  stretch  our  without     interruption   led  ing  at  times.  They  were  a  day  and  was  now  strug-
            we had managed to obtain     limbs  was  prevented  by  across     coral   formations  couple  of  boys  who  had  gling  close-hauled  against
            with great difficulty the pre-  the stony surface of this ex-  arisen  in  later  times  and  drawn  water  from  a  small  the trade wind on her voy-
            vious evening nothing was    tremely  thinly  grown  spot.  bordering  the  west  coast  well dug into the coral and  age back to Curacao.”
            as yet to be seen. True, our   Our  boxes  were  taken  off  of the island. The uniformity  were  carrying  it  in  tubs  on
            guide  gave  himself  every   the  donkeys,  and  we  sat  of the landscape, the bar-  the  backs  of  donkeys  to  To get to know more about
            conceivable trouble to ac-   down  on  them  whilst  the  ren  rock-soil  and  the  sea  their  far  homesteads.  One  Aruba’s  stories  of  origins,
            celerate  our  journey,  but   animals  were  being  wa-  baffle  every  description.  of them had a big drum, a  about animals and culture,
            only after the lapse of more   tered,  coconuts  provided  In  the  plain  stretching  far  musical  instrument  whose  art and desert gardens you
            than  an  hour  was  every-                                                            existence in this region de-  can  visit  Etnia  Nativa.  Our
            thing  ready,  the  donkeys                                                            serted of all mortals I am as  renowned cultural encoun-
            with their saddles and girths                                                          yet  unable  to  explain  but  ter session has been enter-
            having  meanwhile  been                                                                whose  sound  appeared  taining curious participants
            wetted  through  by  a  sud-                                                           to  fascinate  our  worn-out  for decades.  Mail us at et-
            den shower.”                                                                           animals. However that may  to
                                                                                                   be,  we  were  entertained  confirm  your  participation.
            Past Hooiberg and the pic-                                                             by this music walking some  Our  facilities  and  activities
            turesque  fields  the  com-                                                            way  in  front  of  us  and  it  is  take  place  close  to  high
            pany  journeyed  to  Santa                                                             with  thank-fullness  that  I  rise hotels. q
            Cruz, reaching the road via
            Spanish  Lagoon  in  order
            to go from there to the ex-
            treme eastern point of the
            island, Ceru Colorado.

            “For  a  considerable  time
            masses of stone having the
            height of good-sized hous-
            es and consisting of heavy
            worn-off diorite rocks grayly
            striped by the weather are
            the  only  objects  arresting
            our  attention  in  the  midst
            of the high cacti surround-
            ing them, for the sandy soil
            stretching  between  is  very
            thinly  covered  with  plants
            and  its  monotonous  hue
            is  rather  enlivened  by  the
            bluish green backs of lizards
            than  by  any  vegetation.
            Our  eyes  are  aching  and
            we prefer to lift our glance
            from the shade less road.”
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