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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 22 augusT 2023

            Watch out for Blue Crab Migration near Savaneta

                                                                                                   They are known to dig holes  Why protect blue crabs?
            (Oranjestad)  —  The  de-    Crab  Crossing”  to  remind                               deep in the beach sand in  Because  they  are  of  high
            partment  of  nature  &  en-  people  to  be  cautious                                 seek of humidity.            value  for  the  ecology  of
            vironment  in  Aruba  are  while  driving  on  the  high-                              The diet of blue crabs con-  the  mangroves.  Conserv-
            urging  motorists  to  watch  way  on  Pos  Chiquito  with                             sists  of  decomposed  trees,  ing  the  blue  crabs  is  cru-
            out for blue crabs crossing  blue crabs.                                               insects,  scorpions  and  rest  cial for the preservation of
            the  road  in  Pos  Chiquito                                                           of dead animals.             mangroves.
            to  make  their  way  to  the  Blue  crabs  in  Aruba  are
            ocean.                       found  plenty  near  the                                  Nesting  season  for  blue  Watch  out  for  crossing
                                         beach  areas,  especially  in                             crabs  is  between  June  &  blue crabs on the highway
            They  added  a  new  bright  Pos  Chiquito,  because  of                               July.                        near Pos Chiquito & Santo
            yellow road sign with “Land  the amount of mangroves.                                                               Largo.q

            The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal  Aruba to me

            visitors on the island                                                                   ORANJESTAD  —  You  are

                                                                                                     back or still enjoying your
            Recently,  Ms.  Marouska                                                                 vacation?... we would like
            Heyliger  had  the  great                                                                to  portrait  you!  By  invit-
            pleasure  to  honor  a  Loyal                                                            ing  you  to  send  us  your
            and friendly visitors of Aru-                                                            favorite  vacation  picture
            ba as Distinguished Visitors                                                             while enjoying our Happy
            at  their  home  away  from                                                              Island.
                                                                                                     Complete  the  sentence:
            The honorees:                                                                            Aruba to me is ……. Send  any  of  its  affiliated  com-
            Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  and                                                               your picture with that text  panies to use said materi-
            Marilyn  Brown  from  Penn-                                                              (including your name and  als, as well as names, like-
            sylvania (Team Brown)                                                                    where  you  are  from)  to:  ness,  etc.  for  promotional
                                         is  presented  on  behalf  of  for so many years together  purposes  without  com-
            The symbolic honorary title  the  Minister  of  Tourism,  as  with  the  members  of  Re-  and  we  will  publish  your  pensation.
                                         a token of appreciation to  hoboth Boutique Hotel           vacation  memory.  Isn’t
                                         the  guests  who  visit  Aruba                              that a special way to keep  Last  but  not  least:  check
                                         between     10-20-35   and  Top  reasons  for  returning    your best moments alive?  out our website, Instagram
                                         more  consecutive  years.  provided  by  the  honorees      Please do note: By submit-  and   Facebook     page!
                                         Ms.   Marouska     Heyliger  were:  Aruba’s  hospitality    ting  photos,  text  or  any  Thank  you  for  support-
                                         thanked  them  for  choos-   of  the  residents,  Beautiful   other  materials,  you  give  ing  our  free  newspaper,
                                         ing Aruba as their vacation  sunny  weather  and  beau-     permission  to  The  Aruba  we  strive  to  make  you  a
                                         destination  and  as  their  tiful blue waters with white   Today  Newspaper,  Carib-   happy  reader  every  day
                                         home  away  from  home  sanded beaches.q                    bean  Speed  Printers  and  again.q
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