Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220426
P. 26
Diamars 26 aPriL 2022
Wildfires tear across
several states, driven
by high winds
(AP) — Firefighters across the country are
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada Lagrima y flornan por seca, su recuerdonan y battling growing wildfires as tinder-dry con-
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. tur loke el a haci y significa pa nos, cu lo keda ditions and high winds whip up flames from
E ta hibami na awa trankil, graba pa semper den nos mente y curason. Arizona to Florida — including a wildfire in
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. “Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di DJ’E mi rural southwestern Nebraska that has killed
Salmo: 23 salbacion ta bin” one person, injured at least 15 firefighters and
Salmo 62:1 destroyed at least six homes, an official said.
Conforme cu boluntad di Dios Tata
Toddopoderoso nos ta anuncia fayeceimento Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa Nearly a dozen new large fires were reported over
di: fayecimento di nos ser stima: the weekend across the nation — four in New
Mexico, three in Colorado and one each in Flori-
da, Nebraska, South Dakota and Texas. With more
than 1,350 square miles (3,496 square kilometers)
burned so far this year, officials at the National
Interagency Fire Center said the amount of land
singed so far is outpacing the 10-year average by
about 30%.
Hotter, drier weather has combined with a per-
sistent drought to worsen fire danger across many
parts of the West, where decades of fire suppres-
sion have resulted in overgrown and unhealthy
forests and increasing development have put more
communities at risk.
In northern New Mexico, evacuations remained in
place for several communities Monday and condi-
tions were still too volatile for authorities to assess
Juan Gualberto Tromp Carmen M. Roga the damage caused Friday and Saturday. The blaze
*12-07-1961 - †15-04-2022 *26-11-1942 - †24-04-2022 has has grown into the largest wildfire burning in
the U.S., charring more than 88 square miles (228
Na nomber di su: Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues square kilometers).
Mayornan: In Arizona, firefighters were taking advantage of
†Angel Fernando Tromp lighter winds to boost containment of a more than
†Teresita Tromp-Ridderstaat 33-square-mile (85 square-kilometer) blaze that
has been burning outside of Flagstaff for more
Rumannan: than a week. Strong winds that had fueled the fire
†Maria Rafaela Tromp are expected to return later this week. Meanwhile,
†Alcidra Diana Tromp hundreds of evacuated residents were given the
†Bienvenido Claudio Tromp go-ahead on Sunday to return home.
Filomena “Ina” Martina Christiaans-Tromp y
Jacintho Christiaans y famia In Nebraska, more than 80 firefighters, emergency
†Aniceto Atanacio Tromp management personnel and others were helping
Engelberto “Killy” Aquiles Tromp y Astrid fight the fire, known as the Road 702 Fire, accord-
Tromp-Hoek y famia “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada ing to Jonathan Ashford, spokesman for the Rocky
†Hose Patricio Tromp Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. Mountain Complex Incident Management Team.
Jaime Fernando Tromp y Linda Tromp-Croes E ta hibami na awa trankil, By early Monday, it had burned nearly 65 square
y famia Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. miles (168 square kilometers) of mostly rolling
Salmo: 23 rangeland in Red Willow, Furnas and Frontier
Sobrino y sobrinanan, prima y primonan counties. That’s less than the 78 square miles (202
Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon square kilometers) initially reported by fire offi-
Tanta y omonan nos ta participa fayecimento di: cials over the weekend.
Demas famia, amigo y conocirnan By late Sunday, the fire had destroyed at least six
Bon bisiña: Deta, Chil, Shorri, Alida y Dorra homes and threatened 660 others, along with 50
commercial or farm buildings, Ashford said.
Un danki tambe na Iglesia Odres Nuevos
(Grupo ministerio di Evangelizacion) A retired Cambridge, Nebraska, fire chief who
was helping as a fire spotter in Red Willow County
Su cacho: Trompi cu tabata su companje ten a died Friday night after his truck went off the road
morto. in a blinding haze of smoke and dust. The body
of John Trumble, 66, of Arapahoe, was recovered
Ta invita pa acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar around early Saturday.
na Misa Sta Ana Na Noord diabierna 29 di
April 2022 di 9’or pa 11’or di mainta. Despues Raging winds have kept fire crews from containing
lo Sali pa Santana Central Sabana Basora. any of the perimeter of the Nebraska fire. Some-
what higher humidity and lesser winds Monday
Dispensa si den nos tristesa nospor a lubida had firefighters scrambling to dig trenches and
algun famia. Mathieu Johan Marie Hollanders create other breaks along the blaze’s outer edge,
*12-08-1963 - †23-04-2022 Ashford said.
Despues di entiero nos nos ta ricibi bishita di
condolencia na cas. Acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues. “Tomorrow, we expect higher winds to return, so
time is of the essence,” he said.