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Deion Sanders highlights HBCU prospects ahead of NFL draft
(AP) - Deion Sanders did and under exposed, which is
his part to make sure NFL something that we’re trying
teams don’t overlook play- to tackle right now. ... We’re
ers from historically Black trying our best to bring light
colleges in this week’s to all those. It’s just absurd
draft. to me. I know pro football. I
worked at the NFL Network
The Jackson State coach and for almost two decades and
Pro Football Hall of Famer played for 14 years. I know
released his “Prime Pros- what a professional looks
pects” on Monday, featuring like, and there are a multi-
16 players from 12 HBCUs. tude of these young men that
Last year, not one HBCU can play the game at the next
player was drafted. level, if given the opportuni-
ty. When you don’t see a play-
“My prediction is five to er visually, it’s hard to under-
seven, maybe 10 guys that stand that he’s equipped and
should be drafted,” Sanders he could participate. If you
told The Associated Press. didn’t see the players from
“We have at least 15, 16 truly Alabama on television every
draftable guys, more that I darn week, I’m pretty sure
feel like probably are going to the number that they’re cir-
get drafted. Exposure helps. culating into the NFL would leans gave top football play- “I would love to namesake play against all the other tal-
What’s going on and what’s cease a bit. You never see ers from HBCU schools a an All-Star Game that HB- ent. I would like for us to put
translating today in HBCU these kids and you don’t un- new level of exposure to pro CUs play against all the together our All-Star team
football is helping tremen- derstand what they’re capable scouts and executives. But other schools,” Sanders said. and we play one of the Bowl
dously. We’re getting a lot of of, and I’m telling you they Sanders has anther idea for a “I don’t like when you just games that they play after the
shine.” can play this game.” Bowl game. have an HBCU game we season.”
play against each other. Let’s
Neon Deion has helped pro- In 2021, Aflac donated
vide a spotlight on HBCU $75,000 to the Jackson State
players since leaving his ana- University athletic depart-
lyst duties at NFL Network ment for professional devel-
and taking over at Jackson opment, as well as $25,000
State in 2020. Sanders was as a supporting partner of
the Southwestern Athletic Sanders’ football camp. Aflac
Conference Coach of the will donate an additional
Year in 2021 after leading the $100,000 in 2022 to help
Tigers to an 11-2 record. Sanders continue his mission
of mentoring young athletes.
“I’m not thinking about leg-
acy. I don’t care about that. His “Prime Prospects” are:
I care about winning games Florida A&M safety Ant-
and changing lives and pro- wan Collier and offensive
voking change in whatever I lineman Keenan Forbes;
touch,” Sanders said. “Eddie Alabama A&M quarterback
George has done a wonder- Aqeel Glass and wide receiv-
ful job at Tennessee State. ers Dee Anderson and Zabri-
Hue Jackson coming into an Moore; Jackson State de-
Grambling, raising the bar fensive end/linebacker James
there is going to be tremen- Houston and wide receiver
dous. Willie Simmons at Keith Corbin; Norfolk State
(Florida A&M) and some of defensive lineman De’Shaan
the other notable persons, Dixon; Alabama State run-
Coach (Fred) McNair at Al- ning back Ezra Gray; NC
corn, are some guys that can A&T running back Jah-
really coach the game and Maine Martin; Mississippi
they’re able to take this thing Valley State linebacker Jerry
to another level. I’m thankful Garner; Fayetteville State
and pleased that I have Aflac defensive back Joshua Wil-
partnering with me to bring liams; Southern University
shine, so to speak, and shed wide receiver Marquis Mc-
light on what we’re doing, es- Clain; Fort Valley State wide
pecially with this Prime Pros- receiver Shemar Bridges;
pects. It’s unbelievable.” Bowie State defensive back
Tevin Singleton; Virginia
Aflac’s new advertisement, State safety Will Adams.
named “Believe,” features
Sanders and will air during “I’m happy in the role that
the draft. The campaign re- God has chosen for me,”
flects Aflac’s “Close the Gap” Sanders said. “I’m happy
initiative, which centers on to be where I am, and I tell
educating, supporting and people all the time I know
advocating for those under- I’m employed at Jackson
served and overlooked. State, but I’m working for the
whole HBCU.”
“We’re doing a better job of
the exposure,” Sanders said. The inaugural Legacy Bowl
“We’re often overlooked held in February in New Or-