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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 26 aPriL 2022

                             Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44B and will take it private

            (AP)  –  Elon  Musk  reached  an  Musk said last week that he had lined
            agreement  to  buy  Twitter  for  up $46.5 billion in financing to buy
            roughly  $44  billion  on  Monday,  Twitter, putting pressure on the com-
            promising  a  more  lenient  touch  pany’s board to negotiate a deal.
            to policing content on the social
            media platform where he — the  Twitter  said  the  transaction  was
            world’s  richest  person  —  pro-   unanimously  approved  by  its  board
            motes his interests, attacks critics  of directors and is expected to close
            and opines on a wide range of is-   in 2022, pending regulatory sign-off
            sues to more than 83 million fol-   and the approval of shareholders.
            lowers.                             Shares of Twitter Inc. rose more than
                                                5% Monday to $51.70 per share. On
            The  outspoken  Tesla  CEO  has  said  April  14,  Musk  announced  an  offer
            he wanted to own and privatize Twit-  to buy Twitter for $54.20 per share.
            ter because he thinks it’s not living up  While  the  stock  is  up  sharply  since
            to its potential as a platform for free  Musk made his offer, it is well below
            speech.                             the high of $77 per share it reached in
                                                February 2021.                      Asked during a recent TED interview  megaphone  for  speaking  directly  to
            Musk said in a joint statement with  Musk  has  described  himself  as  a  if  there  are  any  limits  to  his  notion  the  public,  often  using  incendiary
            Twitter that he wants to make the ser-  “free-speech  absolutist”  but  is  also  of  “free  speech,”  Musk  said  Twitter  and divisive language on hot-button
            vice “better than ever” with new fea-  known  for  blocking  or  disparaging  would  abide  by  national  laws  that  issues.  He  was  permanently  banned
            tures while getting rid of automated  other Twitter users who question or  restrict  speech  around  the  world.  from the service in the aftermath of
            “spam’’ accounts and making its algo-  disagree with him.               Beyond  that,  he  said,  he’d  be  “very  the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol.
            rithms open to the public to increase                                   reluctant”  to  delete posts  or  perma-
            trust.                              In  recent  weeks,  he  has  proposed  nently banning users who violate the  Musk’s pledge to make Twitter a ha-
            “Free speech is the bedrock of a func-  relaxing  Twitter  content  restrictions  company’s rules.          ven  for  free  speech  could  dim  the
            tioning democracy, and Twitter is the  — such as the rules that suspended  It won’t be perfect, Musk added, “but  appeal  of  Donald  Trump’s  troubled
            digital  town  square  where  matters  former  President  Donald  Trump’s  I think we want it to really have the  Truth  Social  app,  which  the  former
            vital  to  the  future  of  humanity  are  account  —  while  ridding  the  plat-  perception and reality that speech is  president  has  touted  as  a  competi-
            debated,” the 50-year-old Musk said,  form of fake “spambot” accounts and  as free as reasonably possible.”  tor  to  Twitter  that  would  cater  to
            adding hearts, stars and rocket emojis  shifting  away  advertising  as  its  pri-                          conservatives. Truth Social is part of
            in a tweet that highlighted the state-  mary revenue model. Musk believes  After  the  deal  was  announced,  the  Trump’s new media company, which
            ment.                               he can increase revenue through sub-  NAACP released a statement urging  has agreed to be taken public by Digi-
                                                scriptions that give paying customers  Musk not to allow Trump, the 45th  tal World Acquisition Corp. Shares of
            The deal was cemented roughly two  a better experience — possibly even  president, back onto the platform.  DWAC dropped 16.2% Monday and
            weeks  after  the  billionaire  first  re-  an ad-free version of Twitter.  As  both  candidate  and  president,  are  down  46%  since  Musk  revealed
            vealed  a  9%  stake  in  the  platform.                                Trump  made  Twitter  a  powerful  his stake in Twitter.

                        Judge finds Donald Trump in contempt in New York legal fight

            (AP) — A New York judge  your  business  seriously,  and  he has called a politically mo-  argument  by  Habba,  who  documents left to produce by
            found  former  President  I  take  mine  seriously,”  En-  tivated  “witch  hunt.”  Dur-  insisted  repeatedly  that  she  President Trump.”
            Donald  Trump  in  con-      goron  said  in  a  Manhattan  ing  oral  arguments  Monday,  went to great lengths to com-
            tempt of court and set in  courtroom  that  was  packed  Trump attorney Alina Habba  ply with the subpoena, even  She  also  derided  the  James
            motion $10,000 daily fines  with reporters, but absent of  said  that  “Donald  Trump  traveling  to  Florida  to  ask  probe as a “political crusade”
            Monday for failing to ad-    Trump. “I hereby hold you in  does not believe he is above  Trump  specifically  whether  and  “truly  a  fishing  expedi-
            equately respond to a sub-   civil  contempt  and  fine  you  the law.”                he had in his possession any  tion,”  saying  Trump  and  his
            poena issued by the state’s  $10,000 a day” until the terms  “We  respectfully  disagree  documents that would be re-  companies  had  turned  over
            attorney general as part of  of the subpoena are met.     with the court’s decision. All  sponsive to the demand.   more  than  6  million  docu-
            a  civil  investigation  into                             documents responsive to the                               ments and paperwork related
            his business dealings.       New York Attorney General  subpoena  were  produced  to  The  judge,  though,  criti-  to 103 Trump entities over an
                                         Letitia  James,  a  Democrat,  the attorney general  months  cized the lack of explanation  eight-year period.
            Judge  Arthur  Engoron  said  had  asked  the  court  to  hold  ago,” she said.        in  the  Trump  team’s  formal
            a  contempt  finding  was  ap-  Trump in contempt after he                             response  to  the  subpoena,  “We’ve  turned  over  every-
            propriate because Trump and  missed a March 31 court-im-  James has been conducting a  telling Habba: “You can’t just  thing as fast as possible. This
            his  lawyers  hadn’t  shown  posed  deadline  to  turn  over  lengthy investigation into the  stand here and say I searched  is a waste of judicial resourc-
            they had conducted a proper  documents.                   Trump Organization, the for-  this and that.”             es,” Habba added.
            search for records sought by                              mer president’s family com-
            the subpoena.                Trump,  a  Republican,  has  pany, centering around what  And after saying he felt “like  She  also  defended  Trump’s
                                         been fighting James in court  she  has  claimed  is  a  pattern  there’s an 800-pound gorilla  character, saying: “My client
            “Mr. Trump, I know you take  over her investigation, which  of  misleading  banks  and  tax  in the room here,” he asked  is an honest person much to
                                                                      authorities about the value of  why the response to the sub-  the dismay of certain people
                                                                      his properties.              poena didn’t include an affi-  in this room.”
                                                                                                   davit from Trump.
                                                                      “Today,  justice  prevailed,”                             Trump spokespeople did not
                                                                      James  said  in  a  release  after  Habba  noted  that  Trump  immediately respond to a re-
                                                                      Engoron’s ruling. “For years,  does not send emails or text  quest for comment.
                                                                      Donald  Trump  has  tried  to  messages  and  has  no  work
                                                                      evade  the  law  and  stop  our  computer  “at  home  or  any-  Investigators  for  James  have
                                                                      lawful investigation into him  where  else.”  She  described  said in court filings that they
                                                                      and  his  company’s  finan-  the search for documents as  uncovered   evidence   that
                                                                      cial  dealings.  Today’s  ruling  “diligent.”             Trump  may  have  misstated
                                                                      makes clear: No one is above                              the  value  of  assets  like  golf
                                                                      the law.”                    “The  contempt  motion  is  courses  and  skyscrapers  on
                                                                                                   inappropriate  and  mislead-  his  financial  statements  for
                                                                      The contempt finding by the  ing,”  she  said.  “He  com-  more than a decade.
                                                                      judge came despite a spirited  plied. ... There are no more
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