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A28    u.s. news
                      Diamars 26 aPriL 2022

                           Pastor-led shelters bring schooling options to migrant kids

                                                                      dren to an alternative school  that  they  don’t  dare  leave
                                                                      that teaches everything from  their  Catholic-run  shelter,  “Education   is   important
                                                                      math  to  reading  to  dealing  she leapt at the chance for the  so  that  they  can  develop  as
                                                                      with emotions, or bringing in  children to be bused to Casa  people  and  they’ll  be  able
                                                                      specially accredited teachers.  Kolping.                  to  defend  themselves  from
                                                                                                                                whatever life will put before
                                                                      While the curriculum is not  “They say the teacher always  them,” Lucia said as she made
                                                                      religious, faith animates these  takes  good  care  of  them,  breakfast  in  the  small  com-
                                                                      projects, as it does many oth-  plays with them,” Rodas said.  munal kitchen at the shelter,
                                                                      er migrant relief efforts at the  “They feel safe there.”  where  the  family  had  lived
                                                                      border. It also informs many                              for nine months.
                                                                      of the educators, who recog-  Their  shelter,  Casa  Oscar
                                                                      nize  schooling  as  crucial  to  Romero, is named for a be-  Her  daughter  Carol,  8,  al-
                                                                      the youths’ future, including  loved Salvadoran archbishop,  ready  had  on  her  mask  and
                                                                      their  ability  to  socialize  and  known for ministering to the  pink  backpack,  ready  to  run
                                                                      eventually find jobs and feel  poor,  who  was  assassinated  ahead of the pack as soon as
                                                                      at  home  wherever  they  end  during  his  country’s  civil  the  school  bus’s  arrival  was
            (AP) — His completed ge-                                  up.                          war and later made a saint by  announced.
            ometry  exercise  in  hand  Giving them access to educa-                               Pope  Francis.  Many  housed
            and a smile lighting up his  tion is a daunting and urgent  “They  get  integrated  in  the  at this shelter and elsewhere  About  three  dozen  children
            eyes above his face mask,  challenge.                     educational  system  so  they  in Ciudad Juarez fled Central  from Casa Oscar Romero and
            Victor  Rodas  rushed  to                                 can keep gaining confidence,”  America;  growing  numbers  another religious-run shelter
            the  teacher  as  other  stu-  Just  in  this  vast  desert  me-  said Teresa Almada, who runs  of Mexican families from ar-  attend  Casa  Kolping.  First
            dents were still drawing.    tropolis  next  to  El  Paso,  Casa  Kolping,  where  Victor  eas engulfed in cartel warfare  to  third  graders  like  Carol
                                         Texas,  thousands  of  migrant  studies,  through  a  local  or-  are arriving, too.   gather in one classroom, and
            “I’m  winning  the  race!”  the  families  have  hunkered  in  ganization  funded  three  de-                       fourth  to  sixth  graders  like
            12-year-old  exclaimed.  “I’m  shelters, waiting to cross into  cades ago by lay members of  For  a  while  after  the  school  Victor  meet  across  the  hall-
            already  done,  teacher.  I  beat  the  United  States.  They’re  Catholic  parishes.  “It’s  also  program  started  in  October,  way  in  a  large  room  whose
            everyone.”                   prevented from seeking asy-  important  …  that  the  fami-  teachers  encouraged  parents  windows  frame  views  of  El
                                         lum  there  by  U.S.  policies  lies feel they’re not in hostile  to  join  their  children  in  the  Paso’s mountains.
            Being  enrolled  in  a  school  that made some wait in Mex-  territory.”               classrooms  to  build  trust.
            program  designed  for  mi-  ico  for  their  court  hearings                          Among  them  was  Lucia,  a  Across  the  border,  Victor
            grant  children  in  Ciudad  and  banned  others  under  a  Victor’s  oldest  sister,  Kath-  single  mother  of  three  who  imagines,  schools  will  be
            Juarez, Victor does have a leg  pandemic-era order set to ex-  erine  Rodas,  22,  fled  death  fled the Mexican state of Mi-  “big,  well-cared  for,”  and
            up on many others like him  pire May 23.                  threats  in  Honduras  with  choacan  after  a  drug  cartel  will help him reach his goal
            who, fleeing poverty and vio-                             him  and  two  other  siblings  “took  over  the  harvest  and  of becoming an architect. He
            lence,  lose  months  or  even  Pastor-run   shelters   have  she raised after their mother  everything”  in  their  home.  already practices drawing de-
            years  of  schooling  on  their  partnered  with  educators  to  died. While she and her hus-  She asked to be identified by  tailed  houses,  when  he  can
            journeys.                    help  —  either  busing  chil-  band  are  so  fearful  of  gangs  just her first name for safety.  find paper.

                      US promises more Ukraine aid, Biden announces veteran envoy

            (AP) — Secretary of State                                 “We  had  an  opportunity  to  President  Vladimir  Putin  foreign  service  officer,  has
            Antony  Blinken  and  De-     “The first step in winning is  demonstrate  directly  our  from going “deeper into Eu-  served  since  2019  as  ambas-
            fense   Secretary    Lloyd  believing that you can win,”  strong  ongoing  support  for  rope,” then they to speed up  sador  to  Slovakia.  She  pre-
            Austin  said  Monday  after  Austin said. “We believe that  the  Ukrainian  government  the  delivery  of  the  weapons  viously  held  assignments  in
            a secrecy-shrouded visit to  they can win if they have the  and  the  Ukrainian  people,”  requested  by  Ukraine.  He  Serbia, Cyprus, Georgia and
            Kyiv that Ukrainian Presi-   right  equipment,  the  right  Blinken  said.  “This  was,  in  said  it  takes  longer  for  part-  Uzbekistan  as  well  as  with
            dent  Volodomyr  Zelen-      support,  and  we’re  going  to  our  judgment,  an  important  ner nations to decide to pro-  the  White  House  National
            skyy is committed to win-    do  everything  we  can  ...  to  moment to be there, to have  vide  Ukraine  with  the  most  Security  Council.  The  post
            ning  his  country’s  fight  ensure that gets to them.”   face-to-face conversations in  sophisticated equipment than  requires confirmation by the
            against  Russia  and  that                                detail.”                     it does for the Ukrainians to  U.S. Senate.
            the United States will help  Asked  about  what  the  U.S.                             learn how to use it.
            him achieve that goal.       sees  as  success,  Austin  said  Blinken  said  their  meeting                        The  announcement  comes
                                         that “we want to see Ukraine  with  the  Ukrainians  lasted  Meanwhile,  as  expected,  as  American  diplomats  pre-
            “He has the mindset that they  remain  a  sovereign  country,  for  three  hours  for  wide  President  Joe  Biden  an-  pare to return to Ukraine this
            want  to  win,  and  we  have  a democratic country able to  ranging talks, including what  nounced  on  Monday  his  coming  week,  although  the
            the mindset that we want to  protect  its  sovereign  terri-  help the country needs in the  nomination of Bridget Brink  U.S. embassy in Kyiv will re-
            help them win,” Austin told  tory.  We  want  to  see  Russia  weeks ahead.            to  serve  as  U.S.  ambassador  main closed for now.a
            reporters  in  Poland,  the  day  weakened to the point where                          to  Ukraine.  Brink,  a  career
            after the three-hour face-to-  it can’t do things like invade  Ukraine’s  foreign  minister,
            face meeting with Zelenskyy  Ukraine.”                    Dmytro  Kuleba,  praised  the
            in Ukraine.                                               visit to Kyiv by Blinken and
                                         The  trip  by  Blinken  and  Lloyd  and  called  them  rep-
            Austin  said  that  the  nature  Austin  was  the  highest-level  resentatives  of  “the  country
            of  the  fight  in  Ukraine  had  American  visit  to  the  capital  that did more than any other
            changed now that Russia has  since  Russia  invaded  in  late  country in the world.” Asked
            pulled away from the wooded  February.                    whether the new announce-
            northern regions to focus on                              ments  went  far  enough,
            the  eastern  industrial  heart-  They told Zelenskyy and his  Kuleba  said  that  “as  long  as
            land of the Donbas. Because  advisers that the U.S. would  Russian  soldiers  put  a  foot
            the  nature  of  the  fight  has  provide more than $300 mil-  on Ukrainian soil, nothing is
            evolved,  so  have  Ukraine’s  lion  in  foreign  military  fi-  enough.”
            military  needs,  and  Zelen-  nancing and had approved a
            skyy is now focused on more  $165 million sale of ammuni-  Kuleba  warned  that  if  West-
            tanks, artillery and other mu-  tion.                     ern powers want Ukraine to
            nitions.                                                  win the war and stop Russian
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