Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-Sept 17 2020
P. 32
Diahuebs 17 september 2020
Fiers, lights-out bullpen help Athletics beat Rockies 3-1
(AP) — Mike Fiers threw six the tag of first baseman Josh Umpiring crew: First-base
sharp innings before turning Fuentes — who was cover- umpire Alfonso Marquez
it over to a lights-out bull- ing the plate — and touched took a ball off his leg on a
pen and the Oakland Athlet- home with his left hand as he pickoff attempt. He remained
ics snapped a six-game skid tumbled to the dirt. in the game.
against the Colorado Rockies Jake Lamb had two hits, in- Rockies: RHP Jon Gray (sore
with a 3-1 win Wednesday. cluding an RBI single as shoulder) was shut down for
part of a two-run sixth that the season. The 28-year-old
Next up, a well-earned day gave the Athletics a 3-1 lead. last pitched on Sept. 1 before
off for the Athletics, who have Lamb is 5 for 11 since agree- going on the injured list with
played 16 games in 13 days. ing to terms with Oakland on what was described as in-
They finished the stretch 9-7. Sept. 14 after being released flammation in his shoulder.
Fiers (6-2) may not throw by Arizona. He was 5 for 43 Gray finished the season 2-4
hard — his fastball routinely with the Diamondbacks this with a 6.69 ERA.
hits the upper 80s — but he season.
limited Colorado to a run by It was another hard-luck Big comeback
mixing in an effective slider loss for Rockies ace Germán Rockies manager Bud Black
and change-up. The Rockies Márquez (2-6), whose last sent a congratulatory text
were 1-for-8 with runners in win was Aug. to Nuggets coach Michael
scoring position against the Malone, whose team ral-
35-year-old Fiers. 4. After fighting with his lied from a 3-1 deficit to
The bullpen with the best command early, the hard- beat the Los Angeles Clip-
ERA in baseball took it from throwing righty found his pers in Game 7 of their play-
there. Jake Diekman struck rhythm in allowing three off series. The Nuggets are
out three over 1 1/3 innings. runs over 6 2/3 innings. He headed to the Western Con- games as the Royals captured open a three-game series
He hasn't allowed a run in 17 struck out six and issued a ference finals after their sec- a World Series title that sea- against San Francisco on Fri-
1/3 innings this season. Liam season-high four walks. ond straight comeback from son. day.
Hendriks got the final five The Rockies are trending the a 3-1 series deficit. Denver “You don’t see it a lot,” Black Rockies: Begin a four-game
outs to pick up his 13th save wrong way as they try to stay became the third team in the said of the Nuggets, who series against the NL-lead-
in 14 chances. in the playoff chase. After U.S. major pro sports to rally next face the Los Angeles ing Los Angeles Dodgers on
starting 11-3, they've gone from a pair of 3-1 deficits in Lakers. “Hopefully, they Thursday. Lefty Kyle Free-
Tony Kemp made an acrobat- 11-23 since Aug. 9. It’s the the same postseason, joining don’t get down 3-1. If they land (2-1, 3.54 ERA) goes for
ic move to score the game’s worst winning percentage in the 2003 Minnesota Wild and do, hey, they’re never out of Colorado while lefty Julio
first run. Caught in a run- the majors over that span. a squad Black knows well — it. They’ve proven that.” Urías (3-0, 3.53) throws for
down heading for home, he the 1985 Kansas City Royals. Up next the Dodgers.
somehow swerved around Trainer’s room Black appeared in five playoff Athletics: After an off day,
García hits 2-run homer in 10th, Nationals beat Rays 4-2
(AP) — Rookie Luis García These guys are giving it their the bases with two outs in tempt. series with Miami on Friday
hit a two-run homer in the all, going out and playing the seventh but then got a Rays: C Mike Zunino (left night.
10th inning and the Wash- hard.” grounder from Margot. oblique strain) could return Rays: LHP Blake Snell (4-
ington Nationals beat the AL Tampa Bay completed a early next week. ... INF Yandy 1) will start Game 1 of a
East-leading Tampa Bay Rays stretch of eight consecu- The Rays left 11 on base and Díaz (right hamstring strain) doubleheader at Baltimore
4-2 on Wednesday. tive games against last-place struck out 16 times. is playing catch but still very on Thursday. The second
With Carter Kieboom on teams at 3-5. “I feel like we couldn't get limited in running drills. game starter has not been an-
second base to start extra in- “The last 10 games we cer- a big hit when we had a lot Up next nounced.
nings, the 20-year-old García tainly haven't been firing of guys on base,” Tampa Bay Nationals: Begin a five-game
hit a leadoff drive on the first offensively,” Rays manager shortstop Willy Adames said.
pitch from Nick Anderson Kevin Cash said. “We've got “We only got the big hit when
(1-1). to get going here.” Brandon Lowe hit a homer."
“I just told him to get ready Asdrúbal Cabrera homered Numbers
for the fastball," Nationals and Austin Voth allowed one Soto has reached base safely
manager Dave Martinez said. run and four hits over five in- in 19 straight games. His lon-
"I asked him (afterwards), nings for the Nationals. Juan gest streak is a 21-game run
‘What was that pitch?' He’s Soto drew a one-out walk from Aug. 24-Sept. 16, 2018.
finally learning. He respond- from reliever Oliver Drake in ... . Adames went 0 for 4, in-
ed, ‘That’s a homer pitch.’” I the sixth and scored on Ca- cluding three strikeouts, and
said ‘atta boy.’” Anderson had brera’s homer that put Wash- has two hits in his last 32 at-
not allowed a run in his pre- ington ahead 2-1. bats.
vious 14 appearances this sea- Drake was making his first Looking ahead
son. “It's bound to happen," appearance since Aug. 8 af- The Rays will open spring
Anderson said. "I just missed ter being sidelined by right training play next year against
my spot." biceps tendinitis. Nate Lowe Minnesota on Feb. 27. The
Brandon Lowe got the Rays had an RBI double in the first workout for pitchers and
even at 2 when he hit a solo first. He has eight RBIs over catchers is scheduled for Feb.
homer off Daniel Hudson his last five games. 18, with the initial full-squad
(2-2) on a 2-2 pitch with two Voth intentionally walked session on Feb. 23.
outs in the ninth. Kyle Mc- Nate Lowe with a runner on
Gowin struck out three in the second and two outs in both Trainer’s room
10th to get his first save. the third and fifth innings Nationals: RF Adam Eaton
“The fact that we come back, and ended the threats by re- was replaced defensively in
keep playing, like I’ve said all tiring Manuel Margot. the fourth inning by Josh
along, we don’t quit,” Mar- Kyle Finnegan walked Nate Harrison after earlier bruis-
tinez said. “That’s awesome. Lowe on a 3-2 pitch to load ing a finger on a bunt at-