Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-Sept 17 2020
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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 17 september 2020

                            US charges 5 Chinese citizens in global hacking campaign

            (AP)  —  The  Justice  De-   dollars  worth  of  intellectual  of software providers, modify  Chinese Ministry of State Se-  of choosing a different path,
            partment     has   charged  property  and  trade  secrets  the source code and conduct  curity and would be protected  that of making China safe for
            five Chinese citizens with  from  companies  across  the  further attacks on the compa-  “unless  something  very  big  their  own  cyber  criminals,
            hacks targeting more than  world.                         nies'  customers.  The  Justice  happens,” and also agreed not  so long as they help with its
            100  companies  and  in-     Though  those  allegations  Department  did  not  directly  to go after domestic targets in  goals  of  stealing  intellectual
            stitutions  in  the  United  were tailored to the pandem-  link the hackers to the Chi-  China, said Deputy Attorney  property  and  stifling  free-
            States and abroad, includ-   ic,  the  charges  announced  nese  government.  But  of-  General Jeffrey Rosen.      dom.”
            ing social media and video  Wednesday — and the range  ficials  said  the  hackers  were  But some of the conduct was  There  was  no  immediate
            game companies as well as  of victims identified — were  probably  serving  as  proxies  clearly profit driven, officials  response  Wednesday  to  an
            universities  and  telecom-  significantly broader and in-  for  Beijing  because  some  of  said. Two of the Chinese de-  email seeking comment from
            munications      providers,  volved attacks done both for  the  targets,  including  pro-  fendants,  for  instance,  were  the  Chinese  Embassy  in
            officials said Wednesday.    monetary gain but also more  democracy  activists  and  stu-  charged  with  breaking  into  Washington.
                                         conventional  espionage  pur-  dents at a Taiwan university,  video  game  companies  and  The Justice Department also
            The  five  defendants  remain  poses.                     were in line with government  obtaining  digital  currency  announced that it had seized
            fugitives, but prosecutors say                            interests and didn't appear to  that was then sold for profit  hundreds  of  accounts,  serv-
            two  Malaysian  businessmen  In  unsealing  three  related  be about scoring a profit.  on  the  black  market,  offi-  ers  and  domain  names  used
            charged with conspiring with  indictments,  officials  laid  “A hacker for profit is not go-  cials said. Rosen, the Justice  by  the  defendants  and  that
            the  alleged  hackers  to  profit  out  a  wide-ranging  hacking  ing to hack a pro-democracy  Department's  No.  2  official,  it  had  worked  with  Micro-
            off the attacks on the billion-  scheme  targeting  a  variety  group,”  said  acting  U.S.  At-  criticized  the  Chinese  gov-  soft and other private sector
            dollar  video  game  industry  of  business  sectors  and  aca-  torney  Michael  Sherwin  of  ernment for what he said was  companies to deny the hack-
            were arrested in Malaysia this  demia  and  carried  out  by  a  the  District  of  Columbia,  a  failure  to  disrupt  hacking  ers continued access to tools,
            week  and  now  face  extradi-  China-based group known as  where  the  cases  were  filed.  crimes  and  to  hold  hackers  accounts  and  hacking  infra-
            tion proceedings.            APT41. That group has been  Those     targets,   including  accountable. “Ideally, I would  structure.
            The indictments are part of a  tracked  by  the  cybersecurity  some that bear the “hallmark”  be  thanking  Chinese  law
            broader effort by the Trump  firm Mandiant Threat Intel-  of  conventional  espionage,  enforcement  authorities  for  Also  Wednesday,  the  depart-
            administration to call out cy-  ligence, which described the  point  to  the  conclusion  that  their cooperation in the mat-  ment  announced  charges
            bercrimes by China. In July,  hackers  as  prolific  and  suc-  the  hackers  had  at  least  an  ter and the five Chinese hack-  against two Iranian nationals
            prosecutors  accused  hackers  cessful  at  blending  criminal  indirect connection with the  ers would now be in custody  accused of stealing hundreds
            of working with the Chinese  and  espionage  operations.  government, Sherwin said.    awaiting  trial,”  Rosen  said.  of terabytes of data in a hack-
            government to target compa-  The  hackers  relied  on  a  se-                          “Unfortunately, the record of  ing campaign targeting insti-
            nies  developing  vaccines  for  ries  of  tactics,  including  at-  In  addition,  one  of  the  five  recent years tells us that the  tutions — and perceived en-
            the coronavirus and of steal-  tacks in which they managed  defendants  told  a  colleague  Chinese  Communist  Party  emies of Iran — in the U.S.,
            ing  hundreds  of  millions  of  to compromise the networks  that he was very close to the  has  a  demonstrated  history  Europe and the Middle East.

                           Police reforms in Breonna Taylor case praised, scrutinized

             (AP) — A settlement be-     and  additional  drug  testing  said  that  they  knocked  and  cant than the unwritten atti-  places  where  they’ve  seen
            tween  the  family  of  Bre-  for officers.               announced  themselves  at  tudes  of  the  superiors  over-  tragedies.
            onna  Taylor  and  the  city                              Taylor’s  door.  The  city  of  seeing the rank and file offi-
            of  Louisville  could  bring  “I’ve worked on a lot of dif-  Louisville  passed  a  new  law  cers in any particular station,”  In  addition,  fewer  agencies
            wide-ranging  reforms  to  ferent cases,” said Pete Kras-  earlier this year, named after  Dunn,  managing  partner  of  are now imposing these rules.
            how  police  officers  live  ka,  a  criminal  justice  expert  Taylor,  that  bans  the  use  of  the Cochran Firm California,  Missouri  lawmakers  earlier
            and  work,  changes  that  and professor at Eastern Ken-  no-knock warrants.           wrote in an email to the AP.  this  month  advanced  a  bill
            would  represent  a  rare  tucky University’s School of                                “To  a  very  large  extent,  the  that would end the decades-
            outcome  in  a  police  mis-  Justice Studies. “I’ve not seen  Under   the   settlement’s  only  directive  that  a  police  long  residency  requirement
            conduct lawsuit.             a  settlement  that  included  a  guidelines,  officers  must  get  officer  will  truly  heed,  and  in St. Louis, for example.
                                         set  of  reforms  like  this  one  approval from a commander  respect,  must  come  from  Tamika Mallory is among nu-
            But  some  activists  hoping  did.  I  think  it’s  a  good  first  of higher rank than a sergeant  another  sworn,  superior  of-  merous activists in Louisville
            for deep, lasting change fear  step.”                     before  asking  a  judge  for  a  ficer.”                 who  say  police  reforms  will
            reforms  won’t  be  enough  if                            warrant.                                                  be meaningless if the officers
            not  accompanied  by  com-   But Shameka Parrish-Wright,  Kraska  said  that  he  has  One  of  the  reforms  Fisch-  involved  in  Taylor’s  death
            munity  input  and  criminal  a  community  activist,  had  worked  with  police  depart-  er  introduced  on  Tuesday  aren’t charged.
            charges  against  the  officers  hoped  the  reforms  would  ments where the number of  would provide incentives for  Taking  the  podium  after
            involved  in  Taylor’s  death.  include the involvement of a  requests  for  no-knock  war-  officers to live in the neigh-  Mayor  Fischer  spoke  on
            And a legal expert noted that  citizens  police  review  board  rants dropped by 95% when  borhoods they patrol. Com-  Tuesday,  Mallory  said  she
            even  the  most  wide-ranging  with subpoena power.       they  were  required  to  go  munity activists have argued  was encouraged by the settle-
            of  reforms  won’t  succeed  if  “You keep creating and add-  through a chief or a captain.  that  police  officers  who  live  ment but “to not have an in-
            the  people  entrusted  with  ing on top instead of uproot-  Those  in  the  higher  ranks  far removed from their beats  dictment happen in this city
            implementing  them  aren’t  ing  the  problem  from  the  are going to give the requests  are not invested in the cities  is to say that, no matter how
            onboard.                     very  root,”  Parrish-Wright  more  scrutiny,  he  said,  and  where they work.        much we pay, no matter how
                                         said.  “Every  eye  is  on  us  all  will  be  more  likely  to  say,  Some cities have police resi-  much  reform  we  do,  we’d
            Louisville   Mayor    Greg  over the world because we’ve  “‘I  don’t  see  where  you’ve  dency requirements, a move-  rather pay, we’d rather cover
            Fischer  outlined  what  he  got a chance to make reforms  made the case that you need  ment  that  took  root  in  the  it than deal with the issue.”
            described as “significant” re-  that matter.” One of the key  to  bring  a  32-person  SWAT  1970s to diversify police de-
            forms on Tuesday as part of  factors cited in Taylor’s death  team  to  the  door  of  this  partments.  In  2017,  the  city
            an  announcement  that  the  on March 13 was the type of  home.’”                      of  Sacramento,  California,
            city  would  pay  $12  million  warrant  officers  had  —  and                         began  offering  a  $5,000  in-
            to  Taylor’s  mother,  Tamika  how they got it approved —  Brian  Dunn,  a  Los  Ange-  centive to encourage officers
            Palmer.  The  measures  in-  before  they  burst  into  her  les  attorney  who  specializes  to  purchase  a  home  in  the
            clude giving officers housing  apartment and ultimately fa-  in  police  misconduct,  said  city.
            credits  to  live  in  the  neigh-  tally shot her after returning  whatever  reforms  are  ap-  But some officers take issue
            borhoods they police; requir-  fire from her boyfriend.   proved  will  only  succeed  with  living  in  the  commu-
            ing  that  only  high-ranking  The  officers  obtained  a  no-  if  the  officers’  direct  com-  nity where they work, saying
            commanders  approve  search  knock  warrant  that  would  manders are onboard.         it  forces  them  to  come  into
            warrant  requests;  involving  have  allowed  them  to  enter  “What  is  written  on  paper,  contact  with  people  they’ve
            social workers to help resolve  without  announcing  them-  and  what  is  trained  in  the  arrested  when  they’re  off-
            situations  when  necessary;  selves,  though  police  have  academy  are  far  less  signifi-  duty  or  to  routinely  revisit
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