Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-Sept 17 2020
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                                                                                                 U.s. news Diahuebs 17 september 2020

                             Judge: Louisiana must return to pandemic mail-in voting

             (AP) — Louisiana must re-   for their voting rights and our  opinion  was  “really  mea-  evidence”  to  back  up  claims  COVID-19-related  catego-
            instate coronavirus pandemic  democracy,"  Gov.  John  Bel  sured,” boiling down to “just  that  expanding  mail-in  vot-  ries — and they made up less
            voting plans used for summer  Edwards  said  in  an  emailed  go back and do what you did  ing would make fraud more  than 0.4% of total votes.
            elections  rather  than  using  statement. Edwards, a Dem-  in July and August,” Edwards  likely.  “Strikingly  absent  is  “Simple  arithmetic  indi-
            a  more  restrictive  plan  pro-  ocrat, had rejected the more  said during his monthly call-  even  a  hint  of  fraud  in  the  cates  that  a  continuation  of
            posed by the Louisiana secre-  restrictive  plan  proposed  by  in radio show. Ardoin issued  July  and  August  primaries,  the  COVID-19  excuses  for
            tary of state and approved by  Republican Secretary of State  a two-sentence statement by  where expanded mail voting  mail  voting  would  result  in
            the  Legislature  for  elections  Kyle  Ardoin  and  passed  by  email: “We have received and  was  available  to  voters  with  an additional 8,400 mail bal-
            in November and December,  the  Republican-dominated  are currently reviewing Judge  COVID-19       comorbidities,  lots,”  she  wrote.  Dick  said
            a federal judge has ruled.   Legislature. “No one should  Dick’s ruling. A decision as to  caretakers,  and  others,”  she  that disproves claims that al-
            “The state’s failure to provide  have  to  risk  their  health  or  how to proceed will be made  wrote.             lowing the same reasons for
            accommodation for pandem-    their life to vote, and I am re-  after  careful  consideration  State Commissioner of Elec-  later elections “would wreak
            ic-affected  voters  is  likely  lieved that the court agrees,"  of  the  facts  is  weighed  with  tions  Sherri  Wharton  Had-  havoc on the integrity of the
            unconstitutional  because  it  Edwards continued. "Simply  the fact that absentee voting  skey  testified  that  she  was  system.”
            imposes an undue burden on  put:  COVID-19  remains  a  currently  (is)  underway  for  already worried that workers
            Plaintiffs’ right to vote,” U.S.  serious problem in Louisiana  some voters, and early voting  wouldn't  be  able  to  tabulate  Plaintiffs  Jennifer  Hard-
            District  Chief  Judge  Shelly  and  voting  should  not  be  a  mere weeks away.”     results  on  Nov.  3  because  ing,  who  cares  for  her  71-
            Dick  of  Baton  Rouge  wrote  super spreader event.”     State  plans  to  require  poll  requests  for  mail-in  ballots  and  72-year-old  parents  and
            in her opinion Wednesday.                                 workers  to  wear  protective  from voters at least 65 years  93-year-old   grandmother,
                                         Dick  said  the  state  must  al-  equipment and to clean vot-  old  had  surged  from  about  and Jasmine Pogue, who has
            The plan used in July and Au-  low mail-in voting for people  ing  machines  after  each  use  60,000 to nearly 165,000.  asthma and a history of upper
            gust, which had five pandem-  with conditions that the U.S.  don't  go  far  enough,  Dick  “Be  that  as  it  may,  a  poten-  respiratory  infections,  were
            ic-related reasons for getting  Centers for Disease Control  wrote. She noted that voters  tial expansion of mail voting  told of the decision by email,
            mail-in  ballots,  worked  just  and  Prevention  has  listed  as  won't  be  required  to  mask  to accommodate voters with  said NAACP attorney Cath-
            fine,  she  wrote.  It  “was  not  making  people  more  vul-  up,  “social  distancing  is  as-  comorbidities  or  caretak-  erine Mesa.
            broken;  the  bumbling  at-  nerable to COVID-19, their  pirational  but  cannot  be  as-  ers  has  nothing  whatsoever
            tempts  to  fix  what  was  not  caretakers,  and  three  other  sured;  and  high  anticipated  to do with the state’s failure  “Essentially  the  court  relied
            broken have brought us to to-  groups. She also ordered ex-  voter  turnout  will  produce  to  be  prepared  to  tabulate  on medical evidence that we
            day,” she said. “Today’s ruling  pansion of early voting from  long lines.”            mail votes,” Dick wrote. She  put  forth  regarding  the  risk
            is a huge victory not only for  seven days to 10 for the Nov.                          noted that in July, only 2% of  posed by the pandemic,” she
            the  health  and  safety  of  the  3  presidential  election  but  She  said  elections  officials  voters who used mail-in bal-  said.
            people of Louisiana, but also  not for a Dec. 5 election. The  didn't  provide  “a  scintilla  of  lots  were  in  one  of  the  five

                              Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

            (AP)  —  Joe  Biden  said  “I trust vaccines, I trust scien-  first. His running mate, Ka-  briefing Wednesday. Accord-  got  to  be  based  on  who  is
            Wednesday  that  while  he  tists, but I don’t trust Donald  mala  Harris,  has  said  she  ing  to  the  proposal,  first  re-  most vulnerable.” Biden also
            trusts  what  scientists  say  Trump,"  Biden  said,  "and  at  wouldn’t  trust  Trump  to  be  sponders  and  those  “at  the  talked  about  his  proposal  to
            about  a  potential  coronavi-  this  moment,  the  American  honest about the safety of any  greatest  risk”  —  including  instate a national mask man-
            rus vaccine, he doesn’t trust  people can’t, either.”     potential  vaccine  and  wor-  those  in  nursing  homes  and  date, which he says could save
            President Donald Trump.      On    Wednesday    evening,  ries that experts and scientists  people  with  serious  preex-  tens  of  thousands  of  lives.
            His  comments  come  as  the  Trump raised new questions  would  be  “muzzled”  by  the  isting  conditions  —  would  When  Biden  first  proposed
            debate over a vaccine — how  about  the  administration's  president because he's so ea-  get the vaccine first and not  it, Trump decried the idea of
            it  will  be  evaluated  and  dis-  rollout of a vaccine when he  ger to get a vaccine approved  necessarily people in minor-  bringing  “the  full  weight  of
            tributed  when  it’s  ready  —  publicly contradicted the di-  by his stated goal of Election  ity communities, which have  the  federal  government  on
            has taken center stage in the  rector of the Centers for Dis-  Day.  The  Trump  campaign  been  disproportionately  hit  law-abiding  Americans”  to
            presidential  race  with  seven  ease Control and Prevention,  has accused Biden and Har-  by the impacts of the virus.  enforce mask-wearing.
            weeks  to  go  until  the  No-  who  said  at  a  congressional  ris  of  sowing  doubt  about  a  Biden  said  that  “children,
            vember election.             hearing  earlier  Wednesday  potential vaccine by express-  ironically,  might  be  the  last  During his event Wednesday,
                                         that  a  vaccine  wouldn’t  be  ing concerns that the approv-  people  to  get  the  vaccine”  Biden acknowledged that he
            Trump and Biden have been  broadly  available  to  most  al  process  could  be  tainted  because  it  would  take  time  wasn’t sure if he had the legal
            trading  accusations  that  the  Americans until the summer  by  politics.  On  Wednesday,  to  safely  test  the  vaccine  on  authority to sign an executive
            other  is  undermining  pub-  of 2021.                    Trump said Biden has “start-  them. "It has to be done fairly  order  imposing  a  federally
            lic  trust  in  a  potential  coro-                       ed talking negatively” because  and well," he said of the vac-  mandated  nationwide  mask
            navirus  vaccine.  Biden  has  Trump  said  that  CDC  Di-  “they know we have it or we  cine distribution. “It can’t be  mandate,  but  said  he  had
            expressed  concerns  that  the  rector  Robert  Redfield  had  will soon have it, and the an-  based  on  your  tax  returns,  sought legal advice on the is-
            vaccine  approval  process  misspoken and that the U.S.  swer to that is very soon.”   figuratively  speaking;  it’s  sue.
            could  be  politicized,  while  could start distributing a vac-  Biden,  meanwhile,  respond-
            Trump  and  his  allies  coun-  cine starting in mid-October.  ed during his Delaware event
            ter that such comments from  “I  think  he  made  a  mistake  to  the  question  of  whether
            Biden  and  other  Democrats  when he said that. I think it’s  his  comments  could  under-
            are turning off the public to a  just  incorrect  information,”  mine trust in scientists.
            potentially  lifesaving  vaccine  Trump  said  of  Redfield’s  “No,"  Biden  said,  because
            when it’s released.          comments. “When he said it,  Americans  “know  (Trump)
            Biden,  speaking  in  Wilm-  I  believe  he  was  confused.”  doesn’t  have  any  respect  for
            ington,  Delaware,  after  be-  He said he called Redfield af-  scientists.”
            ing  briefed  by  public  health  ter his testimony. “I think he  He added that the vaccine ap-
            experts  about  a  potential  just made a mistake. He just  proval process should be “to-
            vaccine,  cited  Trump’s  “in-  made  a  mistake.  I  think  he  tally  transparent”  and  evalu-
            competence and dishonesty”  misunderstood the question,  ated by a “board of scientists”
            surrounding the distribution  probably.”                  that could give the public an
            of personal protective equip-  For  his  part,  Biden  has  said  unbiased opinion.
            ment  and  coronavirus  test-  he would take a vaccine “to-  Biden also discussed a vaccine
            ing. The U.S. “can't afford to  morrow” if it were available  distribution  proposal  crafted
            repeat  those  fiascos  when  it  but  that  he  would  want  to  by public health experts and
            comes to a vaccine," he said.  “see what the scientists said”  shared  with  him  during  his
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